Speak for yourself, fella. I was born in 1981, and have fully embraced the complete and utter hatred for those aqua wearing fruits. A rivalry is always a rivalry, it may intensify and calm in waves, but when it comes down to it, I still hate the friggin' fish.
That being said, I see more of a rivalry also developing with the pats*. They have been on top too long, and the Bills are growing into the only team in the AFC East capable of providing them with a challenge for the division crown. The perpetual champion vs. the upstart young team always creates a bit of discontent for both parties involved.
But in the meantime, SQUISH THE FISH! Send them crying to their mothers in there gay little aqua and orange fag rags. There has been only one team with a more homo-erotic uni color in the history of the league, the creamsicle wearing buccaneers.