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Huuuge Bills

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Everything posted by Huuuge Bills

  1. It might not be the unique opportunity that you had, but the one someone else didn't. Take me for example, I had great grades in school (I don't think I ever had an average below a 95), was very good at playing football (TE) and would have been able to go to college on a scholarship easily. However my situation at home prevented me from doing so. My Dad died when I was 10, my older Brother has mental problems (and can't get a job because of it), and my Mom has a bad hip and was unable to get a job for many years. A few years ago, my Mom was cut off by the gov't and was forced to work in a factcory for minimum wage. (We were reciving S.S. Survivors benifits) So I had two choices. Go to college and let my Mom and Brother be put on the street, or sacrifice my future and get a crappy job to pay for their bills. (rent, food, medical, ect.) I chose the latter, and now I'm stuck working in a factory for $9 an hour. So while you may not have been given a "unique opportunity", you were probably lucky enough to have a family that was able to support themselves. We all aren't as lucky.
  2. Incorect. You were trying to make a joke in a thread about a former Bills player who died serving his country, on a day where you are supposed to remember those who give their lives to protect your freedom.... And failed miserably. Why don't you run along and tell some more "jokes" in the thread about childhood cancer. (It went over so well the first time...)
  3. I LOVE the White Stripes so I'll definately check it out. Thanks for the heads up
  4. Now I'm not a hunter, but isn't the purpose of the piss to lure a male who wants to mate? If that's the case, hunters are the least of the pats* worries. p.s. I went ahead and fixed your post.
  5. I definately wouldn't get one as my daily drive. I'm 6'4" and I doubt it could handle Buffalo Winters. However, You could convince me to get
  6. You mean staring at Lee Evans and not once looking elsewhere on a given play is a bad thing?
  7. Reeces is by far my favoite. And once in a while I like to get some Rollos.
  8. I work in a candy factory, and trust me, how fresh something is makes all the difference. When we get new shipments in, the candy is soft, and very flavorful. However, since most of the candy doesn't expire for 1-3 years, you rarely get something that is straight from the factory. You mostly get something that's been sitting in the back of the factory for 5-6 months before we get around to packaging it. So while most of you never get candy at it's best, I can take all the "samples" of fresh candy I want.
  9. Don't even try guys, he just ignores people who make logical posts. p.s. Why is it that LSI gets banned for making 400 posts about ST players, but this clown gets to stick around after 400 posts of "Jason Peters WILL get hurt, and we have no backup LT."?
  10. "I was not an F today. We got a lot of depth now and we basically rebuilt our special teams which some of you see to forget is one of our units. C at worst. I'd say solid B." "More depth AND can be used for ST. We needed to rebuild our ST after all the players we lost from that unit (Ex. Aiken, Wire....)." "A. This was a great draft. I know some of you were critical of our second day but we got some serious depth now AND we basically rebuilt our special teams. Not only that we addressed our key issues and we have some seriously talented players now. I can care less if ESPN (not including Chris Berman) give us a low grade, this was a great draft and I can't wait for the season!" "Again, nice depth pick and ST." "Actually there was......on ST." "Which I could see him beating out and if not we can use him on ST. Overall nice late round steal." "He's going to be GREAT on ST." "Not bad for some more WR depth but he'll be the new Sam Aiken on ST. Nice pick." "Final round! 3 picks....we can get nice back up and ST players here." "We needed to have depth at ST and depth at LB. This was a much better pick than Te because there were several quality TE still on the board." "You do realize that ST is part of thi team and that we lost quite a few guys on ST. Why not the probably the best unit on the team for the past 2 years." "Oh come on. We are having a great draft. We just got our possible FB and a great ST player. This is not that bad of a pick." That's a sample of what the entire draft weekend was like. You can look through them yourself.
  11. That would be great! Especially if you had that nights show (or previous nightsfor that matter) online. As it stands right now, I'm at work when your show is on, and on lunch when you go off the air. So I can't listen . Oh well, still good that you're back.
  12. Depends, How much was the deposit? If the deposit was huge, you might want to just go anyways. And what is the level of "talent" you are looking to employ? If the girls weren't going to anything special, why lose out on the cash?
  13. I'll have what he's having! If we blowout the pats* this year, I'll go streaking around the block in the dead of winter. (And I live on Grand Island, that's a big effin block!)
  14. Not cool man, not cool. Do you know how hard it is to avoid clicking on that link when we post Youtube videos so much? Rick Roll me all you want, hell, drop a pixie or two, but don't you ever, EVER, post that again.
  15. Replay starting right now, ESPN 2.
  16. The Rams are for sale. And they are reportedly a few buyers interested, including former 49ers owner Eddie DeBartolo. DeBartolo has said that he wants to buy a team (he would prefer to buy the Bucs) and try to move them to L.A. However, attepmts to buy the Bucs have failed, and this might be his only other choice. If this is true, we can finally put an end to all of the ridiculous talk about the Bills going to L.A. Although, I hate the fact that St. Louis might have it's team taken away. And I especially hate that L.A. might get a team for the 3rd time. Thoughts?
  17. Sounds good, thanks for the recap.
  18. What, you mean you don't like being told 437 times how Jason Peters is going be injured every year, and how we should draft 49 O-lineman every year, and how we are 1 injury away from being 0-16, and how jauron is horrible, and how Trent is horrible, and how our draft was horrible, and how every other team ever is better than us? You actually don't like that? I find that hard to believe.
  19. This was brought up a few days ago. I fail to see the problem. The pats* fire a guy midseason, and don't change their scheme at all? And we didn't call him, he called us. That's just being stupid on their part.
  20. My favorite part of the article is at the bottom. "In other fashion news, WKMG-TV reports that Bob Hezzelwood is suing the sheriff's department in Lee County, Fla., because deputies gave him a ticket for wearing a Speedo."
  21. This week's contest is over, but they have one every week.( with a different topic) Last week Kobe Bryant, this week beer.
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