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Big Turk

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Posts posted by Big Turk

  1. My problem is they put a QB who has no sense of a backside blitz coming into a situation where he has to get rid of a ball before an unblocked rusher got to him by design. Now, the Bills had just watched Losman get sacked and fumble from the blindside earlier in the game. What the hell are they doing asking him to run the same type of play?? Why use the FB as the primary read on the play? The guy has 2 catches for -1 yards on the season. Why not run the little TE rollout play they have run with great success this year, if they HAVE to do a rollout?


    My problem stems from the coaches put the QB in a position he is not good at handling, and then got upset when he didn't handle it. They should have known that result was as likely as any other based o Losman's skill set and lacking skill set. The fact they called that play shows the coaches do not understand their players and their strengths and weaknesses very well at all, which is probably why the players seem to be in position to not make plays more than they are in position to make plays.

  2. You know, I almost feel bad about how the whole JP thing turned out. It seems like just yesterday that JP was rallying people into cleaning up the West Side, was viewed at Sabres playoff games and enjoying camera time...You really felt the guy could become that next face of the franchise we were so desparate for since Jim Kelly departed...wait a minute, I think he may have become the face of the franchise - a manifestation of poor draft picks, laughably coached and unable to execute the most remedial of plays, desparately desiring to put WNY in the rearview mirror. How 'bout that, it did work out...


    Well, that is all great and everything, but unfortunately his job was to win football games and not look clueless, which he didn't manage to accomplish. The guy has no sense of oncoming blitzers, can't get rid of the ball to save his life and has sack/fumbles happen to him as much as any QB in the league because of it. He is a liability for any team he plays on. He does not help your team win, he helps your team get close enough to win and then screws things up.

  3. Take this for what it is worth, because it is only my opinion. You need to decide if you would be happy with it.


    I am generally happy with the overall talent



    DIE HARD 1967


    I too don't think talent is the issue---I think a good head coach would have this team leading the division right now, and Jauron is not that coach. Talent always appears to be worse than it really is on teams with bad head coaches because they can't get the most out of their players, put them in situations that doesn't maximize their abilities, or don't know how to use their abilities.

  4. Taking a look at Hamdan is the right thing to do.

    It doesn't matter what the players love. Jauron is not getting the most out of them, he's a career loser, he has had 3 seasons here, all losers, he always will be a loser, and he MUST GO!!!!


    usually players love coaches because they take it easy on them and don't force them to push themselves. These coaches are usually equated with coaches who lose more games than they win. Coaches like Parcells, Bellichick, Jimmy Johnson, and Coughlin are coaches that are disliked and FEARED by players because they know if they don't bring it every game, they are gonna get their asses chewed out or cut...


    The players hate them, but at the end of the day they win precisely because these coaches push their players harder than the players would normally push themselves.

  5. yeah, our coaching staff might have some bright guys, but there is a big difference about being smart with x's and o's on a chalkboard during weekly prep meetings, which they usually do a very good job of, and actually knowing when to use plays and when they will have a good chance of succeeding against a team. That is where our coaching staff fails miserably. They call plays with no specific rhyme or reason seemingly. They don't have anything they are trying to attack on a defense. They just call a play here, a play there, if it works then great, if not then just call another play. No plan of action, just call whatever on a whim...


    the fact that they would call that type of play to our fullback shows they are clueless. It would be different if we had Larry Centers or Moose Johnston, but we don't. Our FB is a lead blocker with poor receiving skills. Why not call that TE drag off the play action that has already worked like 5 times this year with the TE being wide open every time? Its a 5 yard throw off a rollout, and at least he would have gotten off the line...


    Why not throw a playaction screen to the backside? A playaction swing to Lynch or Jackson? A naked bootleg for Losman to take off for a first down? Do they forget Losman is a pretty good scrambler that can likely outrun any D-lineman in pursuit? I just don't understand what they are thinking when they are calling these plays. It seems like these kind of bonehead decisions only happen on our team, and they happen repeatedly each year. Why would they put their backup QB in a position where he is forced to sense a backside blitz, knowing that he repeatedly gets sacked and fumbles on such plays in the past, including once during this week's game? Losman has perhaps the worst sense of an oncoming blitzer of any QB in the NFL right now. He just doesn't ever sense it, which is why he fumbles so many times.


    All of these things make no sense. Yet to our coaching staff, they make perfect sense. There is a difference between x's and o's smarts and gameday smarts, the feeling of when to call certain plays and when to not call them....they repeatedly make the wrong decisions in these areas and have cost us a lot of games over the past few years because of it...

  6. maybe he shouldn't have let a pass go through his hands or stand by on the last hail mary of the game

    and not give an effort to catch the ball.


    yeah, he was probably expecting a pass to his numbers considering he was only about 8 yards away from Losman who was under no pressure at all...instead he threw the ball over his head and made Reed jump about as high as he could...another great throw for Losman...perhaps he should have stuck to throwing 3 or 4 yard passes...

  7. Josh Reed looked pissed, frustrated, dejected, and every other adjective you could use. He started talking about what happened normally, and then his voice started quivering, shaking and he sounded like he was about to start crying...he finished with


    "when it comes down to something like that, when you could have had more control over it, and for it to just slip away....as a player what are you supposed to do..."


    Sounds like he wasn't real happy with the play call and I can really understand his frustration....

  8. I liked him too...he always had the answers for everything and what they should be doing, although he didn't do too well of a job when he had control of everything, but his insights and explanations were pretty cool. Gave the average fan a lot more to think about when calling plays and what is going on out on the field....

  9. not obvious to ours? You know...like running the ball on 2nd and 5 when you are trying to kill the clock and your RB is averaging over 6 YPC in the game...like trying to get closer when you are at the 30 yard line with over a minute and a half left in the game and all of your time outs instead of running 3 times into the line to settle for a 47 yard FG try...like allowing teams to complete passes out of bounds with virtually no time left and no time outs so they can kick a game winning FG...


    this team consistently makes the wrong calls at the wrong times and costs themselves games in new and excruciatingly painful ways week after week...


    when is it going to all end....

  10. Not to mention that the target was the fullback, who has caught 2 passes ALL YEAR for a total of -1 yards. What were they expecting to happen here? What if he caught the ball.....he would likely lose yards. But he failed to get free.


    I contend that there was no logical reason whatsoever to call the play. None. That call cost them a hard-earned victory, and a shot at the playoffs. It was the worst call I've ever seen. I cannot believe the Bills found a way to lose that game.


    They have run similar play with Edwards where he rolls out and hits Schouman dragging across the formation for big first downs late in the game, but he is a TE and has been wide open every time they have called it. Why change it to a FB. As for me, the worst calls I have seen wan't that one, but another set of calls made this year, namely to run the ball 3 times when they got to the 30 yard line against Cleveland with tons of time on the clock...


    If I was a player I would have flipped out in that locker room today...they bust their butts all week and play a pretty good game, especially the defense, who held the Jets to 0 first downs in the 4th quarter, but amazingly, still managed to score 10 points with 0 first downs. Only against the Bills...

  11. Losman, the QB who might have the WORST pocket presence in the NFL, was trusted to sense the blitz coming and dump the ball to the FB or to throw it away if he wasn't open, according to Schonert. "He's got to see the blitz, and when the fullback gets stuffed immediately he's got to either protect it or just throw it away," Schonert said.


    So what does Losman do?


    1) Not sense the blitz

    2) Not throw to the FB who never got into the pattern

    3) Not throw the ball away

    4) Not protect the ball


    I mean, really? The coaching staff puts Losman in a position where he is required to do his worst thing(recognize blitzes) at the most critical time of the game? I mean are you kidding me...you are supposed to play to your players strengths and not play to their weaknesses. The coaches are ridiculous. They know Losman is horrible at recognizing blitzes and prone to sack/fumbles from the blind side(he already had one earlier in the game the Bills recovered), yet they put him and the team in a situation where he has a higher percentage to fail. Run a bootleg on the play, run the ball, but don't have Losman rollout and stand there with a deer in the headlights look waiting for a receiver to get open, hoping he senses a blitz from his blindside.


    Coaching blunders have cost this team AT LEAST 2 games, and probably 3 this year. At some point you have to realize that some people just aren't very good at making quick decisions correctly, and when that is your head coach/offensive coordinator, who although he was told to pass the ball did not have to call that pass play...


    I know the players still need to execute the play properly, but at the same time, they need to be given a play that is going to play to their players strengths and have a high percentage of succeeding.

  12. I guess all the union workers who are being paid $30/hr to do a job that an $8/hr temp worker could do on an assembly line are going to have a reality check. Mainly being that no other job out there is going to pay that much to do a relatively simple job. When managers and other positions requiring education are being outpayed by something requiring no education and little skill, you can see why the US automakers are going bankrupt...

  13. Jets might be built more for a one and done type season than any other team in the NFL---they spent a lot of money on aging veterans who are gonna need to be replaced or will be in serious decline after this year, especially Favre who will likely retire. Once that happens you can expect them to miss the playoffs for the forseeable future as they try and find a QB...

  14. Lets stop talking pie in the sky. Its gonna be another retread who has lost at every other coaching stop that commands no more than 2 million per year, or a first year coordinator who is not in high demand and can be had cheaply and who will undoubtedly fail...


    It astounds me how Ralph will millions on free agents in the offseason, but he won't spend an extra 3 million per year on a coach who could allow you to spend less on free agents because he could do more with the current talent. Is there any doubt that a coach like Bill Belichick or Jeff Fisher would have this team in the AFC East drivers seat?? No doubts in my mind. It is really inexcusable for this team to have to win this week to have the same record after 14 games as they did last year. They have better players, last years team was a bunch of 3rd stringers forced to start..

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