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Everything posted by devldog131

  1. When the Bills finally beat them back in 2011, I drove to work with the 3x5 Bills flag flying. Back then my commute was all back roads. Today, it's all highway. The flag wouldn't survive it.
  2. Live in Haverhill, in the northeast corner near the NH state line. Commute 100 miles round trip to Marlborough every day. Should give plenty of a$$hats the chance the opportunity to get pissy each work day.
  3. I may live behind enemy lines, but I've never been one to keep a low profile when it comes to the Bills. Made a new addition to the truck for this season... this should get the pink hat pats** fans plenty riled up. If you see me on the highways of New England, give me a honk, a wave, and a "Go Bills!"
  4. Because he only shows up once a year, generally for no longer than 3-4 weeks?
  5. Never been a fan of franken-jerseys, or player nick-name jerseys. But, to each their own. You spent your money on it, so whether or not you like it is all that matters.
  6. What does it say about Whaley that not one of these guys, the key contributors to yesterday's win, was on this roster week 17 of last season? I could watch this all day.
  7. I also like these two. Its always impressive to see a WWE match breakout during a football game...
  8. And we're all outta bubble gum...
  9. Because they are stupid. Very, very stupid.
  10. Volin is the guy who was on Sirius the other morning and said "Malcolm Butler has really established himself as a number one corner in this league, lime Darelle Revis." Volin is a clown shoe who has a taste for patriot* scrote. I take nothing he writes or says with any seriousness at all.
  11. No worries whatsoever. From what I recollect, you are one of the more reasonable posters on the board. Misunderstandings happen, I can't hold it against you.
  12. Why should I "go far away?" Am I not allowed to be confident in my team, particularly what I think may amount to one of the best defenses to ever take the field? If you disagree with me, fine. I don't begrudge anybody for having a different opinion than my own. What I do begrudge people for, however, is comments like yours that appear to belittle others while providing nothing in the way of insight or intelligent opinion.
  13. I've said it in other threads, I'll say it again here. Brady or no Brady, the patriots* lose at The Ralph week 2.
  14. "Luurkerrr... you're gonna get me in trouble again!"
  15. The Bills will beat the patriots* week 2 with or without Marcia on the field.
  16. I prefer the honesty in the NFL. The players don't have to pretend they receive no compensation and the league doesn't have to pretend it cares.
  17. Correction... Brady's used to being the one bent over.
  18. Tough for me to do... I live in a suburb of Boston. I will be catching the Wednesday A's home game against the Angels when I'm in town the first week of September.
  19. 1. Buffalo Bills 2. Oakland Athletics 3. Golden State Warriors 4. San Jose Sharks 5. Oregon Ducks
  20. My wife was watching some crappy wedding dress show on TLC. One bride's last name was Reich, and she was getting married in Buffalo.
  21. Except for the fact that pre-trial discovery is the process in which all evidence pertinent to the entire case is disclosed to the opposing council before the trial begins. Hence "pre-trial" discovery. The league would immediately request that I formation as part of the process, and they have a pretty good case for it, seeing as text messages and phone calls involving Marsha were the crux of the investigation that resulted in the suspension. So, before the opening day of the civil trial, the league would have the information they requested from Marsha during the investigation and that he refused to provide.
  22. If his uncrossable line in the sand is turning over his cell phone and email, suing the league is the last thing Brady is going to do. Assuming he gets past an NFL motion to dismiss, the first thing the judge will tell him to do is turn over his cell phone, email, and all other pertinent documentation to the NFL as part of the pre-trial discovery process. He won't be able to refuse then, or he'll end up in jail for contempt.
  23. Conversation on the sideline may be strangely reminiscent of conversation in my house...
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