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  1. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck.... Yeah, I know, about as inane as the question posed by this thread.
  2. Kim Pegula's statement sends shivers through the SJF hierarchy because of its politically-phrased total lack of content. In terms of commitment and content it ranks up there with agreeing that Rochester is about seventy-six miles from Buffalo.
  3. An American music niche most of ya' never heard before. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGTkBehLVog
  4. Trump is a world class doofus; yet he has provided the voters of this country a great service by further exposing the overwhelming bias of the media, shedding light on the refusal of the major political parties to exert a scintilla of energy toward uniting the nation, and by confirming for all, once again, that incumbent politicians need to be thrown out of office at least every six years.
  5. A four cushion shot if I've ever seen one!
  6. Are you comapring the NHL to NASCAR per chance...?
  7. My recall is a bit fuzzy; did Bill Clinton or Barack Obama lay the groundwork for the summit with N. Korea's leader? I ask this within the context of knowing full well that no one ever built anything....eh, Barack?
  8. I more hopin' they become the Golden Knights of the east....
  9. Why ever would anyone from the present administration attend the WHCD? Given the current climate it would be like standing between a grizzly and her cubs, assuming the grizzly was biased in favor of the "outs" and her cubs looked like Hill'ry Clinton.
  10. So far I've seen a "whoa is me" and a "case and point." The draft certainly shook the bushes for fractured vocabulary.
  11. I plan to revisit this thread in about three years when we'll have some perspective on Josh Allen; until then it's just so much guesswork and listening to one's self spew words.
  12. You see 'em your way, I see 'em mine. Shady appears to have an impact disproportionate to one of eleven, etc.
  13. Kind of a play on the old, "If the law is on your side, argue the law; if the facts are on your side, etc." In our case when neither fit the moment, we often choose to attack the proponent of whatever we don't agree with, eh? You know, like politicians.
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