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Lt. Dan's Revenge

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Everything posted by Lt. Dan's Revenge

  1. Haha, that also has to be the first time that Gallo and Jon Corto have been mentioned in the same sentence in the history of the English language. Wow.
  2. Already got it, but if thats the winner we could split the rights to the shirt
  3. That may be right. It's interesting, on Yahoo's page for Oden it says he was born in Indy. Maybe they're mistaken. You would have to believe his site isn't wrong.
  4. Good point. But does Oden consider himself to be "from" Buffalo or Indianapolis? I know he was born in Indy, and then what, moved to Buffalo?
  5. Cue the Deep Voice guy and a simple "Yea".
  6. What about last year's NHL Rookie of the Year who just so happenend to be TWENTY YEARS OLD and from Buffalo...??? Oh wait, I forgot Simmons hates hockey. Nevermind.
  7. Graham's chats are always pretty interesting IMO...Thanks Lori.
  8. I don't think Jason Campbell is going to be a GREAT quarterback in this league at any point in his career either, but he has played damn well the last two weeks for the Skins. I think King overrates a large number of players in this league, as his top 50 NFL Players column from before this year proves. I wish I had the link handy, but I do remember him rating Calvin Johnson ahead of Terrell Owens, Brian Westbrook all the way down at #26 which is way too low, Wes Welker WAY too high (even after his great year in '07), etc. Campbell is just another one of the donkeys he is trying to pin the tail on before anyone else.
  9. Peter King's a jackass. I can't wait to see him eat his words about the Bills once again, just like after Jacksonville. In his analysis he basically described the Rams being a complete mess, then he picks them to beat the 3-0 Bills? Makes sense.
  10. Awful news...Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Matt.
  11. When did I come out and say I was neutral? I am a conservative, but I'd like to think I'm a pretty moderate one at that as well. You're naive as hell if you really believe that the McCain camp chose Palin as a publicity stunt. She's done more with her "inexperience" as the Alaskan Governer than Obama has done at both the state and federal levels of the Senate combined. You want to talk about neutrality? How many times has Obama crossed partisan lines? Give me a break. Ron Paul . Although he does have some excellent ideas, namely concerning Income Tax, he obviously has no chance. But that's fine with me. People like you and whoever you're convincing to waste a vote for the guy are just taking votes away from your boy Barack, so go right ahead my friend.
  12. Amen to that brother. It sort of proves how ridiculous much of the far left out there can be when in many cases there best argument against John McCain being elected President has to do solely with a few predictable issues that these morons have with Sarah Palin. How much legislation has Obama written or directed during his time in Congress? I wonder if that number even exceeds how many autobiographies the ego-maniac has had the time to induldge in. Yet, Obama supporters are ALWAYS the quickest to jump on the lack-of-experience train. The only difference is that sentiment is against the GOP running mate, NOT the Presidential candidate himself, in which case their point is dead. Interesting.
  13. I actually thought Palin did pretty well with the Hannity interview, and obviously most of the national media didn't have much of a bad take on it either since you didn't here much about it from them. Unlike the constant b.s. about things her family and the Bridge to Nowhere that they try to drill into the heads of Americans day in and day out. Two things which have pretty much zero affect on this election or this country. The point is that the liberal media, which dominates the newspapers and most of the television outlets, feels very threatened by what she has brought to the McCain campaign. Which is why they spend more time criticizing her on mostly petty issues than McCain on any important issues they may have of him. It's an absolute joke IMO.
  14. Entourage is a GREAT show IMO.
  15. Honestly, who the hell are you to call Jim Rome a loud mouth hack...? You either like him or you don't, you don't have to go off on him when he props the Bills just because you can't stand him. Get over it.
  16. Not to mention that the Rams O-Line is an absolute joke. THEY if anyone make even the Raiders O-Line look like the Hogs. Why do you think Bulger is on the bench now? It's not nearly as much his fault as it is the 5 guys in front of him IMO.
  17. Yes, I have. And I also watched the Patsies play a lot last season as well. What does it mean on any given Sunday, particularly in the playoffs? Absolutely NOTHING.
  18. It's his track record. Mort will find anything negative he possibly can to point out abotu the Bills. No matter how much success they are having at a given time. Even to the point of making stuff up, which he may have even done in this case. Unless I'm way off as I watch Stroud play thus far.
  19. Wow. What a great scene. It's nice to know that Bills fans from all over the country can watch the game with fanatics like themselves in great atmospheres! LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. That is pretty interesting. And also pretty hard to believe. I wonder if that is near the bottom as far as teams around the league that have been around as long as Buffalo goes....
  21. Absolutely. And Whitner's first pick of the year
  22. Actually, truthfully it is POSSIBLE due to the fact that we don't have a loss yet. So of course it's POSSIBLE for any undefeated team. LIKELY for any of them including the Bills? Of course not.
  23. Seriously. Threads like this are a bit of a joke IMO. I'll entertain this idea if they reel off 10 straight or something, but not three. C'mon.
  24. 4.27, wow! Thanks.
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