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Everything posted by Billadelphia

  1. If you're eating at the cafeteria, get to know the staff and schmooze it up with them while you have a meal plan. Then cancel the meal plan and finagle your way into the cafeteria by hitting on the old women or acting like their children. They can be your best friends while in school. Of course this depends on what type of security and system they have, but use your intuition to figure out a way to get past it. Hanging out with athletes is a good way to do this because they almost always have a free meal plan and just have to sign in to get in. If you hang out with them enough, the staff just figures that you're one of them. I went two years with them thinking I was a football team manager and never paid for a meal. This can also get you free meals when they are closed down but still cleaning up or in the kitchen.
  2. Seriously, who here really cares what Owens has to say? And why does Tim say that we're obligated to hear it? Athletes should not have to worry about press conferences and how the media will interpret their comments. Its a silly game that's gotten out of hand in the last 20yrs, where players are obligated to speak with the media.
  3. Thats who I'm going to go with, I think. However, there's some rumor floating around that he is questionable for the game and its non-injury related. I'm not buying it, and will most likely go with Ward.
  4. Lawton, OK in basic training in 2001. Getting married in March.
  5. It means he's better than Alvin Bowen.
  6. For my slot position, I've got to choose between Ward & Shockey. Shockey has the Bills, who as we all know are 2nd to last in pass D and have given up 4 TD's to tight ends this season. He also has 2 TD's this year so far. (starting Dallas Clarke at TE) Ward has been playing well and has the Bengals, who he kills every year. (starting Calvin Johnson & Housh at WR) Who would you start this week?
  7. The negativity here is ridiculous over a backup OT. If we had drafted this guy in the 5th round, there'd be a line out the door to wash his balls and proclaim him the next Jason Peters. Now we get him for free and he automatically sucks?? Why not just wait and see if he sucks with your own two eyes when he gets on the field rather than pretend like you know what youre talking about based on reading a few news articles, that are generally positive? Has anyone on the board ever seen him play?
  8. I noticed that he changed it when he saw the safety's creeping up too, and was hoping that he'd go uptop with it. What a perfect pass and a great catch by Evans. The thing that stuck out to me the whole game is how bad Leftwich was. I've watched him a few times, but I've never seen throws like some of those yesterday. He was 10+ yds away on a handful of throws. Some of that may have been the receivers fault or a lack of chemistry, but it sure made me thankful that we've got a QB like Trent, who will at least hit the checkdown rather than end up one hopping it to the receiver's feet.
  9. I agree with this part especially. His return has me worried because its the perfect situation for the Bills to have a let down. My guess is he goes for over 100yds against us, but hopefully, the Bucs D can't stop us either.
  10. Bills 34 Bucs 24
  11. Surprising? It doesn't surprise me at all based on the first game. Didn't you know that a player's legacy is formed by what they did the last week, according to some on this board? If Jackson had a bad game, the poll would have been "Who should start at RB in week 2, Omon or Josh Reed?"
  12. Thats amazing
  13. This is a good topic, and my guess is that whomever we put back there will have to get used to the new NFL rule about the two man wall. The last few years, we had a bigger wall in front for the KR to work with, sometimes even 4 people within arms length of each other. I think that McKelvin is the guy to go with since he's younger and not our #1 CB. I think that we need to give him the chance to get settled this season and he'll be fine. If the fumbling continues to be a problem with him, it wouldn't surprise me to see Fred Jackson (after week 3) back there before McGee. Remember that Jackson returned some punts & kicks last year and did well. I'm a big fan of McGee, but I think that his days of returning kicks are past him because of his importance to our D.
  14. There's not a team in football who doesn't try and run the clock out in that situation, including the Steelers. Kid yourselves if you like, but its the truth. The smart decision is to bring it out and try to get it to the 2 min warning.
  15. This is exactly right IMO. You bring the ball out because with 2:06 left on the clock, you at least try and run 6 seconds off the clock to get to the 2 min warning. However, at the first sign of resistance, you go down with two arms on the ball, no matter what. It showed a lack of common sense on McKelvin's part, not the coaching staff. McKelvin was about two steps from the Pro Bowl last year and led the league for the majority of the season on returns. There's nobody else on the team that you would want to field that kick and bringing it out was the right thing to do in that situation.
  16. I agree WEO. Nate plays fast. Unfortunately, his mind isnt as fast as his body. Tremendous athlete, but too many mental mistakes. I'd love him on our team, but not for the money that most think he's worth.
  17. I thought that you meant this guy again: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okhiJjuefPw
  18. http://touchdown.org/patriots/16-reasons-t...he-patriots.php #5 on the list. Still doesn't beat #3 though
  19. The only road Langston ever grated was a carton of Rocky Road, sucker. Now that's a cold does of reality!
  20. I had just finished basic training for the Army Reserves about 3 months before and was about 3/4 of the way done with my secondary training at that point. I was taking my National Registry test to be qualified to be an EMT on Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio and was about halfway done when one of the officers came in and whispered something to the sergeant giving us the test, who then all but ran out of the room (we found out later that he had friends in the Pentagon). I finished the test and came into a room with a TV just in time to see the second plane hit. For the first few minutes, I was thinking that we were watching a movie, but then realized that it was real. It was super intense watching the drill sergeants and officers that had been in our nightmares for the last few months crying because they had friends/family that could have been involved.
  21. He must mean a tackling pylon instead of Denney.
  22. I agree, that's one of my daily staples. Another good one along the same lines is this: www.thisisphotobomb.com Another good one: http://peopleofwalmart.com/
  23. http://www.rotoworld.com/content/playerpag...NFL&id=2267
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