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Huuuge Bills

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Everything posted by Huuuge Bills

  1. FOOTBALL!!!!!
  2. I think people want him to stop talking all the damn time, while showing nothing on the field. If you play like Ray Lewis, fine, talk like Ray Lewis. Otherwise, no one wants to hear you running your mouth every year.
  3. And a collective F*CK! just came out of Boise, Idaho. This is going to make it much harder for Boise to get the respect at the end of the year they will probably need to make it to a title game.
  4. Slightly better outcome this week, 28-25 win over #17 Georgia Tech.
  5. He makes Extenze commercials. See for yourself.
  6. The fat man in the striped shirt sliding across the floor is just awesome. Pretty scary when the lady smacked against the column though. And it was powerful enough to toss around a forklift like it was a matchbox car.
  7. The first game I have a vivid memory of watching is the music city miracle. I can still hear my brother yelling "that's a forward pass, that's a forward f*cking pass!!!!". Maybe I'm the bad luck? We haven't won a damn thing since I've starting following the Bills. I have absolutely no idea what it's like to watch a good Bills team. But, there is hope with Gailey and staff.
  8. Nick Mendola did one on WECK 1230. Didn't hear it yet, but see what I can find. EDIT: And here it is.
  9. I believe that this was someone someones avatar. But should work in this situation none the less. Dolphins are just gay sharks.
  10. Love that were going back to the classic unis. And I don't mind the script ones, but... Look at the script uni and tell me that the writing doesn't look like a dong. A big B that looks like balls, then the writing has an outline around it, slanting slightly downward.
  11. Thank you, I'll be over shortly. Thank you, I'll be over shortly. I'm making some serious coin here, so I'm going to ignore your advise. Thank you, I'll be over shortly. You're so kind. Want a dollar? I have several.
  12. Anyone got a buck I can borrow?
  13. The first game I ever went to, the 31-0 beat down of the pats*. Absolutely great day all around. Seeing Sam Adams rumble down the sideline was so great, lost my voice on that play.
  14. Not for me he doesn't. It started out with one small avatar for me (forget who's). Then the next thread I opened, all of them were gone.
  15. I guess dog14787 is having the same problem. I deleted cookies, and looked through the settings, couldn't find anything though...
  16. You too? I had a thread on the front page, but thought it was just me.
  17. Alright, must be a problem on my end. I'll close this and try to solve it. Thanks though.
  18. All of the sudden everyone's avatar has a red circle, with the words no permission under it. Is it just me? A permanent thing? Just wondering.
  19. And problem solved
  20. Take away the weird pattern on the stripes, numbers, and helmets and replace it with a solid color. I would love the look that way, especially the flat black helmets.
  21. I require that you all bow out gracefully. I'm ready to win now.
  22. That's what I'm getting on the pick em one.
  23. Weird, I can get into the survivor, but need an invite for the pick em. So I think I need an invite, unless there is another way.
  24. Why not?
  25. Take a breath champ, take a breath.
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