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Lt. Dan's Revenge

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Everything posted by Lt. Dan's Revenge

  1. Thanks, now I'm going to have a Barry Melrose interview in my head for the rest of the day!
  2. It seemed to be more of an analysis of socialism than of the current stimulus package...
  3. I agree. And I would be curious to know if there are in fact any laws that restrict how close/demonstrative groups like this can be in a setting like a funeral/memorial service. It's just mind boggling to me that there are people who can sleep at night after essentially ambushing people who are grieving over the loss of loved ones that same afternoon.
  4. I just love it when people, including Bullpen for about two posts, are having a serious conversation about something like this and all of a sudden it turns into a 5th grade contest of competetive banter.
  5. Oh no! Someone answered the same question that I did, with an answer that I have deemed to be similar. Why would that jerk reiterate my statement!?!?!? Grow up.
  6. Something needs to be done about this bullsh*t. I don't even know what, just something.
  7. Sign me up for that any day of the week...Cushing, Ayers, and Wood in those spots would all be great picks.
  8. Unbelievable...My heart and prayers go out to the families.
  9. Happy Birthday Dean, hope its been a great one.
  10. How do you know that he "kicked a woman when she was on the ground"? Or are just willing to take the Illegal Immigrant's (who just so happens to be filing a multi-million dollar lawsuit) word for it?
  11. What's confusing to me is how they are able to file this civil suit against the property owner when it was a federal crime that they gained access to his land in the first place by entering the country illegally....
  12. Granted, but it still comes back to the point that I do not understand how illegal immigrants are able to file a civil suit in the United States that involves a location that they had illegally entered. And to your other point, no we don't know that they did the same types of damaging things like many of the other groups of illegals did, but we might not know if they did anyways. However, none of that would be an issue if they hadn't illegally entered the country and trespassed through someones property.
  13. Agreed. Better to call it how it really is rather than hiding behind continued 7-9, 8-8 seasons and pretending you're making steps to becoming a winning franchise in this league.
  14. What is your point? Because George Bush appointed him he is immune to making a liberal ruling? And in this case a foolish one? C'mon.
  15. I don't need to review this judge's opinions to have a pretty good idea about how he feels about open borders and amnesty. When I referenced secular progressive, I was using it as a way to define this type of judgement, not questioning whether or not judges should be secular. Anyone who allows this type of case in his/her courtroom is doing nothing but parading for open borders, amnesty, and more problems involving illegal immigrants in this country, and that is sad.
  16. It isn't relavent to me that "a judge allowed the suit", which you keep harping on, because there is no way that illegal aliens should be allowed to file a civil law suit of this kind in a U.S. court. Just because some secular progressive judge wants to turn his courtroom into a circus doesn't make it right to illegally enter a country and trespass through that man's property. Nor does it make his reaction wrong. JMHO.
  17. Anyone who says with a straight face that California doesn't have illegal immigration problems is in line for a psychiatric evaluation. In 2006, an estimated 25% of the states population was composed of illegal immigrants. Live in a place like Modesto for 6 months and see if you don't think its a problem.
  18. Since when is trespassing and entering a country illegally not doing anything wrong....?
  19. You don't think that this was his initial reaction when this first started happening on his property? As it obviously continued to happen and his property began getting damaged, stolen, littered on, etc, it is unrealistic to expect him to simply "call the authorities" each and every time. My guess is that at some point he decided, and rightly so, that he needed to police his own land to a certain extent, and not just rely on calling the authorities over and over again. And if you recall, when he would catch illegal immigrants on his property, he would in fact call the authorities and hold them until they were taken into custody. So that is really a moot point.
  20. Exactly. And I'd like to see anyone who is defending these people and their lawsuit react compassionatly if they were in his shoes in the same situation. Interesting to see if some opinions would change then.
  21. Your statement right here is exactly why this country is spinning out of control. So, you admit that these people committed multiple misdemeanors, yet it is okay for them to somehow have the opportunity to use American taxpayers' dollars in bringing a civil suit against the person who owned the property on which they committed the crimes? That is such a warped view it is not even funny. See how bad this problem gets if illegal immigrants like these clowns can continue to file Civil Rights law suits within a country that they are not even citizens of in the first place. What a joke.
  22. Absolutely, I would not pull the trigger in those instances either, but I certainly wouldn't hesitate to brandish a weapon as a little motivation to these people and future trespassers. As far as them keeping a low profile, that doesn't seem to be the case when cattle is being set on fire on the property and hundreds of these people keep choosing the same route. It is just bothersome to me that it seems like every time there is a dispute such as this between illegal immigrant(s) and American citizen(s), groups like the ALCU and such try to paint a certain picture with the illegal alien(s) always being the "victim" in too many of these cases. I wish I knew what the solution is, but something needs to be done to put an end to these types of situations.
  23. How could you possibly incinuate that this man doesn't have reason to believe that his family is in danger due to these people constantly parading through his property? Many, not all or maybe not even the majority, but many, of these people use that route to smuggle drugs into America. Those who are doing that are oftentimes armed according to many reports, which obviously poses a pretty significant security threat to his family and himself. Buffalatone is right on, this whole argument has gotten way off base. The bottom line here is that this guy has had hundreds upon thousands of people from a different country, AT LEAST SOME with intentions of smuggling illegal drugs and carrying weapons, trespassing through HIS property in order to get into the U.S. illegally. Not to mention, trashing the property as they make their way through if he doesn't catch them first. This guy is acting in a way that is very similar to how the vast majority of us would react in this situation IMO, and he may even be showing some more restrain than some of us. Yet he finds himself on the wrong end of a potential lawsuit from this whack job organization. This story is a truly incredible story and paints a portrait of what is going wrong with present-day America in a nutshell. Hope justice serves this guy well, not that it should've ever made it into a courtroom in the first place.
  24. If we draft Laurinaitis anywhere in the top 25 of the first round I may vomit.
  25. Really Cheap: Busch Average: Budweiser, Molson Canadian More Pricey: Sam Adam's Boston Lager, Full Moon Winter Ale, St. Pauli Girl
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