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Lt. Dan's Revenge

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Everything posted by Lt. Dan's Revenge

  1. Question: Who would Jesus water board? Answer: People who stop at nothing to take the lives of innocent people.
  2. Keeping my fingers crossed that you don't get pushed back. I get out of work at 4...
  3. So you're saying that U.S. forces use "torture" techniques simply because they enjoy doing it? Really? And what other ways are "much better to get actionable information" from terrorists and suspected terrorists who want absolutely nothing to do with sharing any information about their operations and counterparts?
  4. 60% of the time, it works every time.
  5. If the 50% is to be believed, in a lot of cases, that's 50% more potentially vital information that you wouldn't have had. It's much easier to then take steps in finding out what is both correct/incorrect about the given information and going from there. When the information has the ability to save lives in some cases, anything you can get is much better than not having any information at all.
  6. That is not true at all. I have been around pit bulls quite a bit, and from my experience 9 out of 10 times they are fine dogs who only turn mean and dangerous when trained to do so. That is the case for many big dogs, including German shepherds, a breed that you brought up. Just because they are the most common dog trained to do the crap that Vick was doing with them doesn't mean that ones that are never subject to that type of enviroment are of that nature. Talk to some owners.
  7. Freddy Jackson did show much better vision running the football than Lynch during the majority of last season IMO, but that still doesn't mean he is a better full time back overall. The two don't have to go hand-in-hand.
  8. That'd be okay, but Howard Simon cold cocking both of them would be even better.
  9. Nothing better than when two blondes are in a dead heat in a hotness poll.
  10. No it isn't. Unless the rationale is that just because a child can be hurt mentally and sometimes even physically due to bullying over physical features that cannot be avoided it makes it more acceptable or ideal for another child to be raised by homosexual parents and face similar issues?
  11. Oh I see. So now pointing out the fact that Congress has been a joke for the last 5+ years is now thread hijacking? Reallly? Why don't you make a case for the job that they've done then?
  12. Thanks a lot for that relevant and intelligent response.
  13. Actually, my opinion on that issue has absolutely nothing to do with religion or the Bible, but thanks for putting words in my mouth. It's predictable though. Anytime someone takes an issue with gay marriage, homosexual parents, etc. it simply HAS to come down to "bible thumping". At least come up with something other than that crap.
  14. Agreed, but homosexual parents increase the odds of that substantially. JMHO.
  15. You're being ignorant if you really believe that having homosexual parents doesn't VASTLY increase the chances of a child having to endure unnecessary psychological pain. Particularly between the ages of 10-20 when their peers can oftentiems be especially brutal towards others that are in situations like that. Go into a middle school or high school for just one school day and see how many times homophobic words are tossed around. Imagine how that would make the child of these homosexual parents feel. And right or wrong, it will only be worse and more directed if it is common knowledge that they have gay parents. What's your answer there? Home-schooling? Not to mention the child beign raised only gets the perpective of either two males or two females. Sure, a child with heterosexual parents might get only one side of the sexual spectrum due to a divorce or dead-beat, but homosexual parents guaruntee that.
  16. So conseratives are the only ones that criticize the other side? Liberals on the other hand always stick to their point(s) and never use verbal abuse of others' views to their advantage? Are you seriously trying to make this a legitimate point? Or are you just doing everything you can to try to justify your own views?
  17. The sad thing is, I bet the person you are responding to with this actually believes that is the truth.
  18. Fair enough. Don't let the door hit you on the way out: LINK
  19. Chef, I have had the same thoughts about House everytime it gets brought up in conversation, a preview is shown, Hugh Laurie's mug is on the cover of some magazine, or whenever else I have the misfortune of coming across something regarding the show. You're right on with the synopsis of every single friggen episode that I used to try and give a chance since I somehow heard good things from others about it. Every episode there just so happens to be an incredibly out-of-this-world disease or injury that no one seems to have come across in decades, and it always so happens to occur in the hospital that this House guy works at. The latter is the good part for the patients though, because they will, 9 times out of 10, be cured by a drug addict who can't even seem to find himself a cure. It's laughable.
  20. THAT was defintely embarassing. People around here going crazy for the arrival of T.O. shouldn't be thought of as an embarassment at all though, IMO. Owens is a MUCH bigger star in this league than Bledsoe was when he came to the Bills. The guy is second in league history in touchdown receptions, and is near the top in many other categories. He also caught 10 of them last season and 36 in the last 3 years, so he is obviously not very far-removed from his prime if at all. How often has this great football area had something to really get excited over in the past decade or so? Rob Johnson? Bledsoe? Lawyer Milloy? Willis McGahee? Lets just shut the hell up and embrace it!
  21. I understand. Wasn't trying to be a d*ck, it is just a bit annoying to see the "Source?" post that never fails to pop up. Especially after something as basic and believable as the information that was given in the OP.
  22. So are you implying that there are facts that show homosexual marriages are more stable, strong, long-lasting, etc. than heterosexual marriages? That they provide a healthy enviroment for any children that they may raise together? It would be hard to believe the first part of that, and the answer to the latter is a resounding no.
  23. You're right. I forgot ESPN counts on a TSW thread with 15 posts to drive up their ratings.
  24. With the groundbreaking information that was shared, I can really see how your only reaction is to beg for a source.
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