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Everything posted by FistingBot

  1. Coach McD took over defensive play calling in Week 2. ...maybe he should take over offensive play calling in Week 8. ?
  2. That was grounding! Didn't get back to the line of scrimmage.
  3. I like the challenge, if only because it gives an extended timeout to try and regroup as a defense/team.
  4. We seem to fall for the play action every time.
  5. I just can't get over how totally inept our offense is. And, we hired an offensive coordinator who was just as bad in three prior stops. Coincidence? I think not.
  6. Everyone in the stadium could see that ***** run play coming. Everyone. FU Daboll. You're totally useless.
  7. Okay, Coach Daboll. Line it up for the field goal.
  8. Gotta be honest. Stanford might be better against the run than Edmunds at this point (although Edmunds will get there with experience).
  9. Honestly, I see no way we'll get any more points in this game unless the defense makes it happen.
  10. You'd get ejected for that hit in college football.
  11. We need to trade Benjamin at the deadline tomorrow. I don't care if we get a bag of Fritos in return. It'll be worth it.
  12. Stop it with the f'ing Wildcat, Daboll. Good God. Argh.
  13. I'm shocked Benjamin didn't get called for OPI... the Pats always get those type of calls.
  14. No blocking allowed in today's NFL.
  15. Seeing these Thurman highlights reminds me of a time... decades ago... when we actually had a dangerous offense. *sigh*
  16. So.... will we start the second half with a 3-and-out?
  17. This will be 16-3 at the half. Our offense is just so G.D. inept.
  18. This might be the only time we hear the Shout song tonight. Savor it.
  19. It's hard to take anyone named "Booger" seriously
  20. What just happened? A first down? Or am I just drunk?
  21. Maybe Brian Daboll will pull a Vontae Davis and quit at halftime. …a guy can dream, can't he?
  22. Defense is playing great. But, it doesn't matter if you have the worst offense in the league.
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