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Everything posted by Keukasmallie

  1. Or you could check out some old school jazz performed by Tuba Skinny busking on the streets of New Orleans. (So old school someone misspelled the name of the group on the YouTube title!)
  2. Why of course the state thst gave the US Senate Hill'ry Clinton; the state thst boasts the highest tax impact on its citizens in these here United States; the state that features the home of the chicken wing; the state.... Oh, OK, New York!
  3. I'll have you know that Elmira is located just a bit east of Big Flats and slightly west of Wellsburg. It is the hometown of Ernie Davis.
  4. Is there a specific number of years that must pass before a network sets out to totally obfuscate an historical event?
  5. I've "signed it" a number of times over the years and I believe in it as much today as I did when I started my working life at Kantz' drug store in the Greyhound Terminal (long gone) in Elmira, NY (Many would argue Elmira's long gone too.).
  6. Making frames for my wife's needlepoint items. I use the wooden frames from old curtain stretchers for the frames since the lettering and the numbers add to the old-school aspect of her craft.
  7. So Il Papa is to Catholicism as Donald Trump is to the US? If ya can't make it, fake it...?
  8. Rex is jonesin' for that Dunn Tire gig....
  9. TIL that I can learn a lot of stuff on a thread that deals with TIL-type comments....
  10. Ya gotta just love the comment above indicating that Mayfield is "...built like a running back from the waste down." Some who have been around Mayfield would propose that his head is a more true location of waste.
  11. Two super oxymorons I couldn't resist repeating in this thread: Trump's leadership team (thread title) and Clinton's coherent foreign policy (in a post above). Hee Hee.... Trump doesn't have a leadership team, he has a revolving cast of bit players put on stage as his ever-changing script requires. Hill'ry got nothin', had nothin', never will have anythin'.
  12. Does anyone out there have a link to a downloadable/printable 2018 Yankee schedule showing TV channel broadcasts? (Need it to assuage grumpy wife/fan.) Send link, please.... Thanks for your help!!
  13. With all the Bills have to contend with this pre-season, do they really need another major distraction?
  14. Are you the RaoulDuke who films Tuba Skinny YouTubes?
  15. OK, for the last time: Frank's is for wings, ranch is for lettuce, got it?
  16. Hill'ry, ya' gotta' back off the India Pale Ale before appearances; or keep on foolin' yourself that staggering is Presidential.
  17. Crude as it may be, I'm basking in the dim light of Hill'ry's fading from the scene. Farewell, Hill'ry, it appears we knew ye too well. eh?
  18. If this pissin' contest goes much further, I'm sidin' with the farmer, eh.
  19. Well, it is Georgia....
  20. The 'mocrats just can't/won't get over the fact that Shrillary lost the election. They'll stay in their room, under the covers, until they get their way, eh?
  21. OK, seriously, why would anyone even stop to think about anything this person writes after reading these "reasoned responses" to whatever the hell the point was in the first place?
  22. It's simply a case of my memo can piss farther than your memo.
  23. Define sex offender for me, please. The reason I ask is it appears that the words sex offender are given definition by the accuser who flings that label at the accused. Today's pat on the back may quickly morph into tomorrow's unwanted touch of private parts in public if there appears to be a fifteen minutes of fame, or cash opportunity, on the near horizon. Now before you get your panties in a wad, know that I firmly believe that many if not most accusations are truly based on unwanted and egregious acts. The late inning appearances of the, "Oh yeah, he did it to me too" crowd often give me pause for thought. Why have no men come forward as victims of sexual abuse, I wonder. P.S. I'm thinkin' God played no part in the appearance of either POTUS or Shrillary on the national stage.
  24. Michele, the Museum of American Folk Arts wants their quilt back!
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