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Everything posted by berndogg

  1. Really, I heard he had 2 two hand touch sacks and had a practice winning performance in individual pass rush drills
  2. It's true. I understand why players, especially without guaranteed contracts in the NFL, want to cash in after a big year, but they can't have it both ways. He wanted a long term deal, he got it, now he's got to play with it. If he thought he was going to be worth more in the near future he could have either had a more incentive heavy contract or signed a 1 or 2 year deal like Bryant Johnson did. If you renogitiate with everyone whenever they hold out even if they have multiple years left on their contract, then basically management has to continue to pay players who aren't quite living up to their contract if they want to keep them around and at the same time re-pay everyone who out preforms their contract. It's hard to build a team that way.
  3. Yea, the NBA sounds a lot like Roger Clemens right now with all this "consider the source" stuff. The fact is, just like Mcnamee, Doughnahy has no reason to rat out others or talk about games he fixed if these things didn't happen. He would have more reason to lie to NOT incriminate himself or others. I'm not saying he's 100% credible, but his accusations definitely warrant a lot of consideration.
  4. Your probably right, I only attended a few parties where parents were there, but they were relatively tame, kids got drunk , but nothing too crazy would happen. For the most part parents were scared to host parties with alcohol because of incidents like this one. The result was we would drink in cars, parks, and houses where the parents weren't home, and what came with that was several arrests, duis, fights, accidents, etc.
  5. Yea, but I think the pressence of the parents, even if theyre upstairs watching tv, prevents kids from getting more wild (fighting, breaking things, driving, etc.) because they know theyll be held accountable if something bad happens.
  6. I think kids (and a lot of adults) just enjoy getting drunk. Im not discounting peer pressure from the equation, but take it from someone who was in high school recently (graduated 2001), most high school kids drink, and most of them do it because they enjoy being drunk. Maybe it was just me, but I feel like peer pressure to be "cool" is more of a factor in junior high. By the time kids are seniors in high school, they hang out with a crowd of people who have similar interests as they do and dont try to be something theyre not. There are kids who dont enjoy drinking and are comfortable with that and choose not to hang out with kids that do drink. There are also kids who hang out with drinkers and dont drink much or at all. These kids tend to be appreciated by their drinker friends because they can be designated drivers, and are not pressured into drinking.
  7. I would say the chances that 80 teenagers would drink responsibly, while extremely slim, increase exponentially when you add adult supervision to the equation
  8. Will do. This argument is ridiculous, just needed some reassurance that he's the one who's lost his mind, not me. New question, better receiver, arcovio or stern?
  9. With strahan retiring my friend and i got in a heated argument about who was an overall better player throughout his career, Bruce or Strahan. My friend is very knowledgable about football and was adamant that Strahan was the better player. I found this proposterous, but I just wanted to see what other people thought. So, Bruce or Strahan, who was better?
  10. That's exactly the point. When kids have to find a place where parents aren't home to drink stupid sh*t is much more likely to occur.
  11. Absolutely. It's been said a bunch of times already, but it can't be emphasized enough. High school kids will drink, no laws or punishments will prevent this. So when the cops make parents afraid to provide a safe environment where kids can stay over, drink, and not drive home, they encourage kids to find an unsupervised place to drink where driving, fighting, using hard drugs, etc are 900% more likely to occur. The drinking age should be 18, but if its not, at least there should be exceptions made for parties where there is adult supervision.
  12. I definitely agree on that. I just disagreed with the "Evading the authorities and hiding behind his attorney is BS. Stand up and be a man" part. For all we know he's told several people the entire story, but the situation is being handled the proper way which is privately, and through an attorney.
  13. I like how you criticize everyone else as gumshoe detectives and Clarence Darrows, then make such a bold statement about evading authorities and hiding behind his attorney. You have absolutely no idea A) what happened and B) what his role has been as far as cooperating with the police. I'm sure most of these dealings are being done behind closed doors. There could be a reason why he hasn't been arrested other than the fact that he plays for the bills. And yea, I guess he is a coward for listening to a lawyer when dealing with a legal matter. What an a-hole.
  14. Madden himself doesn't do the rankings, so we're not even caring about what someone like madden thinks about edwards or the bills, we're caring about what a bunch of video game designers think about edwards or the bills. And I do care, but I'm not positive why, and I like playing madden for Wii
  15. http://insider.espn.go.com/nfl/insider/new...6lid%3dtab1pos1 Not bad company, in between portis and fred taylor, but most importantly, ahead of willis.
  16. I really don't think that Marshawn will miss any time. Even worst case, if he was driving, no one got seriously injured, and more importantly, its not a national news story. As much as we complain about the Bills not getting any national exposure, this is a situation where it works in our favor. Imagine if this was T.Os car, it would be on the front page of espn.com every day. Without a lot of national attention, I don't think Goodell will feel pressure to suspend him. That being said, freddie jackson and Xavier "professor X" omon will tear it up if marshawn gets suspended.
  17. Original post: Even if Marshawn was driving why wouldn't he just pay one of his friends a bunch of money to take the charge. I'm sure it won't end up with jail time, so he could pay a guy enough that the community service/probation will be worth it. Second post: I imply in both that I am speculating (as all of us are). All I'm saying is the two possibilities are that either he was driving or he wasn't. If he wasn't, then he won't be in any trouble. If he was, he should pay someone off and not get in trouble. I elaborate by explaining why IF he was driving he wouldn't have a problem paying someone off to counter your argument about why he would have a problem doing that IF he was driving. I'm not jumping to conclusions, just speculating, which is all anyone is doing at this point, so I don't think its the worst thing in the world.
  18. If he was a good guy and he was driving he wouldn't have left the scene, he would've stayed and made sure the person that he hit was ok. (In the hypothectical world where he definitely was the driver)He's already proven he cares more about not getting caught than taking responsibility, so paying someone to take the fall would definitely crooss his mind.
  19. Even if Marshawn was driving why wouldn't he just pay one of his friends a bunch of money to take the charge. I'm sure it won't end up with jail time, so he could pay a guy enough that the community service/probation will be worth it.
  20. Does his comeback at Maryland count or are we only talking Bills moments?
  21. I have to disagree there. He was out on chippewa st, not in a crackhouse or whorehouse or strip club. I don't think there's anything wrong with someone in their mid twenties going out to the bars, having some drinks, and having some fun. Just dont drive and don't get into fights and everything will be fine.
  22. Not to nitpick, but you want us to find 5 games where he distinguished himself as a qb in order to validate his filed goal holding skills?
  23. There was a similar thread about this after roscoe's dui. Millionaires driving themselves is baffling, but I think the reason is that these guys are so obssessed with their fancy cars that they always want to take them out on the town and show them off.
  24. I think "forgotten" is the worng word. No one has forgotten about scott norwood. People just only remember him for that one kick. I have always argued that there were several plays the bills could have made in that game to win it that are easier than a 47 yd field goal on grass. However, that's how any last second play is (game winning field goal, 2 outs bottom of the ninth, shot at the buzzer), if you come through you're a hero, if you miss your a goat.
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