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Bleed Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleed Bills Blue

  1. My name is Manning, Quarterback of Broncos: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
  2. Agreed, and well said...huge game. This has been the point in many past seasons when the Bills begin to unravel, losing a majority of their middle schedule and making the playoffs dependent on increasingly improbable scenarios. Injuries have often figured into this, and we now have those visiting us again. This is the time when our roster depth and ability to adapt will be tested, along with that "mental toughness" that has too often been in short supply. So we'll see which team shows up in NY tomorrow. Going into the by 5-3, on a winning note, would be a major confidence booster and give more breathing room for making the playoffs later. No moral victories tomorrow, we badly need a W. A real playoff team should be able to pull that off against the Jets.
  3. The opener was a disaster...took 45 minutes to get through the gates. Now it's great, only takes 5 minutes to get through! Don't know what they did, but it's much faster now than last year. In the negative column, the new food just sucks. I would spend good money if they would only offer something worth eating. Oh, and the seat cushion I paid $50 for gets water inside and my butt gets wet when I sit on it. That said, keep winning games and I don't much care about any of the above!
  4. Well, yes, Marrone may believe in him, but Eric is also a man respected by his peers.
  5. "Right guard Erik Pears (6-8, 305) is a mobile mauler. He plays with quickness, balance, and strength." Who knew?
  6. Is getting some space the same as getting up a head of steam? Because I think Hughes could do great things if he could get up a head of steam. Line him up 5 yards further back if that will do it.
  7. "Orton is the fifth NFL quarterback since 1960 to record a 300-yard passing game with five teams in his career joining Kerry Collins, Steve Deberg, Gus Frerotte, and Vinny Testeverde." He seems to fit in pretty naturally with this bunch. Hopefully he ends up his career better than all of them and takes us far.
  8. And will Doug Marrone be able to go toe to toe with the hooded mastermind as per in-game decisions and adjustments?
  9. Well, he said he promised his son that he'd play four more seasons (three beyond this one), so we still have some time to enjoy. We can understand when he retires in 2018 after scoring the winning touchdown in Superbowl LII.
  10. Seeing how pumped he was running on the field after the game showed that, too. He's a total professional and obviously a competitor; and he wants to win. He's a great fit for this team and this town.
  11. Right now, I wouldn't even mind if we were led to the playoffs by a hard-drinking, cigar-smoking party animal from off the street. oh, wait...
  12. And he took a beating on a whole lot of plays!
  13. And, even though hurt, he came back in the game at crunch time.
  14. Two losses on the road with efforts like this and the calls for Kyle will be starting.
  15. 77+74+70+79+66 / 3 = 122 12+2 = 14 Ok, this is getting weird...
  16. I like it...but I think you may have to toss in some defensive bait like Mario to get them to bite. :blink:
  17. Truck is packed, we're heading out soon. Add five more voices to the beatdown chorus.
  18. I ain't 'fraid of no boasts! That the home opener comes against Miami is even sweeter, said (Mike) Williams, who said his mother made sure he grew up “hating the Dolphins.” Ha, that is beyond awesome.
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