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Huuuge Bills

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Posts posted by Huuuge Bills

  1. I like soccer jerseys and wear them all the time. The old Newcastle United jersey with the the beer front and center is one of my favorite uniforms. Barcelona has nice jerseys-





    I do like how soccer jerseys tend to have different designs (verticls stripes ect.), But I don't think I would buy a jersey with a big ad on the front. Just kind of weird to me. I like soccer jerseys like this one.



    And you were definately right about those fugly Canucks jerseys. :cry:

  2. Thanks for the link Huuuuge. I'm a big uni-junkie myself. One of my very good friends say I put too much stock in uniforms, logos, how players wear a uniform (do they wear the uniform like a slob), etc...


    Can't help it, it's one of my guilty pleasures I guess.


    Yeah, I'm kind of a junkie too.


    And I almost included the cunucks logo (very ugly), but if I listed every one I didn't like, that would have been a LOOONG post.

  3. logoserver.com shows logos from every major, minor, junior, womens or any other type of league you can think of. There aren't many related to buffalo, but I just thought it was pretty interesting to see just how bad some of the old logos were.


    A few of the funniest/worst logos I found were:



    74-76 Denver Nuggets

    Fort Wayne Pistons

    71-72 Houston Rockets



    Dayton Triangles

    1926 Duluth Eskimos

    Miami Dolphins (with sunglasses/prototype)

    1960 Pitsburgh Steelers

    1951 San Francisco 49ers

    1993 St. Louis Stallions (prototype)



    1920 Hamilton Tigers (possibly the worst logo ever)

    1921 Hamilton tigers

    Original Pheonix Coyotes

    1929 Pitsburgh Pirates

    1934 St. Louis Eagles (just looks bland)


    There are thousands of logos here, and I just thought it would be fun to see a little sports history. :cry:

  4. You can't compare the 2 right now


    One QB was given the chance to start half his teams games all year and the other has only one start and played in 3 total games


    Who knows how either will do after what we have seen of them.


    Russel couldn't beat out McCown or Culpepper, held out for more money (missing all of training camp), and reportedly weighs the same as a DT. On top of that the few times he did play, he didn't exactly impress.


    You can't say which one will be better, but if you had to choose, I have to believe that Trent would be the safer pick.

  5. I guess that you don't mind that you had a CPU controlled RB carry the ball 12 times today....or that you had a CPU controlled OT in the game on 32 plays?


    I'de love to have more human players on the team. But we are already starting to lose money from paying all of them. We have around 45 I think, and they cost a LOT more than CPU players.


    Besides, we are already in the playoffs. It would be cool to see the Meatballs get in too.

  6. The Sabres have been a lot more relevant to the NHL in the past 3 years than the Bills have been to the NFL in the last 10 years. So I don't mind the extra hockey talk.


    What I do mind is how just about every WGR host will defend Sabres management to the death. They basically haven't done anything right in two years but they don't deserve any criticism from the "stupid callers"? :w00t:


    I agree that the Sabres deserve extra time considering how well they've done, But they talk non-stop about them every day. Especially the afternoon guys.


    Their season is over and the NFL draft is coming up, They just played the NCAA tournament, NASCAR is going right now, and the MLB season just started. They really don't need to rehash the same 2-3 topics every day.

  7. This was my exact thought yesterday. I'm getting ready for work and decided to turn it on for a second. And their STILL talking about the Sabres. As if the previous 473 days wasn't enough. :w00t:


    I'll try to catch Brad tonight, He was one of the only hosts I actually liked at WGR.

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