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Bleed Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleed Bills Blue

  1. Just think what a great national story it will be when we come back 25 years later and win SB 50!
  2. Hey, thanks for letting the air out of our football guys. He's better than what we had...by a lot. And, just maybe, he's got the ability to self-scout and improve. As he himself has said, this may be his last go round as head coach. So I think he's aware of his opportunity. Only time will tell. I do believe we now have an owner who won't be afraid to pull the plug if things head south, whatever the cost. But I am strongly optimistic, it's in my DNA as a Bills fan.
  3. Ok, I'm in...but can we please hold for field goals on the left hash mark?
  4. Ha, maybe it's deliberate. Fine with me if Robert Kraft underestimates him this way...
  5. So much for the Pegulas being "shocked", sucker punched...lol.
  6. The Broncos are just complying with the Loony Rule by interviewing a candidate with mental/emotional handicaps.
  7. I really enjoyed your post, thanks for sharing it. Maybe the dark days are finally coming to an end!
  8. After what his dad did to us, I'm not sure if it would be good or bad karma to have him on the team.
  9. Exactly. The past 15 years has seen the playing out to our detriment of two parallel events: The emergence and consistent excellence of Tom Brady and the slow dissolution of our organization under an aging, increasingly out-of-touch owner. The latter reality is now history. Next season, the first full one of the Pegula era, looks to be very different from those to which we've grown accustomed. And the former reality? Well, the same specter now knocking on Peyton Manning's door is coming for Tom Brady next. No more kissing Patriot rings and ass. To be the best you have to beat throttle the best.
  10. It's like sex and raw sex...it's all good, and you definitely want both.
  11. I like the way you put it, and it's amazing to me that so many internet GM wannabes want to replace him with a hope and change prospect. No one bats a thousand, right? On balance, I think he's rounding into the best talent architect we've had in some time, especially considering the dysfunction he's had to work in. And he's still young, with room to grow and improve. You know, the best teams in the league have strong, consistent organizations that work together toward a well-defined, common goal. Let's hope the Pegulas and Whaley are currently laying the foundations for just such a Bills organization. God knows, with an aging Ralph Wilson, we haven't had a franchise structure like that in forever. Such an organiztion, combined with the right player talent, will get us where we all want to be.
  12. She and Kim would really shake up the ol' boy network!
  13. From Yahoo Sports: "Mike Pereira, the well-respected former vice president of officiating in the NFL, was in the booth for Fox’s broadcast and said he thought it was pass interference and wrong of the officials to reverse the call." Mike Pereira ✔ @MikePereira Follow I am out of here. Biggest call was the DPI pickup. It was DPI and it was defensive holding as well. Not good. 7:58 PM - 4 Jan 2015
  14. Duh, the plural of Pegula is Pegulii. Or maybe I'm just being a wise as's?
  15. Slinks out of Buffalo like a thief in the night, but I bet he gives a long-winded BS speech when he's announced in NY. I predict he'll be a bit hit down there after he turns water into beer and raises Fireman Ed from the dead.
  16. Absolutely. A building is only as good as the foundation on which it rests. Let's build an organization that will be top notch for the long haul.
  17. Yes, trade a fifth...of Jack Daniels, if Orton gives the go ahead.
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