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Everything posted by devldog131

  1. When the PDF shows up after you click the link, right click on the photo and hit select tool. Click and drag to select the entire image. Right click, select copy image, then paste it into paint or any other image software.
  2. No way... Poz is way more man than that pansy in his fruity gloves could ever hope to be.
  3. I saw that while I was watching the game last night. Once i caught my breath and picked myself up off of the floor I had to rewind(thank you tivo) and show it to my wife while offering an explanation.
  4. Rookie LB from Penn State goes down in week 3 with a season ending injury... sound familiar? I wish the kid the best of luck. I speak from experience when I say ACL(and MCL) injuries suck.
  5. I concur, because we all know what that would mean.
  6. Just got off the phone with Rog, his friends call him Rog, he said the China team won't be expansion. He didn't want to use names, but they are planning to move a certain Florida team with a feline mascot out there. The league and the owners just feel their is a larger market for professional football in Beijing than in that particular part of Florida. You didn't hear this from me, but there are also plans in the works to send one or both of the Missouri teams to the Dominican Republic and/or Venezuela.
  7. The best QBs make bad throws when they are being protected as poorly as Edwards was in the first 3 quarters. I'm not sure he had an intact pocket once through 45 minutes. Butler was getting run over all day, and Peters was horrible, he was beaten like a rented mule over and over. I'm all about holding players responsible for bad play, but for the first three quarters of that game, Edwards was not to blame. Put it on the o-line, where it belongs.
  8. I spent a year on Oahu when I was in the Corps. Take it from me, partying in Waikiki gets expensive fast. It's the main reason my credit is shot. Stick it to him! GO BILLS!
  9. We don't trade for befensive backs, we draft them in the first round, remember? especially if they come from Ohio State.
  10. I think we are all forgetting who he got those yards against. The lowly Kansas City Chefs(yes, I know chiefs has an i in it). KC is one of the weakest teams in the league, as evidenced by another of the weakest teams in the league hung 23 pts and 300 rushing yards on them. McNugget won't do nearly as well against a team with even a mediocre defense.
  11. I, as well, think you are a grade-a jackass. My mother is a breast cancer survivor, and to see Trent wearing something to support the cause of women fighting for their life against this disease only earns him more respect from me, not mockery and insults. Grow up, please.
  12. As the SF Chronicle article states, calling Edwards injury prone when he was playing behind that horrid O-line at stanford is like calling the town drunk hangover-prone. He got hurt because he was hit almost every time he dropped back. Now that he has a line that can actually block somebody, he'll be fine.
  13. at two points... fickle batsard
  14. I don't mind the new unis when they are worn blue/blue and white/white. My only complaint is the numbers on the road jersey, they need to be the same color as the blue on the shoulders. Having the two different blues just doesn't look right. Make the numbers on the road jerseys navy blue and I have no complaints about the unis.
  15. Not exactly. perhaps I forgot the <sarcasm> and <\sarcasm>.
  16. There were lines of people waiting to get in for the seattle game because they hadn't opened the doors yet. As soon as the doors open its no problem. Generally people looking for a table show up early. If you don't mind standing, you will not have any problem. If you are looking for a table for a medium to large-size group, you may want to show up early.
  17. Even on 4th & 1 you kick the field goal. The field goal and kick off burn just as much time off of the clock, but now they have to march not to the 30 or 35 for a field goal, thay have to march to the endzone in order to win the game. The decision was correct, and in that situation, the decision is always correct.
  18. Because JaMarcus Russel is horrid. The Faders run the ball almost entirely to protect/hide their not-so-good quarterback play. We should play this game with 8 in the box until Russell can make us back off. Their receiving talent is subpar, so our DB's shouldn't have too much trouble in man coverage. Javon Walker is the biggest threat they have, and he won't be at 100%, after that, the next best OAK receiver is Ronald Curry, nuff said. Man coverage on all the receivers with safety help over the top on Walker should just about completely neutralize the pass and force the Raiders to be just as, if not more, one-dimensional than they have been.
  19. I got there at about 11:45 and had no trouble getting in. The street parking around the Harp is free, even the spots right in front if you get one. I must say, it was abso-freakin-lutely amazing there. I don't think I have ever had as much fun watching a Bills game on TV as I've had the last two weeks at the Harp. For anybody within an hour of Boston, it would be well worth it to come down to watch the games.
  20. I think we should just go back to the unis of the 90's
  21. What's the title on the clip? I'm not seeing it.
  22. Watching the game now. They just said he has a Brady... torn ACL and MCL
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