Listen, I think we have the some of the best fans in the world. But, I'm sick of hearing from my Bills fan brethren, "Here we go again" or "We;re gonna lose" or "It's Trent's fault or JP's fault"< etc, etc etc. I'm not from Buffalo, or Rochester, or Binghampton. I grew up right outside of NYC in Yonkers. I go to EVERy Bills game at McFaddens and I watch them win or lose. BUT, whether people agree with me or not, there is a certain negativity. A harsh negativity from certain fans, on a consistent basis. And I can;t take it. When we got the ball with 2 minutes left, I was up screaming for our team, but 90 pct. of the people were talking sh--, crying and complaining. I'm not saying that we have a history of NFL championship teams, but our attitutude needs to change