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Huuuge Bills

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Everything posted by Huuuge Bills

  1. The grass is always greener...
  2. The one MAJOR diference is who the commish was. Tagliabu wasn't nearly as harsh as Goodell is.
  3. And we wait till next year
  4. You disapoint me.
  5. The big race is almost on. I think he gets it done, especially with Casino Drive missing the race today.
  6. Imagine sharing a cell with that guy...
  7. She could have just followed her lead. Instead of wasting money and having to deal with surgery. She should have just spent her money on hideous clothes to take attention away from her face.
  8. Sarah Jessica Parker walks into the same bar the day after that and the bartender says "you again?".
  9. ESPN is getting in on the Tiger bashing.
  10. It all depends on what the records are. If we have a shot at the playoffs, Bills fans will pay more. If the Browns have a shot at the playoffs, Browns fans will pay more. If we're both doing well, they have to outbid each other. And of course, if we're both out of the playoff race, you won't get much more than face-value.
  11. I have a mental image: A middle aged man, wearing a catchers mask, long sleeve shirt with the arms duct taped shut, winter hat pulled down tight, gloves, and goggles. Holding a huge vaccum cleaner in the air waving it around as you curse a bunch of flying ants to hell. Then after they are all inside the vaccum, you take off the catchers mask throw it to the ground, get down on one knee, point at the ants, and mock them. "Who's the big man now? HUH? That's right, I'M THE MOTHER MAN!!!! You want some more? Didn't think so..." At this point your wife walks into the room, half asleep. "Honey, it's 2 A.M., come to bed, you can get the big bad ants tomorrow." You then, realizing how ridiculous you look, agree to come to bed. As you leave the room, you stare down the ants, and mumble "This isn't over".
  12. TP the front yard and haul ass back to NY.
  13. The part that bothered me was the terrible refs. The fights were being stopped kind of early, and that was god awful refing in the Kimbo fight. Colosus (or whatever his name was) had side control and was dropping elbows, and he stood it up. Wha? Then he stops the fight when both fighters are still standing, and both were still throwing punches. I have a funny feeling that they were stopping it early because it was the first fight on a national broadcast. They probably wanted to keep it clean and "safe". IMO they ruined the night by doing it. I'll stick to UFC, WEC, and boxing on ESPN for my fight needs. Speaking of WEC, you gonna watch the big fight tonight? I love watching Faber fight, and Pulver can knock anyone out. Should be fun.
  14. That was the first thing to pop into my head when I first read this.
  15. Forgot about half-baked, awesome movie.
  16. It's an unemployed japanese woman!
  17. I think that would go on the list of best comedies. 30 years later, and it's still shown 5-6 times a year on Comedy Central. Definately not under rated.
  18. I bet they were wondering who the pats* are, you know with all of the 19-0 shirts laying around...
  19. I'll second that.
  20. Not to mention the homicidal neighbors.
  21. I call shenanigans. He dims the lights before he lights the fuse, but as soon as the explosion occurs, the lights are back on full. Almost had me until I noticed that.
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