Bills are not cheap.. just the city of Buffalo is a mess economically and is lucky it even has a football team. Teams like NY, Dallas, and Washington have the $$ to spend. The Bills do not
there are no free agents out there that are worth that much money. If the Bills get something it will be through wheeling and dealing in the trade market.
When is there actually going to be a young player with a nice future ahead of him released? Everyone that is being let go by teams right now are old players who eat up a lot of cap space and are not even a hint of what they used to be.
If I am not mistaken.. Deangelo Williams did not really start going crazy and putting up monster numbers until the middle of the season, and this is when Khalil got hurt and Hangartner had to come in.
You people are stupid.. you could never run a football team. 90% of these guys signed the first day are overpaid and will under perform.. while the Bills are being smart and choosing the players who will best fit what they want to do as a team. The Dockery release is and example of that. They want to get small and more athletic on the O-line and be able to get some push in the run game.. Fat 330 pounders is not going to do it.