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Big Turk

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Everything posted by Big Turk

  1. C'mon McKenzie....you gotta make that play, the ball was right there and it was a first down.
  2. Looking like a defensive game we are going to need to win 17-13
  3. Yeah...he has been a lot better lately but that wasn't one of his finest moments...he literally blocked himself and ran into the blocker who was kinda just standing there.
  4. No Jaquan Johnson on those outside runs tomorrow...he killed us on at least 2, allowing Carter to get 20+ yard gains with terrible angles.
  5. Yeah I know they are...I have a full sleeve myself. I am specifically talking about neck tattoos
  6. Likely because they didn't like Elam's run support tackling and with Stephenson, they wanted to ensure they had better tacklers in there since their WRs were milk toast
  7. It's not a lateral. It's a legal forward pass from behind the line of scrimmage.
  8. What is with all the neck tattoos?? They look like unemployable thugs. Disaster averted...but they tried to sieze defeat from the jaws of victory even in the kicks
  9. Uh no...would they get rid of a legal forward pass?
  10. I think it would be way more fun to decide games with actual soccer playing than shootouts. Maybe alternate 1.5 minute 6 on 5s in the offensive half. Kinda like college football. Play is dead if the defense clears it over midfield or the offense takes a shot that results in a goal kick. Keeps going back and forth until one team scores and the other doesn't. Would be far more fun to watch and a more fitting display of soccer deciding the outcome versus penalty shots. Had a flurry of chances to win it at the end...if they lose on kicks, it will be embarrassing. First give up 2 goals late to tie, including a last minute one. Then can't close it out with multiple chances at the end.
  11. Milano and Dawkins listed as Questionable... More optimistic with Dawkins as he was upgraded to FP on Friday...Milano upgraded to from DNP to LP but usually that means they aren't playing Sunday based on this year's history.
  12. I didn't know it ever was...when was that? Apparently tho it still COULD be...but never is. "Once an official spots an offensive holding penalty, this will result in a 10-yard penalty, or half a distance to the goal line if the line of scrimmage is less than 20 yards from the offense’s end zone. However, it could be bumped up to a 15-yard penalty if the refs deem the blocker’s excessive aggression."
  13. Foregone conclusion Eagles would come out on top. Philly in general has a lot of AHoles that live there. Not sure how much of it is real and how much of it is people trying to fit in with the culture there where it seems en vogue to be a Dbag as much as possible to others. City of Brotherly Love my ass.
  14. Yeah...the thing that was most frustrating especially during the later drought years is those teams were not actually "bad" for the most part. They had some talent but the issue was they had no real plan in terms of where they wanted to go and how to get there. They'd rarely beat good teams, but even then, it almost defied the law of averages that they wouldn't have snuck into the playoffs at least once just based on luck
  15. Allen is also the winningest QB in Bills history that has any significant starts for us. Allen .658 Kelly .631 Flutie .590 Kemp .574 Taylor .523
  16. He looked pretty good in the Steeler game.
  17. Very small sample size. Likely irrelevant.
  18. How is this even possible?? I guess the best thing when playing against the Raiders it to let them get a big leave in the first half? Then you have them right where you want them 😂
  19. All part of rules designed to help the offense and score more points for the fans and to increase popularity. The casual fans who are the biggest demographic want to see points scored when they go to games, not defensive struggles. Perhaps separate the types of DPI? Egregious/non-egregious?
  20. Likely due to either his decision making, route running or not doing what he is supposed/being where he is supposed to within the plays.
  21. Just hold at your own 10 yard line or inside it and you get a discount. Because you get an automatic first down as well? The equivalent for the offense would for it to be made 4th down immediately regardless of what down the hold occurred on.
  22. They aren't there to give information tactically...they are there to say as much as possible without actually saying anything.
  23. Wonder how many games Allen will lead this stat by when he retires. Most 300 yard passing games with 50+ yards rushing. Currently 2nd only to Steve Young who had 8 such games.
  24. Forgot to add John Brown to the WR list...I think he may play a bigger role than people think down the stretch
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