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Everything posted by True

  1. Lived JUST down the road for years! If I was still there, would be there every away game.
  2. This game made me sick... almost to the point where I threw up. I was moaning about the poor snaps and BANG, off go the commentators about it. B.
  3. When the NHL jerseys were taken over by Reebok, almost every team had a new design... most of them sucked. (LA, Vancouver, Toronto WERE the worst, Phoenix was AWESOME) Jersey changes are to drive up sales... not to make us happy! The slim fit... the piping? geezus B.
  4. OK, so happy birthday... but I will not call you MISTER. B.
  5. Agree with all your points, actually during the game I actually said that Fitz MIGHT get the first 300 yard pass game for the Bills since 2006. Only point I disagree with is that 11 has always been a decent wideout, it's the size that hurts him... if Hardy had his talent, he wouldn't be serving burgers. B.
  6. That would be ideal, but I think we all know the best we might get would be a 3rd rounder. His play of late as "The Showcase" seems to have increased his value. B.
  7. Please don't slag our best run-stuffer... He is a sack machine! B.
  8. The UFL is DROOLING at getting another championship caliber QB from their farm league. (AKA The Buffalo Bills) TECMO BOWL? Can we start Bo then? B.
  9. Im getting antsy, trying to put together the road trip playlist and we NEED this for the bloody thing... Any other suggestions would be appreciated. B.
  10. Can the WHOLE TEAM, ride the MADDEN CRUISER? Oh bloody hell. the season isnt* over yet and UGH... I give up B.
  11. I was doing laundry... (yeah) And my wife (who wasnt doing laundry) Ran in screaming that OUR DICK WAS GONE! After a quick shorts check... I was like WTH? Yo? She says " On the Tellyvision!" DAMN YOU WGR! Why can I never scoop this woman, its like Ben & Jerrys pwned me again. Also, I am not even happy. B.
  12. OK, this weeks show was TOO short. Also, Bette Midler? Come friggen on. Thats bloody Wrong. I need to go vote. CIAO. B.
  13. Thanks for the write up. The NFL DOES have a dev league, its called the CFL. It reformed Ricky Williams. B.
  14. I've said it at least 3 times... Anchor Bar is a trap, but one of my buds (not a dentist BTW) who is from the area as well, actually likes the Anchor. Heck, honestly, my fave wings are from Milligans beside the stadium. (Im not a dentist, but I have most of my baby teeth in a jar) B.
  15. Hang on.. Wasnt Brown playing Kicker AND RB for the Texans last week? SOMETHING IS FISHY! B.
  16. Thats BOGUS! CSI would have figured that out in less than an hour, so I call you out for BS! B.
  17. IF you need someone to come over and sleep on your couch and say witty things... I am in. Also, I have a decent arm for a kicker. B.
  18. Bass Pro has nanotechnology? Sorry. Anyways, I'm getting so pissed off at all the WNY people who have this "WOE IS ME" attitude!!! STop complaining about a "city in decline" and start thinking positive! Buffalo will never have its industrial roots back, most of the cities in North America are going AWAY from manufacturing. Those grain elevators will never be full again guys... The way to make the city shine is PRIDE! Believe in yourselves and your city. We do NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT! NEED A NEW STADIUM! I have said this before, the press box needs to be moved to the tunnel end, as it was SUPPOSED to 2 years ago as per County/State funding... Also, the concourses need to be redone, new concessions, bars, restaurants, PERHAPS URINALS!! large atrium... (See GREEN BAY) So thats what... $100 million perhaps? And we would lose the LIMO lot? Big deal! Also, first team to move will be RAMS to City of Industry! B.
  19. Can I pad my post count in this thread too? B.
  20. FINALLY! Someone that understands HOW I FEEL! Also, Dick SUCKS! B.
  21. Sweet! I didnt know if you were doing a bye week show. I did not get my comments in either or vote. POO. B.
  22. "Theres a hole in the bottom of the Sea" B.
  23. HAR HAR! Carly says nobody does it better! B.
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