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Huuuge Bills

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Posts posted by Huuuge Bills

  1. When did NC clone himself to play all four defensive secondary positions. We've established that a secondary relies heavily on the pass rush. Last I checked SF didn't have much of that either.


    It'll start a whole new brouhaha, but franchising Clements in 06 was step 1 into keeping him long term. I can't recall the last player who received the franchise tag and subsequently did their one year and went to another team.


    This is about long term strategy, not short term thinking. No one's saying that what SF paid NC is what he's worth. Obviously, SF leads the league in money spent AND bad season records. So universally saying NC was an 80M dollar players (when he's probably only going to see 64M) is simple simon thinking.


    If the Bills draft a CB in round 1, it's the closest they'll come to admitting it was a mistake to franchise NC for no reason back in 06.


    Asante samuel this year, and Lance Briggs would have been another, but he didn't get what he thought he could in FA. So he went back to the Bears for far less than he was asking for. Both were tagged then hit FA the following year.


    And getting a young CB with potential (and 1/5 the price tag) has nothing to do with letting an overrated CB walk 2 years ago. (I don't want to go CB 11 this year FWIW)

  2. no OL depth?


    The season is over if Peters gets hurt or the Duke plays for an extended period of time.


    All of those fancy offensive weapons everyone wants become useless and Edwards probably gets maimed.


    It might be over if Peters goes down and we don't have anyone behind him, but if we still have the same crappy weapons on offense, the season might not go anywhwere to begin with.


    The season would also be over if Lynch went down, but we aren't going to draft Mendenhall. And what if Evans goes down, and we still don't have another quality WR? How good do you honestly think we'll be then?


    Get Limas Sweed in the first (11, trade down, trade up) and a TE in the first 3 rounds. Grab some O-line depth in the 4th-5th round.

  3. you're basically saying we should draft depth for our oline, you can't possibly think a back up lineman is more important than generating more points. we have a good o line, but we barely score.


    Silly colin, in this bad year for WR's we should take one of the WR's who is worse than the horrible ones expected to go in the first round. That will solve our offensive woes. That and drafting a player to learn 2 new positions at the same time, all while he doesn't see the feild all year. THAT is how you become good....


    FWIW worth Limas Sweed would be one of those can't miss WR prospects if he didn't have the wrist inury. IMHO.

  4. To beat the dead horse......kudos to an organization that could let a star all-around skilled 26 year old cornerback walk in free agency, then have to use a #1 pick and pay an 8 figure signing bonus/guaranteed money to a kid who they don't even know can play in the league the next year.


    If CB wasn't that important then, it shouldn't be now.


    SF has gotten WORSE in pass defense since Clements has been there, and they are paying him 80 F---IN MILLION DOLLARS!!!!! :thumbsup:


    He was good, but nowhere near THAT good. Plus if we do (and I don't think we will) pick a corner at 11, we aren't going to pay him any where close to that much money (probably around what we payed Lynch last year).

  5. If Rucker is there in Rd 5 and we haven't already drafted a TE thats a no-brainer.


    If you don't have a TE yet take Rucker. If you already did, take Silva or Butler. We need to replace Stamer and Haggan, and either of those two would be good choices IMO.

  6. 7-9 or 8-8 looks about right to me. This team has a long way to go, but is moving forward talent-wise.


    No Poz, no K. Simpson, no Stroud, No S. Johnson, no W. James, no K. Mitchell, none of this years draft picks, half a season of JP starting, half a season of Trent as a rookie, 17 players on IR, a harder schedule, Steve Fairchilds playcalling, A-Train getting playing time, a ton of injuries that didn't land guys on IR, Ellison starting, and losing a few games on lucky last second plays got us 7-9 last year.


    Just wondering why we wouldn't improve after all of that?

  7. what does not change for all of eternity is you need to be strong on both lines to be dominant.


    We are one injury away from having a turnstyle play LT or the Duke take over anywhere else on the line.


    Albert would be a good pick and a great one if he could be converted to C.




    Albert isn't a sure fire pick, no one is (Robert Gallery anyone?). And he plays GUARD. He is not some magical beast who can play every O-line position at the drop of a hat. You can't seriously expect him to learn to play left tackle (which he has never done), at the same time he is being groomed to play center (a position he has never played).


    He is going to be a rookie anyway, expecting him to come in and dominate at ANY position on the line is rediculous.


    We ARE 1 injury away from having a problem on the O-line, and 1 injury away at LB, and CB, and SS, and K, and P. You know what though? We are 0 injuries away from sucking at WR, and FB, and TE.


    And is it unreasonable to think/hope we might stay healthy on the O-line?

  8. I had a cell phone for a while and figured out that:


    a) I could wait the 14 seconds till I was in my car to make a call if need be (Onstar).


    b) People tend to call you 10 times a day for no reason whatsoever when they have your cell phone number.


    c) They break/get lost pretty easy and get pretty expensive to replace.


    d) I thought to myself, if I got rid of my cell phone, how much better would my Bills tickets be?


    Long story short, Ill be getting the best season tickets available when select-a-seat rolls around. :thumbsup:

  9. Why don't WE want Albert? Why are successful teams like the Pats and Eagles always making deals on draft day and coming away with depth at both lines, while we swing from position player to position player and continually miss the playoffs? Could there possibly be a correlation?




    Maybe because we set a franchise record low for sacks allowed? Maybe because he plays a position we are strong at? (Dockery and Butler are both pretty good) Maybe because unlike those other teams, we suck at a lot of other positions? Maybe because those teams actually have had a franchise QB for the past few seasons? (I like Edwards, but we don't know how good he'll be)

  10. NOT expensive, he is scheduled for a base salary of 1.9 this year. Come on guys, don't just speculate stuff when you post, look it up


    If you think he's going to accept being traded away from the super bowl champs to a team that hasn't made the playoffs in a decade (not to mention his agent is Rosenhouse) and not ask for an extension, you're nuts.

  11. with that logic, they should use the #11 on the best true Center in the draft since that is also a need.


    There is a big diference in "reaching" 6 spots for the best WR who you believe can contribute right away (Which would help out Evans, our 2nd year QB and our rushing attack), and "reaching" by about 100 picks for a center who will sit on the bench. (no great centers this year, top ones have the same strength problem as Fowler)


    And I say getting Merling would be the biggest mistake they could make. IMO Merling is Kelsay minus the experience.

  12. Would love to see the Buffalo Bills pick up Jeremy Shockey from the NY Giants. He would be an excellent addition to our slouching offense. In my honest opinion he would be a great SPARK to our offense. What a weapon he would be for Trent Edwards.



    Get er DONE!




    Drops a LOT of catchable passes, injury problems, deep at TE in this years draft, expensive, Giants won the super bowl after he got injured (again), Drew Rosenhouse is his agent, shows up his QB (we have a 2nd year QB BTW) Do I need to go on?

  13. 1 - Phillip Merling, DE, Clemson

    2 - James Hardy, WR, Indiana

    3 - John Carlson, TE, Notre Dame


    GO BILLSSS!!!!!


    :lol: Chris Kelsay and the Baby-Beater with our first two picks. The thought of this happening is why I havn't bought my tickets yet.


    Do you realize that Kelsay (the player everone wants replaced) has more sacks against NFL COMPETITION than Merling has against COLLEGE COMPETITION over the past 3 years. :beer:

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