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Everything posted by devldog131

  1. I got there at about 11:10 and had to get in the back of the line that was extending to the far end of the building from the door. I'm guessing there were at least 300 people there, maybe 400.
  2. Didn't elaborate much but seemed to agree, or at least didn't dispute it.
  3. I know this is a Bills board, and I'm not trying to hijack this thread, but I just have to say GO SHARKS!!! Love your avatar.
  4. Marty had nothing but praise for the Bills, especially the defense. He says the Bills have a defense that just moves so fast the fill-ins on the Jag@ffs o-line won't be able to handle it or even keep up.
  5. It was my first time there, so I have nothing to compare it to, but it seemed pretty effin busy to me. I had an awesome time.
  6. I'm good on jerseys and t's for now(got a closet full), the hat was the main priority. I found it locally, so I'm good.
  7. Good call on the Lids. Just got off the phone with the Burlington, MA store, they have it in stock. Thanks for the helps fellas. Oh, and JC, I'll be there plenty early Sunday, I've been looking forward to this game since the schedule came out. Can we say payback?
  8. Yeah, I called the closest dick's, they say all they have is the stinkin' *pats
  9. bump... could use some help. i want to pickup the 2008 sideline cap before I go to the bar on Sunday for the game.
  10. anybody know of any? Specifically hats and/or jerseys? Thanks
  11. ok people, use the search function. this is now at least the 3rd thread that has been started about the same damn t-shirt
  12. I ordered one of these shirts yesterday or the day before. I can't wait to wear it, especially because I live in Boston.
  13. Yeah, noticed that after the fact. Saw it in a Boston paper and didn't read the fine print.
  14. Correction: The journalist is from Minnesota, the article was found in a Boston paper. http://www.bostonherald.com/sports/footbal...ats#articleFull Has the Bills at #5 and *Pats at 11. Isn't it beautiful?
  15. As a Bills Devotee living in *Pats fan hell(Boston), this is great to hear. I'm only wondering how long it takes for the resulting uproar to cost this reporter, honest as he is, his job.
  16. I'd be interested to know this as well, I have a Bledsoe that could be a Parrish, a Fletcher(Baker) that could become a Mitchell and a Spikes that could become a Poz.
  17. I hope Garrard hasn't forgotten how it feels to get beaten down like that by the Bills. He's gonna see much more of the same this week when BIG Marcus gets his hands on the backups they have starting in the interior of their line. I'm thinking somewhere between 5 and 7 sacks.
  18. It's quite funny he would say that, since the two of them will never be on the field at the same time(unless the Jagoffs decide to have Henderson fill in on their screwed o-line).
  19. That video's classic. But, don't forget about Jeff Garcia.
  20. Did anybody catch the headline at the bottom "QB David Garrard stripped naked, told witnesses he was 'going east, to toil'" That's classic
  21. fundamentals. its all about fundamentals. don't turn the ball over and don't commit penalties and you will win a lot of games. here's to the trend continuing.
  22. I don't wish injury upon anybody, but if Brady goes down hard, I'm damn sure gonna be happy about it. Boo hoo Brady, sorry about your knee, but ish happens and I hope you are at least done for the season. Just to be clear, I wish injury on nobody, but if the core of the team I hate goes down due to an honest, not-dirty play; I'm gonna celebrate it.
  23. Not a Hamdan? Prepare to be smited by the almighty smiter of the Chroise.
  24. Unintelligencer is a good word. Apparently they took a look at our stats from last season and called it good without doing any more research into the team this season. They are in for a pretty damn rude awakening if you ask me.
  25. And every attempt would be a completion for a touchdown. He would need no line, no recievers, no backs. He would even snap the ball to himself and do it all on his own. DIT-KA!
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