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Everything posted by FistingBot

  1. It doesn't matter who we hire... we're doomed to suck forever...
  2. I must have misheard him... I could have sworn he said "chicken butt."
  3. This is correct. When a pro sports team is sold, the IRS considers the profits to be capital gains for the owner. So the difference between selling now at a rate of 15% and waiting until after January 1st 2013 (at the projected new rate of 20%) is significant when you consider he bought the team for only $25,000 and it is now valued at over $800 million. But I personally see no evidence he won't own the team until he dies, at which point it'll go up for auction (and the winning bidder will invariably overpay).
  4. Found it: http://www.niagarafallsredevelopment.com/site-overview.php
  5. Where exactly is the rumored Niagara Falls site? (street, etc.) TIA
  6. Chan was the only one who would coach this joke of a franchise. ...And, we were the only team that'd give a guy like Chan a head coaching interview. Perfect match. Thanks, Ralph.
  7. Reminds me of one of my all-time favorite Onion articles! Link: http://www.theonion....s-team-f,10804/
  8. You pretty much never see this kind of douchebaggery at other sports. I don't recall ever seeing an in-stadium fight at the 1,000 or so NHL hockey games I've attended. Same for pro baseball, pro or college basketball, college football... NFL seems to have exclusive domain over classless a$$bags getting wasted and fighting in the stands...
  9. IMHO, if you can't enjoy a Sunday afternoon at the game, you shouldn't be there in the first place... and if you fight that poorly (Browns fan who can't even throw a punch), you REALLY shouldn't be fighting.
  10. I have to disagree somewhat... I agree that this is part of attending a Bills game, but you don't see this sort of thing in a lot of other stadiums... except for maybe Philly.
  11. The most overused word in all of American pro sports: "adversity" When does anyone other than a pro athlete use that word?
  12. Last year, the NFL had something like five Division 3 players in the entire league (Garcon, Freddy Jackson, etc.). And, not a single QB. The only decent Division 3 QB ever that I can think of was Ken Anderson. The trick shots are great, but this kid has virtually no chance of ever making it onto an NFL roster.
  13. Your post is interesting. I think there may be two competing theories as to why ex-football players seem to commit suicide in a higher proportion than the general population following their playing days: (1) the repeated blows to the head that we're learning more about (2) the "let down" after a life of fame and fortune Maybe both can play a role?
  14. Not to speculate, but whenever I hear about something like this involving an ex-player, I can't help but think about what effect 20+ years of high speed collisions may have had on altering brain chemistry. Sad news to hear about anyone committing suicide.
  15. Actually it is pronounced Few-gher. Kid can play too. (Vanderbilt is my employer)
  16. Jarret Boykins, WR, Virginia Tech. He'd be a great free agent pickup. Tech's all-time leading receiver.
  17. A reach in the third round is fine. A reach in the first (Maybin, Whitner, etc.) is not. That said, I've seen Graham play on several occasions (I'm an ACC guy - have season tickets at Virginia Tech) and IMHO, he simply used his speed to run away from people. The plays that I recall were quick screens where he made one guy miss and was off to the races. I can't remember him catching much of anything in traffic, but some of that might have to do with NC State's offense. At worst, he should be a really good kick returner (ACC's all-time leader). The speed receiver who I really like is T.Y. Hilton from Florida International. We passed on him and the Colts grabbed him later in the third. I saw him play live at Vanderbilt and he absolutely dominated.
  18. Glad I wasn't the only one who thought that! (seriously, I can't overlook huge feet)
  19. I think some of you are thinking of McCoy versus Fitz, whereas I think the relevant comparison is McCoy versus Thigpen for the backup role. If he could be brought in for a low draft pick to compete with Thigpen (best man wins), I'd be for it.
  20. If we "tampered" then how could there be a 4 team list already on the table without 4 other teams "tampering?" (If I'm not mistaken, talking contract number prior to the free agency period would be tampering, but not calling around to set up interviews)
  21. I often ask myself... "what would Kyle do?"
  22. Marshawn Lunch.
  23. The 'hands to the face' call was on the offensive lineman at the start of the play (he damned near took his head off) not on the QB tackle. The sack play was because he hit the QB at or below the knees, which is a stupid penalty in general and shouldn't be a rule IMHO... but it is in the rulebook: http://www.nfl.com/rulebook/protectionofpasser
  24. I think what the apologists are forgetting is the fact that this team is not even showing signs of hope. We've lost 7 straight and most of those games were complete blowouts. I can be patient if I see a young team that looks like it just needs time to "gel" and figure out how to win in the NFL. But, this team and coaching staff give us very little reason for optimism, especially in the context of 12 straight years of bad teams. Our young players certainly aren't flashing superstar potential. As for personnel, it's not whether Lynch is better than C.J./Freddie or visa versa. It's that we used picks on positions we already had solid players at instead of on positions of need (offensive line, linebacker, etc.). We traded away or didn't re-sign proven veterans in their prime thereby creating more needs in the process. The fact that players can't wait to get out of Buffalo and that free agents and coaches won't come here (with a few exceptions) speaks volumes for the word around the league about how inept the franchise is.
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