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Everything posted by devldog131

  1. More people aren't complaining because most of the 49ers' fans are from the south bay (around San Jose) anyway. And it's closer to half an hour than an hour. In all reality, SF is a suburb of San Jose.
  2. Can it really be a trap game if you are the concensus underdog? I thought in order for it to be a trap game, one requirement is that the team for which it is a trap is the clear and presumptuous favorite...
  3. But, again, those particular teams are only in the same markets because one was in the AFL and one was in the NFL prior to the merger and remained in those markets after the merger took place.
  4. Apologies for the multi post. The joys of a smart phone and a shoddy network connection. The SF/Oakland metropolitan area, which in all reality the San Jose metropolitan area, is significantly larger that the Buffalo Market. Most are unaware, but the city of San Jose is the 10th largest city in America and the third largest in California (behind LA and San Diego) and SF and Oak are right behind at 4 and 5 respectively. The Giants and Jets are in the nation's largest market. Also, SF and the Giants were members of the NFL, Oakland and the Jests were part of the AFL. The fact that they were in those locations so when the merger took place is why they are so close together. But the Raiders moved to LA, you say. That's true, they did. But in some roundabout way they managed to retain their territorial rights in Oakland, thereby enabling their move back.
  5. I am not stating that Toronto in in the same market in terms of trade, finance, or business. However: "Toronto is less than 100 miles driving distance from Buffalo. But as the Canada goose flies, it's only about 60 miles away, well within the NFL's 75-mile radius of a team's marketing territory." http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/sports/football/nfl/bills/2008-12-04-toronto-cover_N.htm
  6. I wouldn't hold my breath on there being two franchises in the same market. Toronto, as we know, is considered part of the Buffalo Bills regional market. While this market is capable of supporting one franchise, it is clearly not capable of supporting two franchises. In the Toronto series games, Rogers and the Toronto metro area weren't able to sell out even one game a year in a stadium that is too small to be considered a home for an NFL team. You think the league wants to see 8 (or 9) games a year in Toronto with half (or more) of the seats empty? The move of the Bills franchise only seemed feasible to the league because they assumed, however incorrectly, that the bulk of loyal Bills fans would follow the team to Toronto and fill the stadium there. As was made painfully obvious to the guys on Park Avenue, that was clearly not the case.
  7. That'd be a big negative. At the close of the end zone on Sirius NFL Radio he said he'd be at the SF-CHI game tomorrow night. In an interesting note, he mentioned that it will be the first professional football game he has attended that he wasn't playing in.
  8. Bon Jovi... didn't he play running back for the pats* a few years ago?
  9. Call him and ask. He's hosting on Sitios NFL Radio right now. 877-NFL-kick (877-635-5425)
  10. I posted this in the haiku thread, but because this thread started with a meme, this seemed an appropriate place to put it...
  11. But... these go to eleven...
  12. Just threw this together. Not a haiku, but I like it nonetheless.
  13. Only if you're bringing her, too.
  14. In the Palm Beach Post game predictions, they've got 3 out of 5 south Florida journalists taking the Bills. Most notably, Evan Cohen of ESPN 106.3 predicts a 21-0 Bills win... http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/sports/football/palm-beach-post-predictions-for-miami-dolphins-vs-/nhGFG/
  15. So we'll have respect in February, then.
  16. Well, at least we don't have to hear Solomon Wilcotts going on and on about the Buffalo Beeows.
  17. I hope he's better as a baseball announcer on a football broadcast than Joe Buck.
  18. Can't be mad at this... she's a bit thick, but I kinda like them that way.
  19. I don't see that as an issue...
  20. Maybe the guys who make all of those "authentic" jerseys... I mean, they make jerseys, they've gotta know something about the NFL, right?
  21. Because they likely had the crews assigned well before the season and nobody really cared about a Bills-fish match up at that point.
  22. Yes. They are both physically "gifted." One athletically, the other, well...
  23. I never get tired of seeing that.
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