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  1. Don't get me wrong -- i realize age is a factor in EITHER direction! You also wouldn't draft an 18 yo QB (well, I would hope not anyway!). That said, talent is talent. I'll re-state what I wrote earlier -- I think the team might be better served with Marv (and Dwight) in a CONSULTANT position. The Marv thing -- yeah, it'll happen. The Dwight thing -- probably not. Sad.
  2. I'm banking on the "consultant" position -- but I could be wrong! Been there done that! LOL! I really can't imagine Levy wanting to be the GM -- BUT -- who knows! We'll soon shall see!
  3. And your point is ..............????? Not to start a political discussion, but how old was Reagan during his first admin? And how old is Bush now? I'm just guessing, but I'm pretty sure that most U.S. Presidents held office during their late 60s early 70s. Just an observation!
  4. Not to beat that horse again, BUT -- how about a "Where's Dwight?" sign!!!??? Oh -- and let's keep Mularkey! Give him a chance!
  5. You'r an idiot! Good riddance!
  6. EXACTLY!! If ANYONE should be a "fair weather fan," it should be me! Yet, my blood STIIL runneth red, white, and BLUE!! Go Bills!!!! Woo hoo!
  7. GREAT idea!! Wish I had thought of it!! LOL!! Smart man, you are!
  8. Join the club! I guess in "Corporate America" loyalty truly is worthless. Sad.
  9. Best case: they'll bring in an aforementioned seasoned consultant for expert advice Worst case: they wont
  10. Yes. Don't know exact date, but, yes.
  11. Dwight Adams would be an asset to any team. I doubt very seriously that postings on this board -- informative and great as it may be -- could fulfill any so-called "agenda" anyone might have. Or maybe I misunderstood -- or missed altogether -- your question?
  12. Again, "hypothetical IFs" are pure fantasy. And how does "if we were in the NFC" translate into "I was referring to staying with Donahoe?" Plus, I NEVER suggested Donahoe be replaced. At least not in this thread. Although, come to think of it .....
  13. Explain how us moving to the (powerhouse) NFC would be a better deal for us?? Plus, it just ain't gonna happen.
  14. The MAJOR difference between MY "if" and yours?? Mine is POSSIBLE!!! Yours is based on, well, fantasy.
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