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Lt. Dan's Revenge

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Everything posted by Lt. Dan's Revenge

  1. Why does gazing sound much less creepy?
  2. Hydroxycut before and after photos.
  3. This is ridiculous and I salute Reilly for making an attempt at bringing it to national attention.
  4. And I thought I'd seen it all....
  5. I'm personally more interested to read about what the coaching staff is doing to fix the problem that the running game has given them in the past few games, which just the last couple lines of the article was dedicated to, rather than what kind of pace they would have to keep up to set a record. I'm simply not of the opinion that our defense will continue to be as bad against the run as it has been. Weeks 1 and 2, as well as some key run support guys that were out weeks 3-5 getting back into the flow of things (Pos, Whitner, Scott, etc.), point to this 200+ yards a game trend not continuing for as long as some seem to think, IMO.
  6. I have no problem what so ever with sports writers making predictions. It's the nature of this particular prediction and the fact that he decided that it was pertanent enough to dedicate an article to it that bothers me. Just seems like there are many more stories going on in the divison currently (i.e. Jenkins' injury, Fitzpatrick starting, Henne making his third career start, the Pats* offensive display last week, Sanchez' struggles, etc) that are more worthwhile to write about. Rather than trying to decide whether the Bills are going to get gashed for 240+ yards a game for the rest of the year to set a record. JMHO.
  7. I usually really enjoy his artcles about the Bills and everything else AFC East, but this article got on my nerves a bit. There really isn't anything better than this going on in the division to write on right now? Not to mention starting to make predictions like this based on numbers 6 weeks into a season in laughable. You're better than this, Tim. TG Article
  8. Nick Swisher is the biggest pansy I have ever watched play the game of baseball. I want to punch him in the face and then watch him and Melky Cabrera do one of their cool handshakes as he helps "Swish" up. Those two clowns make me hate the Yankees even more than I have in the past. Sorry, just got into this thread for the first time and had to get that out.
  9. Seriously. Who the hell thinks it's a good idea to ruin your entire family life for that? Phillips needs help.
  10. Not good at all.
  11. If they don't keep him up, some people may boycott games. That's how good this kid is, IMO.
  12. +1. I LOVE the way Kyle Williams has played this year. And you're right about Kelsay, he's actually looked serviceable for the most part out there thus far. Which is saying a lot with the way he played last year in mind.
  13. Well, rotoworld has spoken, that's that. Trent's play at quarterback this season was really making defenses re-consider stacking the box.
  14. Those strippers are lucky the cab driver noticed the fake cash, because we all know they sure as hell wouldn't have.
  15. Nobody act like they haven't been in this dude's shoes before.
  16. Agreed. I love both Suh and Lewis. Really can't see Lewis lasting until the 3rd round, but what do I know, it's October.
  17. First off, great post and I agree with almost everything you had to say in it. Until this, however. I really don't know how you could say that Edwards has a TON of talent and that the coaching staff is what is holding him back. It seems to me that the coaching staff has been playing to his "strength" more than anything, which is the short-intermediate passing game. Even his accuracy in general has not been good for the better part of the last 10 games or so that he has played. Trent will NEVER be a good quarterback in this league until he somehow develops the ability to stick in the pocket and throw the ball downfield. He is tentative as hell, and for once this isn't one of the faults of the coaching staff.
  18. Was it just me or were we uncharacteristically showing a bunch of different defensive looks for much of the game on Sunday? Particularly on passing downs. It seemed to me that we were blitzing much more often, disguising blitzes better, had much more pre-snap movement to confuse the offense, etc. We were also showing multiple looks with everyone that was in the box standing up, which we hadn't done much, if at all, the first 5 weeks of the season. Maybe Fewell feels more comfortable making these kind of calls when Pos is actually out there on the field making sure that everyone understands their roles on each play? Sanchez was bad on Sunday, but I think our defensive looks, especially on passing downs, had a lot to do with it. It seemed much more varied and unpredictable than usual. Which is great to see. Anyone else notice anything like this?
  19. Exactly. It's amazing how badly people can be off on things like this. Anyone who really thinks that Kyle Williams has been anywhere near a problem on our defense this year needs to take a step back and question whether they should continue to attempt to evaluate the game of football.
  20. Why isn't it letting me vote multiple times for Fitzpatrick.....
  21. Very true, Street was an excellent pick up for them in the Holliday trade. Fogg has also pitched well out of the bullpen this year too, right? He has some experience. IMO, they need to steal one of the first two games in Philadelphia in order to have a shot at winning the series. It can be done. I'm not completely sold on Lee as a playoff pitcher and Hamels has been inconsistent much of the year. That being said, the Phillies lineup is downright scary. Would have been nice to see what would happen if De La Rosa was able to pitch in this series.
  22. Lord it would be awesome to have a Head Coach with that kind of attitude.
  23. Ah, I'm not even a Rockies fan and I'm jealous! That'll be fun to attend if the weather forecast is correct. Might play to Colorado's advantage, too. Not as easy for the Phils big bats to knock 'em out of Coors Field in those conditions....
  24. He's looking at the future of the '09 picks not looking towards the 2010 draft.....
  25. I didn't realize I was trying to make that point in my response, but if you really are, perhaps that is because the technology wasn't always as available and affordable as it currently is? Just a guess.
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