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Posts posted by LABills08

  1. If Trent doesn't rebound soon he is done. The funny thing about Edwards is that throughout his entire career, he never really has won. And, he never really has made big throws down the field. Those are two things we are expecting him to do, yet he has never done them in this many seasons (including college)? I'm starting to realize that he is not going to be taught those things, there is no developing a gameplan around his skill set. I hate to say it, but the guy is done. He might string together a few good games or so, but I really can't see how he is in Buffalo beyond this year.


    Anyways, real quick on Evans, its a real shame the Bills have never fully utilized this guy. I know, I know, it can't be entirely on the QB. True enough, but Lee is a great WR. He runs terrific routes, is fast in the open field and he has great hands. Oh yea, and he can block...something that goes unnoticed. I think people in Buffalo view him as an underachiever, someone with the talent who never puts it together. I strongly disagree. I don't know how much longer the Bills have him under contract for and he'll be 30 (!) next season, but I hope he gets the chance to win.


    Quick Note:...I thought he was 27 or 28...but 30! Sheeeet, we better hope Easley is back and ready to play next season. We are extremely weak at WR going forward.

  2. +1 to whoever said the whole thing was a mess. Obviously, we have no idea what Trent called out to his line, WRs or RBs. We also have no idea what the block assignments were. The question is, was this kind of mess a regular occurrence throughout the game? Even some of the best QBs (from time to time) don't recognize blitzes. After all, one of the primary goals of any defensive coordinator is to disguise blitzes so that these situations happen. So, if a defensive coordinator is any good, one would hope that he can generate the kind of sack that Dansby had.


    That being said, that wasn't some kind of genius play call. That was a linebacker blitz that was straight out of Rex Ryan's playbook, completely overpowering one side of the line. I could be wrong, but that wasn't a call that Nolan made saying to himself "hopefully they won't pick up on the blitz!". That was a call he made saying, "I'll tell Chan Gailey I'm putting Wake/Dansby and my DE against the left side of the Bills on any given play and get the sack". Trent had to know that was coming. Maybe he audibled to a screen or a quick slant, thinking he could get the ball out of his hands before Dansby got to him. But, a) that would have been wishful thinking regardless and b) It didn't look like Trent had any idea what was coming.


    I'd have to go back and watch the game to see if the Edwards and his O-Lineman consistently missed assignments or blitz recognition. I would go on a limb and say that they did, just based on past experience watching these goobers play. And I didn't see too many instances where Bell got completely trampled, but I did see a few cases where blitzers came running through untouched.


    Who knows. Point being, hopefully this gets corrected. Like I said, guys get to the QB untouched every once in awhile. But, you don't see Brees, Manning, Brady, Rodgers missing the recognition too often.

  3. So the doom and gloomers come out in full force due to a five point loss. Evidently to some people there was nothing positive about this game to go on.


    Despite this being a loss there is a lot the Buffalo Bills can take away from this game. They were in this game up until the last minute. The running game couldn't get going but TE had a few nice passes during the game. Leodis McKelvin is a player. Roscoe Parrish is a weapon teams can no longer ignore. The Bills seemed to be in better condition in the fourth quarter than the Dolphins.


    On defense Poz and Bryan Scott recorded sacks and the D didn't allow a single 100 yard rusher. Although it doesn't show up on the stat sheet Aaron Maybin had a decent game. It's my belief that this team will improve over the season. There might be a setback or two but they will be playing a lot better in sixteen weeks than they did today.


    On the bad side it seemed TE went back to checking down too much. The running game didn't amass over 50 yards total. The Dolphins didn't seem too concerned with TE beating them and stacked the line. TE was unable to make them pay for that enough. The O-line didn't help him much today either. Hopefully they will improve quickly. The defense needs a lot of practice. They are the unit that I think will most improve over the season. I will say they weren't as bad as I expected them to be today. If a defense can hold an opponent under 17 points then the team should be able to win, IMO.



    I appreciate the positivity. I think there are things to build off of, but overall, the offense is still a horror show. And, we all know that the 5 point loss wasn't indicative of the game. The idea that the Dolphins didn't want to score more points because they had the win "secured" is ridiculous. But, it should be noted that the Dolphins had 2 blatant opportunities for a pick 6 (corners dropped easy interceptions) and Henne under threw Marshall on an easy 40 yard TD. Those things happen in every game, I know. But, the game was bunch closer to being a blow out than the other way around.


    As for the defense, I hear you on those positive points. Miami has a strong ground game, and for the most part the Bills were able to handle it. I think that the MLB position is worrisome, especially with Poz out long term. But, the D-Line seems to be doing great. I for one, love the Maybin positivity (just because I hope the kid succeeds), but didn't see all that many positive signs in the game. Still had a tough time getting pressure, and seems to be rushing out of the DE position instead of as a weakside linebacker. But, he definitely can chase down plays and is an athlete who plays fired up.


    Just a random thought, but why did the Bills' FO never sign a veteran QB to work behind Edwards? If you look on the sidelines, the person you have often talking to him and pumping him up is Fitzpatrick. Fitz is a smart guy no doubt, but the only thing he has been a veteran of is bad football teams. Why not get a Brunell type of guy as 2nd string QB to help Edwards out? Geez.

  4. I was just going to make Donald Jones a topic. Anyone know what his deal is? Only 5 WR for a 53 man roster, and Jones made it over Jackson (who by all accounts had a good pre-season). If he is a ST guy, that's a big decision.


    I imagine that Gailey only kept 5-WRs bc he sees F. Jackson and Spiller as substantial threats in the receiving game. We'll see.

  5. Interesting to see what happens if Hardy is cut. Sure, he is going to attract some interest. Especially being a 2nd round pick. But, if the Bills truly DO have one of the worst WR corps in the NFL, that would suggest that there aren't many roster spots on the 53 open for a man like Hardy. Does a 2nd round pick actually have a spot on the PS?

  6. Hope it was injury-related, or it's yet another draft day mistake by this unaccountable FO.


    And btw, with Wang injured, that means there are no draft picks helping this year's offensive line. What a crock.


    Fair point. Clearly D-Line was given the priority this offseason. Which, in reflection of preseason performance, seems necessary. But, the lack of depth for at the Bills at O-line is terrifying.

    ill go heavy on O-line and linebackers next draft. Of course, my amateur opinion means nothing before the season.

  7. Pretty accurate. I've always thought that people would be amazed when they realize a lot of the behind the scenes aspects of the Jauron regime. Not too much has come out, but between little things (how the weight room was a spa) and the quotes from the players; it is mind boggling that Jauron lasted as long as he did. I'm not sold on the idea that Gailey will bring the Bills to the Superbowl or even the playoffs. But, I think he is underrated as far the league is concerned. And furthermore, I think he might be just what the doctor ordered for the Bills at this specific moment in the franchise's history. Just like the organization, Gailey has underachieved the past couple years. He is looking for redemption just as much as the organization is. And I think that level of humility will go a long way. It will provide the necessary patience the team needs to find prolonged success. I'm not saying I wouldn't have preferred Shanahan or Cowher (in reality I would have preferred L. Frazier as HC and Gailey as OC); but I don't think the other candidates for the job would have come with the humility needed.


    Either way, great article. And good, professional quotes from Donte. I jumped off of the Edwards bandwagon long ago. But, out of the other 3 mediocre QB's that Gailey tutored (as listed in the article), Edwards is by far the most naturally gifted in terms of QB skills. If the O-line can stay healthy and provide minimal protection, I think he will play better than the fans anticipate. Or at least that is the kool aid I'm drinking.


    And I would say the AFC East has ONE established QB (Brady). The only thing that Sanchez and Henne have established is that they are the number 1 QBs on their respective teams. Other than that, what have they done?

  8. Disturbing article from ESPN on the Pirates.


    Basically, the ownership is quite content to field miserable teams as long as they can generate the cash flow to make $20 million distributions to team owners.


    This really makes you think when re-reading Mark Gaughan's article about the Bills ranking dead last in 2009 cap spending and 8th from last in terms of cash outlays.


    From 1960 to 2010, Ralph Wilson's ownership interest in the Bills has grown by nearly 25% per year -- from $25,000 to a fair value of $900 million. This investment income far surpasses whatever current revenue is generated by big market cities from PSLs, luxury boxes, and other factors. Yet, rather than spend some of this money, the Bills -- like the Pirates -- seem content to generate profits rather than field a competitive team.


    I'm of the minority who doesn't think Wilson deserves any of the accolades the city of Buffalo gives to him. He hides behind the economic hardship of the city in order to pocket a LOT of money. I'm not saying that owning a franchise isn't a business, it certainly is, but part of running a business is putting out a solid product, not scamming your consumers. Wilson tiptoes a fine line between running a small market team and screwing over the fan base.

  9. That statement tell me a lot. I've always believed that there is no way Fitzpatrick gets cut, because he's the perfect #2 QB. What it says to me is that the 3rd spot, reserved for the unproven developmental guy will go to Brohm. What that means is that in Chan's mind, Brohm has more potential than Levi Brown (not terribly surprising given Brown was a 7th rounder). So you keep Fitzpatrick, the guy you can trust to come in games, and you keep developing Brohm, hoping he can develop & iron out those accuracy problems. If Chan feels Brohm has a better future than Brown, it doesn't matter if Brown gets claimed off waivers, and if he doesn't get claimed, why even bother putting him on the practice squad. Just let him go & continue to use the development time on Brohm.


    I'm not sure I agree that Fitz is the perfect back-up for this team. For a team with an established starter, then yes, he is the perfect back up. Because unless there is an unforeseen injury to the starter, Fitz would likely only play in 1, maybe 2 games at most during the course of a season. And if the starter gets knocked out for a quarter or two, Fitz is smart enough to step in and handle the load.


    But, for a team like the Bills, where there is a very strong chance that our starter gets injured or underpeforms, what good is Fitz? The guy does not have much upside, he is expensive (3 million a year) and there is a good chance a backup QB will get a lot of snaps throughout the season. With the Bills in rebuilding mode, what good does giving snaps to someone like Fitzpatrick do you? It is not as though Brohm is incapable of stepping in for a start. It is not a steep drop off from Fitz to Brohm and at least we can see what Brohm can do. I'm not on the Brohm bandwagon or anything, but after watching both he and Fitz play, there is not enough of a discernible difference between the two that suggests the Bills MUST keep Fitz. In fact, Brohm has been far more impressive to me than Fitz. I might be seduced by the belief that he has a ton of unrealized upside; but either way, I don't get the point of keeping 4 QBs when our roster lacks depth in several key areas. If the choice is between keeping 4 QBs and keeping an extra WR or LB (Coleman), I can't imagine why the team would keep an extra QB.


    That being said, the scenario w/ Brown seems pretty accurate, in that he likely won't be scooped up on waivers. And he hasn't done much as a 4th stringer.

  10. I just watched the second half again and Maybin smacks the QB when he was running upfield pretty hard. A legal hit with no penalty. The next play, the QB just drops the ball when it was snapped, and the Bills recovered, which easily could have been a direct result of being dazed by the hit. I have no problem with him doing that. He also made some nice plays including two in a row to stop a drive in the middle of the third period. He honestly didn't look bad out there at all.


    I know! Its literally this unfounded conspiracy based on the fact that Maybin doesn't have any sacks and isn't starting over Torbor. No one even watches the tape and just assumes he is playing terribly, when in fact, he is making plays.

  11. I really think that Gailey is going to interchange the #2, #3, #4, and #5 WRs in different packages and formations and combinations. None will put up great numbers but they could be effective. I still do not at all see the infatuation with Steve Johnson. He's decent but very slow. I think he's going to be pushed off the field a lot during the year by Hardy (yes, Hardy), Jackson and maybe Nelson, depending on how many WRs Gailey keeps. Roscoe is going to have a good year, IMO.



    I agree one hundred percent. Especially about S. Johnson. You can run solid routes and have decent hands, but if you can't get past a CB in this league, its going to be an issue. Johnson is a solid possession receiver, but having him a number 2 guy is quite the stretch. I haven't seen enough of Hardy to know if he'll push Johnson for the starting job, but it did seem that Chad Jackson had a better game and looks to be more talented than Johnson. Though, out of all the wide outs (including Evans), I was most impressed by Parrish. He is Gailey's type of player and I expect to see him second on the team in receptions. Yesterday was the first time I've ever seen Parrish look like he understands defensive formations. I hope his progression continues. Its a crime that Jauron didn't try and utilize him more. I still think a healthy Easley would have been the fourth best receiver on this team. A shame he will be out so long.

  12. How long do you think it will be before Bills fans start clamoring for CJ to get the majority of snaps during the season? Jackson and Lynch are good, but Spiller is by far the biggest threat for a big play TD. And, lets get real, the only way the Bills sniff 7 wins is by scoring some big play TDs. They are not going to drive to the 8 yard line that often.


    I am willing to bet that Spiller gets 15-20 runs a game by the time the end of the season comes around. Now, I could be wrong. If Jackson and Lynch get healthy....and perform....he might end up getting more time in the passing game. But, Spiller is much more suitable to run behind this porous Offensive line than either Jackson or Lynch, bc he makes the defense miss tackles. And that alone will open up options for Trent down field.


    Gailey is a pragmatic dude, I just can't see how he leaves Spiller off the field much by week 4.

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