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Bleed Bills Blue

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Posts posted by Bleed Bills Blue

  1. So hard to square the QB we've seen the last few weeks with the one who won the Vikings game. I think there's no way Marrone won't start Orton this week; but, at this point, I'd rather see EJ, if only because I feel like I've been kicked in the nuts by both Orton and Marrone, and I'm sick of them both.

  2. I went to bed last night early in such a good mood...I guess that's what you do when you're a playoff caliber team...you find ways to win in the pinch.


    When I saw Rivers huddling with a composed, confident looking Frank Reich on the sidelines during the tying touchdown drive...that's when I felt the hammer of doom begin to drop.


    Postscript: The Jim Beam is buried under 50 metric tons of gifts in the car. Contemplating...


    This is no time for New York to be banning powdered alcohol.

  3. Scanning through the donors, I notice there are lots of fans of other teams...Cowboys, Lions, etc. How about Janice Torbet, who gave $100:


    "From the Raider Nation, to one of the Bills who whopped us so badly in the Jan. 20, 1991 AFC title game."


    Or Paul Richardson, who also gave $100:


    "As an Oiler fan I hated the Bills, for obvious reasons, but I respected the hell out of every player. Especially the heart and soul of their defense. Good luck Darryl, don't give up!"


    I also see a lot of comments from folks who don't remember, or were too young to have watched Talley, on how the NFL needs to step up and do more. If nothing else, this is raising some badly needed awareness like few other stories have. Maybe because there's still hope for intervention and not a suicide, after the fact.


    Some notable donors (real or not):


    Takeo Spikes $500

    London Fletcher 1000

    Peter King 250

    Ryan Miller 100

    Mike Williams?? 100 :lol:



    And many anonymous $500 & $1000 donors. Got to be quite a few current and former players in that bunch!

  4. It's just so great that the nation now gets to see such a positive story about our team and region after the endless snowtorm coverage.


    A story about a proud, sacrificing man who has become the victim of circumstances beyond his control and the community that wants to show him that he matters to them in his time of dispair. Wait....... I think Frank Capra has already told that story.



  5. "The way Orton sees it, after all of the tangled tests of his career, what is left of it is too short and too important to waste on dallying. He is direct and he is blunt in his goals and play on and off the field."


    I like this line. Brings to mind his blunt answer to Sully about the "crap question" he asked him. I think he knows he hopped aboard the Bills bus just as the ol' karmic wheel was finally starting to turn upwards, and he intends to make the most of the opportunity. Let's hope he can help write one of the best stories in the NFL over the next few years.

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