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Lt. Dan's Revenge

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Everything posted by Lt. Dan's Revenge

  1. Everytime I hear about this idea, I hate it more and more. Why must professional sports leagues ALWAYS try to mess with something that is perfectly fine? This is worse than the MLB season starting in Japan at 4 AM EST in the states during the years they do that crap.
  2. Team- New England. Players- Rodney Harrison, Teddy Brushci, Chad Pennington. Coaches- Bellicheck, obviously. Might hate this guy more though - Charlie Weis.
  3. Although I was trying to stay out of this debate this time... I will say that it is very hard for me to accept the notion that something that can be this controversial stemming from a fricken Miss America pagaent can be characterized as "VERY clear" and "Fits very nice and easily into the basic rights box." If something that happened on the Miss America show concerning gay marriage, an event that I'm guessing very few people actually care about, created a national controversy, I think it's foolish to say that it is a clear, easy issue. Apparently, no matter how strongly you feel for either side, it's not.
  4. I had my money on Pioneerof the Nile. Love the Baffert horses. He had a late lead too, pretty heartbreaking to see it taken away like that, but what a great race by the underdog.
  5. Same here. Good Lord do I hope that he does the same thing to Bruschi on national television Week 1.
  6. What a joke, such a double standard.
  7. Thanks a lot Chef, really appreciate it. Going to look for some new Bordeaux tonight!
  8. You seem to have a pretty good knowledge of wine, Chef. Do you have any advice on what are some relatively inexpensive bottles of dry merlot that can be found in wine & liquour stores in the WNY area? Looking for some new ones to try....Thanks.
  9. Thanks for the heads up.
  10. Very interesting, thanks for pointing that all out.
  11. I like him. He's a much more physical player than Ellison. Might struggle with pass coverage a bit, but still is worth a look at the very least.
  12. Here are a few that immediately come to my mind: -Blue Chips and Kazaam (Sorry, Big Aristotle) -The Hills Have Eyes -Norbit -The Blair Witch Project -Whatever the recent Friday the 13th was called that was directed by Rob Zombie a few years back.
  13. Everything I heard about him was positive before that unfortunate bad luck. On that topic, I have an opportunity once a year to go behind the scenes at Bills training camp to be around the players and talk with them. Last year when I went it just so happened to be about a couple days after Bowen had surgery. I ran into him outside the cafeteria around dinner time along with a trainer, and was really struck by how big and athletic he looked to be just from seeing him in street clothes. He was one of the guys on the team that made your jaw drop when you saw him up close. Just looked like an incredible athlete, possibly more than anyone I talked to or saw last year. Was a very nice, well-spoken guy, too. I'm pulling for the kid to come back strong.
  14. Welcome aboard! Great feeling, isn't it? Well, it's always is a great feeling until November or December recently, at least. Lot 2 Pole 6 before every game, stop by!
  15. I love how everytime someone mentions anything remotely negative about Barack Obama they're automatically labeled as ultra conservatives who need to go watch Fox News. Very original, you really couldn't come up with anything other than channel 32 once again?
  16. There's no way they play Maybin at OLB all three downs.
  17. Out of those four guys, I could really see Alvin Bowen having a great camp and ending up as the opening-night starter.
  18. Is there a "How to...For Dummies" book on that task?
  19. Admittedely I only saw a few full Cards games last year, but I was pretty impressed with what I saw from Travis LaBoy. Kid can hit. Might be worth a look.
  20. If all the high profile so-called "draft experts" can only get about a handful of picks right every year in their final mocks before the draft, I really can't see why anyone would care about anything that anyone has to say about the 2010 draft. These are all absolutely irrelevant, and not even midly entertaing IMO. Then again, maybe I'm just mocked out at this point.
  21. Bravo. I can't wait until Maybin outplays Orakpo this year.
  22. I don't know about Bolden, but I would love to have Anquan Boldin on the team.
  23. Such a great point. Would make for some great reality TV, and I'm usually not even a fan of it. As far as coffee goes, I usually drink 2-3 cups per day, but my methods seem rather amateur-ish compared to most of you. Finding some good advice here, as usual.
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