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Lt. Dan's Revenge

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Everything posted by Lt. Dan's Revenge

  1. Same here, and good Lord I hope not. Talk about the LAST thing that Lynch or this team needs: Any type of added legal issues for #23. For now it's still only a big time rumor and nothing more, though.
  2. Obviously to the only group of people that really matters in this discussion, Brandon and Co., it was a pretty big priority. I also liked the way Scott played last year, but is he really a viable long-term answer? Ko Simpson wasn't very good last year, and he's clearly a bit of a mess off the field. He could very well be cut before the season even starts. Whitner also had his fair share of issues last season when he was on the field and healthy. Safety is clearly not a strong point on this team. We used the #11 overall pick on a defensive end in Maybin, so I have no problem with using the #42 on Byrd if they see him as the answer at one of the safety spots, which I think they did at the time of the draft and still do today. I'm not going to lose any sleep over passing on Brown for him just because some guy that Rotoworld employs is reporting that he looks good in sweats and a tee shirt.
  3. Not to answer for him, but no I don't think he was being serious. Some around here might actually have that reaction though, which is typical of TSW lately. Bottom line: A lot of players look good in May-June mini camps that don't include pads or contact. It really isn't all that difficult.
  4. Could not be happier about these developments. Regardless of how you feel about Republicans and Democrats, this is a victory if you reside in Western New York. More meaningful voices in our area, and less downstate. Now the new Majority needs to realize that it can't rest on politics as usual, but work twice as hard at helping get this state out of this financial mess. Malcolm Smith, David Paterson and Co.'s budget and fiscal movements sure as hell weren't helping.
  5. My guess is that people going to AA classes a couple of times a week would disagree with this suspicion.
  6. Thanks a lot for bringing that to our attention.
  7. Too late. The guy is cashing his check as we speak.
  8. Beer + Tequila + 2 or 3 Whoppers = Passing out on the toilet seat.
  9. I see what you're getting at here, but the guy asked the Burger King worker to cut it in HALF. Not in many pieces so that he can eat it easier or something. Cutting a burger in half takes about 1.5 seconds, that's not above these morons job description.
  10. OT, but in all seriousness, why the hell are you so angry all the time?
  11. Did not come across this thread in October, but actually read most of it now because like yourself I was bored at work and TSW is a circus of crap today . Seriously, "What other team's colors would look good on the Bills?" It's starting to get absurd over there. Anyways, real happy to hear that everything has worked out well for you! Sometimes it is helpful to experience a situation like that and be able to get through it nicely in the end.
  12. Sh*t like the potential newest U.S. Supreme Court Justice very candidly and publicly believing that being Latina puts her in a better position to be a competant judge at the highest level.
  13. That's good news. Something tells me that we're going to see Tinoisamoa as a Buffalo Bill by the end of the week.
  14. Couldn't agree more with that.
  15. While obviously wrong and terrible, that was the norm back then. That doesn't make it acceptable for sh*t like this to become the norm today.
  16. Something tells me that as a United States Supreme Court Justice she is not going to have many cases in front of her involving lower-class minorities from the Bronx. What a ridiculous way to look at that. Wow.
  17. First off, the whole punch thing is getting a little old, and is a pretty weak attempt at humor in the first place. You are obviously incredibely appalled by this waterboarding issue. I wasn't making any assertions about Christianity with my last post, I was simply mocking your ridiculous excuse for a religious campaign of sorts against waterboarding in your signature. Don't question my Christianity just because you're having a difficult time accepting the fact that waterboarding is an effective procedure and has/will make this country much safer.
  18. That's the problem. There's no way he should be a starting defensive end in this league, IMO.
  19. I'd rather have a guy that's already collecting social security as long as it guaruntees Kelsay doesn't see the field this season.
  20. NFL: Buffalo Bills MLB: Boston Red Sox NHL: Buffalo Sabres NBA: Los Angeles Lakers 1. NFL 2. MLB 3. NBA 4. NHL
  21. It just reminded me of the Ron Burgandy quote from Anchorman. I'm a huge Laker fan, I know that Kobe Bryant isn't a 60% career shooter. Neither is anyone else currently playing in the NBA for that matter. I was actually agreeing with your point.
  22. Hmmmm...A little overtime never hurts!
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