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Big Hurt

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Everything posted by Big Hurt

  1. I think it is still too early to tell. Lets see if he can perform consistently at LT. Obviously I am rooting for him. Hopefully the coaches can make him a great one someday.
  2. Someone need to watch the game before he open his mouth (or hit the keyboard). AND you don't need to make a career out of criticizing EJ every fu*king week.
  3. You need to let this go eventually. He is still a good backup, better than the list available right now. Two games don't define a career. Were you good at what you do (whatever you do for llving) without working on your crafts for a while? If Rex and Roman cannot fix him then they will cut him. They have not done that yet. Why are you getting all worked up about it?
  4. This line of thinking got us in trouble many many times! We have got to stop this. Ralph wasn't as cheap as some of the fans here.
  5. This either is going to be the greatest defense in the world, or the whole thing is going to blow up in front of us!!!
  6. I don't know if we are in "win now mode", but I am pretty damn sure Rex is always in "TALK NOW MODE".
  7. Tyrod, keep dreaming. Do you think you are really that good? You are not even that young and you are a little guy that get hurt all the time. You are lucky to be a back up. I don't even think you are capable of starting 16 games next year. You got something to say?
  8. Jones was impressive in the one game that everyone watched. Then I heard the next year he got benched. Not sure about the back story. I do like to see him backing up Tyrod but I have no idea where teams may take him in the draft. Too much smoke to see clearly at this point.
  9. There are many things wrong with this news. 1) If you don't know how to use Mario, then you suck as a defensive coordinator. 2) If you are thinking about letting Mario go because of salary, leaking the news practically killed all the possibility of getting any offer for trades. Who is going to trade for him? We traded for McCoy, didn't we?
  10. If Tyrod starts next season, we will miss playoff for the 17th year. We are so use to watching bad QB plays that some of you have forgotten what a real QB looks like. Tyrod is very limited. He cannot see the field. He is indecisive. Do not have on field leadership. He can barely pass for 200 yards per game and suck at making first down. I cannot root for this guy. We may not have a better option this year but we need to continue to try to replace him with first round draft picks. This team keep jumping over the like of Aaron Rogers and Joe Flacco when drafting because they already had JP Losman, Trent Edwards on the roster. They should have never felt comfortable with who they had. If they don't change their way of searching for QB, they will never find one.
  12. You can pretty much say the same about every QB that played here since Jim Kelly, including TT.
  13. The question is which one to draft. I remember Alex Van Pelt said he really like Joe Flacco. But because we already had Trent Edwards, they did not pull the trigger. They thought Trent Edwards was good enough. But we could have drafted Flacco anyway. I also remember in the Philips Rivers and Eli Manning draft, we could have traded up to get Roethlisberger but did not pull the trigger. We have to keep drafting more QB and often so we could increase the odd of hitting one. We have no other choice.
  14. I think there is a group of fans and radio talk show hosts from WGR that really want EJ to fail and disappear. I don't understand why they think that way and I don't really care. EJ was not terrible yesterday. He was not Aaron Rogers. But he moved well and at times used his leg. They scored on the first drive but whatever the reason was, had problem the rest of the game. If you look at the Titans game and compare that game to this game, I thought the two quarterbacks were pretty even. The difference between the two games were the defense and special team. I admit that having McCoy helped. But McCoy didn't carry the ball 30 times. If you are mad at the result of this game, lets talk about the special team and the defense. Maybe we should call back Jordan Gay. Maybe we should have McKelvin return kicks. Maybe we need to call Jim Schwartz. I don't know. Try something difference. Also on EJ, if Sammy got hurt because he had to plant his foot and turn to catch a low ball, then we made a mistake of drafting him. Get real, people! What game were you watching?
  15. Apparently, Vegas would not be happy if the Lions had won that game. Anyone can be bought with the right price.
  16. I don't think there is a fix solution. Sitting a guy doesn't make a bad specimen into a good one. But rushing a young QB into service can ruin him. The bottom line is you have to have a strong coaches who know how to fix mechanics. Two BS arguments constant heard people said: 1. You cannot improve accuracy of a QB. 2. You have to play to learn and improve as a QB. There is absolutely no prove to any of these statements. Everyone is different. The GM has to find the right guy, and the coaches have to find out what works for him.
  17. Watched the play back, Eldeman constantly beat the jam. He is slimy. Gronk just run you over. You cannot stop them with conventional thinking. If it works, every team would have done it. Watch the game with your remote in hand please. Also, in the first half, the DL were stood up constantly, sometimes without double team. So they need to fix that. Every team will try to hit Brady. But he has not really been sacked. Why? Because people are too scared to blitz him. You need to be willing to risk it all. It takes everything we have to beat them. I vote for putting hands on the small receivers, legally or illegally. Brady could throw the ball quickly because his guys were open. He would have to hold the ball if we could take away open guys, at least for more than 2 sec. Bottom line: Figure out why we couldn't cover for more than 2 seconds. Fix that and we will have a chance to sack Brady.
  18. People have tried jamming receivers but have rarely bothered Brady. He still got rid of the ball quickly.
  19. I had the same idea. But you need to mix it up. You can't hold every play but you can mix in simulated hold on some plays and really hold on some. When holding occurs, the play is still live. Defense need to hit Brady on those plays and hit him hard. When we hold, make sure we really hold, grab the shirt, I don't care. On Gronk, holding may not work. He will need to be gang tackle. Someone hold him up when he catch the ball, then the rest of the defenders rush to the spot and hit him high and low. Slam him on the ground. Brady may still be able to score. But we need to make him feel every hit.
  20. Sammie and Shady out just give more touches to Wood, Hogan, Easley, and Boobie Dixon. Rex will have the D ready to go. Don't think we will lose this game.
  21. Buffalo is a town that hold their football players to the highest standard. Marshall, Dareus, McGahee, now Williams and Darby all have character concerns and Buffalo is too good a city to keep these type of players around. Meanwhile, other teams have no problem picking them up and help them win Superbowl. We should all clam down next time when one of the players did something stupid. These players are big guys but the are still just kids.
  22. If it is a muscle injury, there is a chance he will get well enough play on Sunday. We are deep in receivers but with him in there the offense is unbelievably good. I am sure the Giants will try to pass the ball on us. We need to be able to fire back.
  23. We have seen this movie before. After the Spygate, they went 16-0 before getting defeated by the Giants in the Superbowl. That was sweet because the Pats fans were devastated by it. The Pats is once again writing the same script. Brady is waving his middle fingers to the rest of the league. He will try to drop 50 on every team he plays. Except that this time will be different because: this Pats team is not as talented as the 2007 team. He has a less experienced OL so his throws are mostly short passes. Soon, every team will try to man-handle Eldeman at the line, i.e., grab him within 5 yards to not let him go through his rub route. They will gang tackle Gronk after he catches the ball, with someone constantly going after his lower body (near the knees area). Once the other teams take out Gronk and Edleman, Brady will have to hold the ball longer. Then it is just a matter of time until he gets knocked out too. If the Pats choose to leave Brady out there with a big lead, I cannot see how their opponents would do nothing about it.
  24. The Bills scored easily on the first drive. Belichick wrote down some note on a piece of paper. Then the Bills couldn't move the ball on the next three drives. I am still trying to figure out what happened.
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