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Huuuge Bills

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Everything posted by Huuuge Bills

  1. I really like the throwback one. Wonder how much it would cost to buy?
  2. "Beyond the grave with John Edwards" or some such crap. I can't believe how many people watch this stuff and actually believe that it's real.
  3. The full segment is going to air next week.
  4. Lee was in the lead with 49%. Side note, in last place with 1%... Nate Clements.
  5. I went with the same two, with honorable mentions for F. Jackson and Lee Evans for that amazing catch.
  6. I'm loving the fact that we aren't being bombarded by comercial breaks every time the clock stops.
  7. Ask, and ye shall recieve.
  8. Love me some Munn. Ms. Munn on a Hawaii chair. Ms. Munn gets popped from behind. And finally...
  9. That's nothing. I'll give you the best Jim Mora rant.
  10. I'de like to add one of my favorites to the discussion. layla kayleigh. Just beautiful. Oh my! One last one.
  11. VERY underated, not a bad singer either.
  12. I guess you missed the at the end of his post. Next to Lori, SiC may be the last person who should be called a "clueless moron". You need to have your sarcasm detector tweaked.
  13. Wooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heard it at work, held that in all day. And for the people bitching about the money, you need to realize a few things. 1) He would have gotten just as much, if not more in FA. 2) I would gladly pay a little extra to a player who keeps his mouth shut, and comes into to work everyday without any drama. 3) Don't mention his numbers, look who has been playing along side of him. (Losman, Price, Fairchild) 4) After the next few WR's get signed (Boldin) this deal will look pretty good. 5) This also sends a message to the other players. Show up do your job, and you get payed (Evans). Hold out and act like an anus (Peters), and you won't see another dime.
  14. Damn it, you had my hopes up when I read the title. Can you add the word "progress?" or "soon?" to the end please. BTW, there hasn't been any progress that has been discussed. I'de guess that it will either get done during the bye week, or he goes into the offseason without a contract.
  15. Well there's what Canseco said, there's the bottle of steroids that was sitting in his locker, there's common sence, and there's the "I'm not here to talk about the past" crap he pulled on Capitol hill. McGwire, Sosa, Bonds, ect. all juiced, and we all know it. The single season HR record stood for decades, then all of the sudden it gets broken 5-6 times? And as soon as they start really start testing (now), no one has come close to getting 61 HR's in a season. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and sh*ts on your car like a duck, then it's a duck. I don't need blood tests to tell me that.
  16. On 'The Blitz', they said TO had 2 carries and 17 attempted passes (7 receptions.) for a total 19 touches. Marion Barber had 8 carries, Felix jones had 0. If anything, they gave him the ball too much.
  17. He had a few snaps at FB this week beacause Barnes injured his foot (should be back next week BTW). They didn't use him much though, instead they went with more 2 RB looks with Lynch and Jackson in.
  18. Thanks Tim. It's fixed now and he currently has an 85% approval rating for this week.
  19. That's the problem. It asks if we approve of the job Lovie Smith has done coaching the Bears. We aren't able to vote for him.
  20. OK, people are starting to get hurt. I'll jump in. Follow along closely. 1) He eats crayons. THINK about that. 2) He is suggesting that losing would be good. 3) Read some of the other posts, particularly the ones laughing as if it were a joke... 4) He f*ucking eats crayons.... Please tell me you get it, I wouldn't have much hope for humanity if you don't.
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