Why such a cynic? It was the first game experience with a new offensive system in the preseason. Give it some time. Maybe try thinking some happy thoughts every once in a while, your life should be far more fulfilling.
He looked mostly solid, but was out of position on a handful of plays. Not surprising for a guy who hasn't taken a snap in a game for about 11 months. I'm sure he'll be ready to play in the upper echelon of linebackers by week 1.
I guess we might as well hang up the cleats and call in sick for the rest of the season. All the "experts" on TBD say we are done for, I guess that means there's no longer any need to play the games. We know everything we need to know about the upcoming season from two series in the first preseaon game.
I hate math, so I am going to see if I can get somebody else to do it for me: Anybody have any clue how much money Peters has lost to date at the $15,116 per day rate?
Ok. My bad, sorry for jumping on you. As far as objectivity, I too am being as objective as I believe is possible regarding my thoughts on the Jests. All 5 of your points above are also valid and I have added my take.
Please... NO... I can't take it ... NOT ANOTHER JP/TRENT thread!!!
Trent's the starter, JPs on the bench. It is what it is despite what some of us may want and despite how hard we argue about it on this forum. Let if go, people!
nice... but you have to also question the strength and ability level of a LB who comes at a RB standing pretty much straight up. of course, growing up as a boy with a name like marion, you had better get pretty tough pretty quick.
Similar to the post above, but my calculations show an additional loss and only 5 wins, they'll also lose to the Cards.
Quick question 1bills fan: Which AFC East team are you a fan of again? Just seems like you like to give far more credit and love to the Jests than you give to our beloved Bills.
Ok. Thanks, I might check that out. Unfortunately I can't get the Boston Backers newsletter, the form to enter your e-mail address doesn't accept enough characters for my whole e-mail. Crap if you ask me!!
From what I hear, the Harp has music starting @ 8 or 9, therefore killing the sound on the game.
I'm in Waltham, but just moved here so I don't really know where any Bills friendly places are.
Regardless of his record against us as a starter, he can't do it alone. What is he gonna do, chuck the ball, sprint 10 or 15 yards, catch it himself and take it in for 6? All while blocking for himself? And while playing defense?
Dude, take a Vicodin, a couple shots of Patron, and chill the eff out. No need for all that anger. What should someone like Barnes say when they are asked a question like this?
Wow... somebody have a case of sandiclititis? Take it easy killer.
I agree with the standpoint that it doesn't matter who is at QB for the other team. You go out, play hard and do everything you can to get a "W". You can't concern yourself with who is under center for your opponent, you just listen to your coaches and bust your a$$ to do your job.
The Phish get Pennington, big deal. That does nothing to lengthen our playoff road. Miami is not in a position where any quarterback, let alone Chaaad, can help them. They might as well save their money and play Henne.
So you're saying the Jests have a better odds of sweeping us than we of sweeping them?
That's hilarious. The Jests have many more problems outside of the quarterback position to worry about. Favre will make them a little better than they would have been, but he's not a miracle worker.
I was watching some commentary from Tim Brown prior to the MNF game @ The Ralph last year. He said that of all the places he's played, The Ralph was the only place that he had to put tape over the earholes on his helmet because of the noise. According to him, The Ralph is the loudest place he has ever played.