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Lt. Dan's Revenge

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Everything posted by Lt. Dan's Revenge

  1. That wasn't funny the first 40 times the comparison was made in April, let alone now.
  2. Bruschi is like the friggen plague. Congratulations, Mark Schlereth. You are now my 2nd-most hated NFL "analyst" that is employed by ESPN.
  3. There are hundreds of different sporting events avaliable to watch on the tube on any given week, but for most people, there really isn't anything like actually seeing the event live. Everyone probably has some events that they personally would love to attend live if given the opportunity for a variety of different reasons. Here are mine: 5. Final Four - The culmination of the NCAA Tournament is almost always an intense, exciting event at whatever city it visits that particular year. The kids play their hearts out, and oftentimes the games come down to the final couple of minutes after a 30+ game season. Memphis and Kansas got that memo two years ago, UNC decided to ignore it and blow out the Spartans this past season. Either way, the weekend of the long weekend of the Final Four is always quite a spectacle. 4. Title Fight in Las Vegas - This is one of the ones that is near the top of my bucket list. It's a shame that boxing has been on a bit of a downward trend in recent years, particularly in the heavyweight division, but there is still nothing like a big time title fight live in Vegas on a Saturday night. Always seems like an electric crowd to be amongst. Mayweather vs Marquez at the MGM Grand in a little over a week is going to be a hell of a fight, IMO. 3. Red River Rivalry Game - OU vs Texas in nuetral territory definetely makes up my favorite college football rivalry. Usually it has both Big 12 and National Title implications on the line for both schools early in the season, and the teams play like they know this damn well. You can almost feel the intensity through the TV watching it. Can only imagine what it's like in the stands. 2. Red Sox vs Yankees at Fenway Park - This has a lot to do with me being a life-long Boston fan, obviously. I have been to Fenway numerous times for games, but never for one against the Evil Empire. Plan on doing so within the next couple years, which is good because the rivalry seems to be heating up once again after a bit of a lapse between '05-'08, IMO. The '03 and '04 games in both the regular season and post season were a treat to watch. 1. The Masters - Something about the green grass, tradition, history, and importance of the yearly tournament at Augusta has always appealed to me. Having a golfer of Woods' cailber in the sport makes it all the more compelling. Can't think of how to better spend a Spring weekend than following Tiger for the final two rounds of the tournament in Augusta.
  4. Hilarious. One would think that if you're going to invest $1 billion + into a stadium like this you wouldn't have to worry about punts hitting the jumbotron or error readings streaming across the stadium for the world to see.
  5. This is so true. For me, it's American Psycho. That may be sad, but I think everyone NEEDS to understand and appreciate how great the dark humor is in that film. If you can't get it, well, you're f*cking dumb!
  6. First I had heard about that as well. Not exactly the best mindset to have heading into your first days of being an offensive coordinator in this league.
  7. What a humor-filled, witty response. Feel free to follow your man crush and retire from ever posting on this board again.
  8. I've heard that winning is an even better one, and much more addictive. But I haven't experimented with that in about a decade.
  9. Exactly. That play right there tells you everything you need to know about Maybin's speed off the edge. He can't be kept off the field long.
  10. Hmmm... It actually took longer than I thought for this type of useless analysis of the AVP/Schonert situation to come up.
  11. For me it comes down to this: Great move. Questionable timing. The offensive play calling has been by and large brutal since Schonert took over, IMO. Anything that promotes even the slightest change to that is fine by me. Just don't know why the Jauron, the F.O., whoever, couldn't have come to this conclusion a couple weeks ago.
  12. The guy threw for FOUR TOUCHDOWNS in that game and your trying to attribute that to his runningback recording his 9th 100 yard game that day and a punt return? Wow. Oh and his defense was creating turnovers because it's their job. Just like it's his job to capitalize on them. Which is precisely what he did. I'm not even a big fan of Jackson's but the arguments you're trying to make against him are laughable.
  13. Sorry. I don't know how I could have made that assumption without my ninja intuition. Could it have been this?:
  14. IMO, reading the majority of your posts is pretty comparable to listening the condescending crap that Schopp makes a living off of. So I could've guessed that you would be a fan of his. Just sayin'.
  15. Without a doubt. It's sad when the only movie I could stand him in was "Hardball" because the story was too good for him to mess up.
  16. Favre might as well have been directly behind him, because he was coming from an angle from behind the play that Wilson was trying to defend. Who the hell cares how old the guy is? That is completely irrelevant. What is he supposed to do? Throw a normal block, get in the way a little bit, clothesline him, run to the sidelines, etc. Anything but look at Wilson and take a dive at his knees knowing damn well that he had no clue that Favre was coming from the back side of the play. And if you watch the replay, it wasn't exactly a "split second decision". Favre ran from the backside of the play 5+ yards in order to crackback on Wilson. If guys like Tirico and Jaws, who get paid to watch and analyze football for a living, immediately call out Favre for the cheap shot, why can't you understand that it was a cheap shot? To Refresh Your Memory
  17. Yes it was a cheap shot. If a wide receiver was split out wide in a normal formation, it would have still been a cheap shot because it was an illegal crack back block. Clearly. And it was immediately called as such. He attacked Eugene Wilson from behind and instead of attempting to block him up high, which obviously would have much better if Wilson wasn't looking though still a block in the back, he took a dive for the back of his knees and cracked him down. The referee saw it and threw the flag without hesitation and the 15 yard personal foul for a crack back block was called. Tell me how that wasn't a cheap shot?
  18. Really cheap shot by Favre. Wilson had no idea he would be coming at the back of his knees like that, it could've easily resulted in a season and/or career ending injury. You could even hear it in Jaws and Tirico's voices on the telecast as far as how cheap they thought the move was and how surprised they were at what Favre just did. Just another reason to add to the list of why I can't stand that fraud.
  19. That was my initial reaction as well, but the more I thought about it, whatever increases our chances at making it to the playoffs in '09, I'll take it at this point.
  20. That's probably a better description. Maybe saying Sullivan's views are "pessimistic" is giving him too much credit...
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