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Everything posted by BillsBabe

  1. GREAT point -- FINALLY -- Scurdog! The answer? Because TD got RID of all the WINNERS at Buffalo. DUH! But, hey -- ya FINALLY answered your OWN dilemma!
  2. Curdog (oops -- Scurdog) -- I'm fairly certain the point is that you can't base anyone's NFL career on ONE draft/season. Dwight Adams did have a lot of input in the 2001 draft, all TD had done was watch TV. It was a "decent" draft -- not the best, certainly not the worst. Scurdog -- you're digging your proverbial grave on here.
  3. Scurdog -- I will repeat -- S-L-O-W-L-Y ---- 25 (total) players active TODAY -- several wearing Super Bowl rings.
  4. He would. But, I doubt he'll be asked. Some people find the taste of crow to be unbearable.
  5. Scurdog -- there are still 25 players active TODAY in the NFL drafted by Dwight Adams. And several are wearing Super Bowl rings.
  6. It's unbelievable to me that a season ticket holder since '75 has no idea who Dwight Adams was/is. But, OK -- I guess some are simply "season ticket holders" and some are actual fans and followers.
  7. BDelma --- he's not 80. And even if he were -- what's your point? Don't even get this board started about people in history over 70 who have made great contributions to society. And, i don't recommend you get this board started about Dwights Adams' contributions to the Buffalo Bills.
  8. I don't know anything yall dont know -- just that losing Dwight Adams was ONE of the first steps to the downfall of the Bills' empire, and Ralphie would be a GENIUS to bring him back, even if only as a "consultant." But, maybe I do know someone!!!
  9. Those of you who don't know who/what I am talking about are true "newbies." We welcome ALL Bills fans, of course -- "new" and "old." But, we "oldtimers" remember the Glory Days and want them BACK!!!!! Bringing Adams back would be one of the first steps. Check back on Monday for a little enlightenment!
  10. Enough said.
  11. Yep -- seems more like a lifetime ago! Or at least a team's lifetime ago
  12. NOT true. He hasn't scouted for the Chargers since '91.
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