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Huuuge Bills

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Everything posted by Huuuge Bills

  1. I like to look at the message boards of the teams we are playing the following week (Injuries, and general information). In the offseason, I try to look at the teams of players i want the bills to sign. And every once in a while I head over to a fins board for the unintentional comedy.
  2. He cheered for the *s while they were running up the score on us. He was cheering for them even though *ichek is a cheating, lying, dickless scumbag. He stood up and cheered every time *fork or *ison cheap shotted someone. He got his man-panties in a bunch every time *y was hit and cryed for a penalty. He proudly wore the flying elvi logo around and bragged about the *s winning super bowls. And now that the *s lost in the super bowl, and the luster has come off of the steaming pile from * England, he wants to crawl back to us? No I say, he may wear our jersey, he may cheer for the team, but he will NEVER be a true fan of the Buffalo Bills. Being a Bills fan is a life-long commitment, not something you choose to do when convenient.
  3. OOOOOHHHHHHHH HHHHEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLL NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'de rather go BME pain olympics* on myself than to get head from that "chick". *(look it up, but DON'T watch it!)
  4. My understanding from the OTA's (based on where everyone was lined up) was that Stroud and Johnson will start. McCargo will back up Stroud, and Williams will backup Johnson.
  5. A four page thread on TSW about busts and not one link to a pair of boobs? For shame.... Slackers.
  6. It's too early to say, but if we do have a good year and are picking low, and he has a good year and is projected to go high, I would have no problem trading up for him. Just for the sake of conversation, how much would it cost to move from about 24th to 10th?
  7. With the 32nd pick in the 2009 NFL draft, the Buffalo Bills select http://calbears.cstv.com/sports/m-footbl/m...ack_alex03.html.
  8. I'll go with one no one has mentioned yet.
  9. This is an orange. Your welcome!
  10. Sometimes, it takes a little time to fix the mess left to you by the previous regime.
  11. I think apple pie is the best pie, Cherry just doesn't do it for me. And I like pumpkin pie, but that's more of a seasonal pie.... I like pie.
  12. If there is a spot still open after all of the regulars return, I'll join in.
  13. 51-49 in favor of Billy after I voted.
  14. I hope for his sake, that he didn't use this phone.
  15. My first game at the ralph was 31-0 against the pats* to open the season. I won seasons off of the TV (From watching that 70's show) and I got a nice fire and ice grill to go along with it. I couldn't speak for a week after that game.
  16. Marshawn didn't hit her, that thing was trying to mate with his SUV. He had to drive away.
  17. Damn, really? I have to be at work tonight. I already ranked my players, so it will pick for me automatically, correct?
  18. Because the Raiders fans were cheating. They had something like 200,000 votes in 12 hours. Seeing that they were being cheated by the Raiders fans, Jags fans decided to return the favor and cheat as well. So now, they're both eliminated. Cheating in an online mascot challenge has to a new low, even for Raiders fans.
  19. Schoebel was at some of the OTAs, and had "obligations" which is why he missed some others. He also didn't purposely hold out of ALL team activites (manditory or otherwise). Instead he kept his mouth shut and let the team and his agent work out a deal. On the other hand, Peters didn't show up for ANY team activites, and didn't even bother to tell anyone why untill a week ago. Shoebel didn't paint the team into a corner, and as such got rewarded. Peters wants to play hardball, and is reaping the benifits.
  20. Loaded right away, big improvement. Nice work
  21. I've been thinking about joining a league. If you start it up, count me in.
  22. How many pro-championships does Buffalo have? We have a record of 0-6 in the Super Bowl/Stanley Cup finals. I'll defend Buffalo all day, but we don't belong anywhere near this list.
  23. Melissa Holmes. is the local tv babe. As for my three: Layla Kayleigh. Allison Stokke. Veronica Zemanova.
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