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Posts posted by LABills08

  1. Just trade him for something if possible please


    Bills can't get more than a 4th round pick for a dude who has sat out all offseason and is owed 8 million dollars for this season and beyond. Furthermore, Bills have 0 leverage in any trade discussions (unless multiple teams show interest).



    I think this is a very positive sign to be honest. I mean, first off, this whole Schobel spectacle was a huge joke. It didn't make the franchise look all that great. I know its a banal platitude, but it was time to show Schobel who was boss. Don't forget that he was going to be collecting a pay check until he retired. It was by the far the most overt insult to the Bills since the Peters hold out.


    By the way, who is to say he was going to be all that great at OLB in a 3-4? I imagine he would have adapted, but I don't think he is built for that kind of role. Not at his age. I would have taken him over Kelsay to be sure, but again, I too share the belief that Kelsay might be on the outs this season. He has no position.


    Also, the Bills wouldn't have done this JUST to make a point. They clearly have faith in the talent taking Schobel's spot.

  2. I tried to put it up here before the 200 other threads about this go.


    I will say this, about time. I'm sure Nix decided they had enough of this. And I don't blame them. Schobel was putting them in a terrible spot and it was incredibly unprofessional.


    I'm not quite sure how this board can be on Spiller's case (and Maybin's last year), but give Schobel a pass. Everyone was ready to welcome him back with open arms it seemed. Yea, I know he was upfront about his uncertainty. What he wasn't upfront about was that he was going to drag it on to the extent he did. Not fair to the coaches, nor to the players who are out there working hard everyday. And I imagine Gailey finally said, "look, I'm not going to look one of our young linebackers in the eye and say you are cut b/c Schobel decided to come back from his 8 month hiatus". Wouldn't be the right message to send to the team and I'm glad they made this decision.

  3. Ok, so now we have gotten into baseball inaccuracies ... it is JEFF TORBORG http://www.baseball-almanac.com/players/pl...php?p=torboje01


    As for our #1's ... we aren't the only team to have screwed up on making draft day picks in ROUND ONE ...


    But, I do believe that McCargo will be amongst the earliest cuts this summer ... we should have known better with that one.


    As much as I don't like the character that Lynch has become, I am hopeful that he will return to BEAST mode with the new coaching and be a contributor to the team and possibly trade bait for a contending team that loses a running back early in the season.


    This board is much too harch on Whitner. He is not the glamour guy in the backfield but he plays all the DB positions well enough to merit being called 'above average.' He has had to constantly adjust according to the injuries and coaching schemes we have used. He it not going to get the interceptions of a BYRD but he has been a solid player plus one of the few players who have been willing to at least attempt to create some team spirit.


    McKelvin showed glimpses of promise his rookie year and so he made a glaring mistake last year but the position he plays showcases mistakes as well as successes. It is beginning to look like he is going to be the nickle back this year but his attitude seems right and hopefully his talent will rise to the occasion.


    Mr. May-Be - Ok, so the most he has shown us so far is that he can party with strippers, tweat with the best of them and hit one his team's best players in the back when the play is long over. Even though I am with WOOD in screaming about this guy not earning his money ... there is a chance that this new defensive scheme might be perfect for this light-weight. I am not overly confident but there is always hope.


    What all of this first round nonsense proves is that there needs to be a rookie pay scale that locks first rounders to a set pay level until they prove themselves. These kids do not deserve to be paid more than what the successful players at their position are being paid.


    And, again ... for you non-baseball fans attempting to be baseball experts ... his name is JEFF TORBORG (nothing related to Star Trek)! :ph34r:


    McKelvin will be starting over Florence. Florence will be nickel back.

  4. That is fair. Maybe I was overzealous in saying Maybin and Nelson would be pushing for starting spots on a lot of NFL teams.


    I'm not a Bills homer who overhypes our prospects. I just think Nelson is a special kid who is going to have a breakout year, so long as the ball is thrown his way. In the right system, Nelson has the chance to catch 40 balls. The question is whether Gailey will pass the ball enough to give a 2nd year guy that many chances. Our young kids never had a chance to get involved under Dick, so it will be interesting to see what Gailey does.


    As for Maybin, maybe you are right. I just think the 3-4 suits him very well. Remember that Torbor has played the 3-4 before and that could easily be why he is seeing 1st team reps. Maybin is 21, has had 0 TC experience and never has played OLB. There is a steep learning curve. If Edwards thinks that Maybin is holding up the 1st team bc he has more to learn, than I can see why Torbor would be thrown in there in respect to efficiency (remember, Torbor played under Edwards all last season).

    There is no way Maybin gets less reps than Torbor once the season comes around. I expect to see Maybin at weakside for the majority of passing plays no matter what. But, I really hope he gets reps against the run. He is not that undersized for a linebacker and should be able to make some plays against the run. Don't forget, the kid is an athlete and he hustles. You can say whatever you want about him, but you can't deny him those basic traits. And so long as a football player has that, you can't criticize him too much. He might might be a pro-bowler, but I think he'll have some big moments.

  5. I am the first to acknowledge that it isn't reasonable to expect every first round draft choice to blossom into

    a star player. It isn't just the Bills, every team has misses early. However, the Bills have had several big

    misses in the recent past that help explain why the team is re-building continuously.


    I know that it is early in camp and we can hope that the following guys start to live up to their draft

    status, but for most of them, they've been around long enough that I expect we've seen their best.


    I know that I could go back further, but we don't need to:


    1. John McCargo - taken late in round 1 has shown an occasional flash of quickness to knife into the

    backfield, but he' played very little and is in danger of not making the team at all this year.


    2. Donte Whitner - 8th overall pick should be at least a good starter, if not an impact player. Whitner

    is struggling to even be a starter on a weak defense. He hasn't been as bad as some other players

    chosen in the same neighborhood (Jason Allen, Ernie Sims, Matt Leinart), but they need more from him

    than to be "competing" to be the starter with the likes of Bryan Scott and ex-WR George Wilson.


    3. Marshawn Lynch - there were red-flags on this guy's character coming into the draft, but the Bills'

    ignored them and he's been in trouble more than he's be productive. He has some talent, but does

    he want to play enough? Likely, 3rd back in the rotation - not good enough for as high as he was picked.

    In fairness to the Bills, there were a lot of flops in that first round, but super-star CB Darrelle Revis was

    selected 2 picks after Lynch.


    4. Leodis McKelvin - I think he is the most likely of this group to improve his production, but the Bills need

    more out of a high number 1 pick than to be a nickel back. They could have had a great LT, if they had

    chosen Ryan Clady - ouch!


    5. Aaron Maybin - Maybin has shown nothing so far and now he is running with the 2nd team defense even

    though a job is wide open with the loss of Schobel and he's behind Chris Kelsay and Jeff(?) freaking Torbor?



    You should have included JP Losman. Anyways:


    1- Agreed


    2- Agreed


    3- Disagree. Guy has played 3 seasons. 2 out of those 3 seasons have been very strong (behind a terrible offensive line). One season was his rookie season (where he was given votes for rookie of the year, despite losing to Peterson). His second season he made the pro bowl. He had one bad year, it was last year. And, to be fair, he pretty much lost his job to Jackson bc of the suspension. He had SOME chances to win it back. But not many (despite what Bills fans think)


    4- Ridiculous to put him on the list. he has only played 19 games. And had flashes of brilliance.


    5- Maybin. Another ridiculous person to put on the list. He's 21, only played 1 season and missed all of TC last year. Sure, Orakpo would have been the better choice, no doubt. But just bc he is playing with the 2nd team defense does not make him a flop. I look to see a strong season from him this year.


    I would also add that last year's draft produced 5 present or future starters in Nelson, Byrd, Levitre, Wood and Maybin. All of them would be pushing for starting spots on the majority of teams in the NFL. Pretty good scouting there.


    And by the way, the 2010 draft looks impressive at the moment. Easley, Troup and Carrington all have looked impressive in camp. And even though Spiller has yet to sign, I think we all know what we can expect from him.


    I will be the first one to go on a rant about how ****ty the Bills drafting has been over the past decade. But, these past two drafts lead me to be pretty optimistic.


    In fact, I predict breakout years for several supposed "busts". I think a lot of our young talent is going to put it together all at once and surprise some people. We shall see.

  6. Technically he's already late for camp. And it appears that you are already ticked off.



    These numbers are a very wide range. The slotting is quite loose with a lot of play in between.


    Here are the signings and contracts so far for 2010 1st round signings:




    The real stumbling block is that the San Diego Chargers first rounder, RUNNING BACK Ryan Mathews hasn't signed yet. He was selected with the 12th pick overall.


    CJ Spiller's agents want to make sure that CJ doesn't sign for less or even close to what Mathews eventually signs for.


    That is the educated guess as to why CJ Spiller hasn't signed yet.


    I understand what you are saying, but I imagine that Matthews is waiting for Spiller to sign before he does. That is generally how it works. So, Spiller's signing will not be impacted at all by Matthews IMO. Spiller will set the market for RB's. Not Matthews.

  7. There is no reason to think the Bills can't win 7 or 8 games this year. But, I've always felt that is the case. They will surprise people, but they still don't have playoff talent.


    That being said, Gailey loves E. Wood. Its hilarious the way he talks about him.

  8. Sounds to me like Gailey probably had penciled in Edwards as #1 but now Brohm has him thinking again.


    I think that is about right. Part of him has to feel like giving Brohm a chance. He has more physical gifts than Edwards. And it sounds like has been making all the right throws. Trent has always looked a lot better in practice than in games. And I think the coaches know that.

  9. Is there really not a up to date thread discussing the fact that Brohm has potentially emerged as a strong possibility at starting QB?


    Even Gailey suggested that he had made some giant strides. I still think Edwards is going to be #1 in this ridiculous pecking order Gailey has set up for training camp. But, I have a feeling that Brohm is going to start at least 10 games this season.

  10. I think that is a fair point. And, lets be real, no one wants Trent to succeed more than Bills fans. If our hole at QB could be miraculously filled, it would be wonderful. Going into draft day 2011 with the sole goal of filling out our O-Line would be quite the luxury. And I agree, the entire system last year was garbage. Looking at how Gailey and Nix have run the team so far and makes it even more apparent how unfit Jauron was for the job of HC. Having a no huddle offense with a rookie offensive line was crazy. Having a 3rd year QB running the no huddle was just as crazy. Trent had a different O-coordinator every year. And last year Schonert got dismissed a week before the season started. AVP, was an average QB coach and had no business calling the offensive plays.


    That being said, Trent needs to accept some of the responsibility. His inability to throw down field cannot be understated. And his unwillingness to throw into traffic is equally troubling. That is not stuff that can be coached. That is all instinct.


    So, while I would love to see Trent succeed, and I think the coaches are going to give him every opportunity to take the starting job.... I won't be sold until he can cosistently make NFL throws. You can blame his failures on the coaches all you want. But a good number of players were not sold on Trent either. So there is more to the story than just bad coaching.

  11. I imagine Ellison will be on his way out. In any other scenario it would prob be Mitchell, but we need a guy w/ Mitchell's size on the roster.


    That being said, I don't understand this sentence:


    Mitchell is considered an inside linebacker in the 3-4 scheme, and is competing with Paul Posluszny for the spot to play alongside Andra Davis, an offseason free-agent addition, who's taken over the play-calling duties.



    I understand Davis is the guy calling the plays and thus is seen as the most likely to start. But Poz is far and away the better player and he too is adept at play calling. Davis might just be calling the plays at the moment bc he is the only guy who has previously played in the 3-4. Regardless, there is no way Poz is out of the starting lineup. 0 chance. Mitchell's best shot is taking out Davis.

  12. Kelsay has no place as a starting OLB. I'm blown away that he is being called the starter. I'd rather have Mitchell on the outside. And if Mitchell can't be on the outside, but Poz on the outside. But, Kelsay? No way.

  13. Sounds more like the entire passing game, not just the QBs -- he mentioned route running and such.


    True. Though Steve Johnson is known as a pretty solid route runner and Evans is known as one of the better route runners in the game (or so I thought...). I have to imagine that aside from being a big knock on the QBs, it is a pretty big knock on Hardy.

  14. Just read the article on Buffalobills.com Link


    I'm hoping there will be a video update, but who knows.


    Interesting tidbits:


    -Sounds like Gailey is unimpressed with the QBs. Big time.


    -McKelvin is looking very good


    -Easley is looking like he is going to push Hardy and Johnson. All reports on him have been impressive.


    -No mention of Maybin. In fact, they had Ellis and Kelsay starting at OLB. Geez. I hope that is just a temporary solution. I'm one of the few who seems to be optimistic about Maybin's chances at OLB. But, I'm surprised Ellis is getting first team reps over him.

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