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Lt. Dan's Revenge

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Everything posted by Lt. Dan's Revenge

  1. In no particular order: Shawshank Redemption American Psycho Casino Goodfellas White Heat Apocalypse Now The Departed Catch Me If You Can Gangs of New York Casablanca Dazed and Confused American Gangster Forgetting Sarah Marshall Pulp Fiction Old School Garden State A Bronx Tale Almost Famous Crash Silence of the Lambs Finding Forrester Friday City By The Sea Traffic The Great Mouse Detective It's A Wonderful Life
  2. Little do you know that I spent the entire spring training with Andre Smith. Ever see Hard Knocks? Yeah. I'm that other guy.
  3. 'Tis the season in Philly.
  4. Pro Day 40 numbers are always inflated. Don't put any stock into them at all. The combine numbers, in which he ran a 4.49, are always a more accurate indicator. I could probably strap on the PF Flyers and record a 4.5 40 on the stopwatches at a Pro Day right now.
  5. Sounds more accurate. I love Willis, and I think that McClain is the best linebacker prospect to come out since him. Great athlete, very good size, instinctive, and hits like a ton of bricks. Saban has often referred to him as a second coach on the field as well. I would have no problem at all with him in a Bills uniform.
  6. Highly doubt that this ever happened, and don't remember ever reading about that anywhere if it somehow did. Link? And how exactly do you know that McClain is going to run a 4.60 when he works out at the combine or at his pro day? Helping him train or something?
  7. Yeah, it's called our bank accounts. Luckily, as is the case with most other things during the first year of his term, he hasn't gotten around to withdrawing all of it yet.
  8. One of my biggest pet peeves, right there. Almost blasted some old timer in her '94 Tempo a couple of months back pulling that exact stunt a couple of blocks from my house. Best part was, she decided it would be a smart move for her to stop continuing her ridiculous turn, and slam on her brakes in panic after I had to lay on my horn and slam on my own brakes in order to avoid hitting the moron. I appreciate this thread Crayonz, stuff like this needs to be said sometimes.
  9. RIP Chris. Prayers are with his family, friends, and teammates. Most importantly his children.
  10. Comedy - Pineapple Express Horror - They all pretty much suck equally. Romantic Comedy - Forgetting Sarah Marshall (Kristen Bell in that movie.. ) Superhero - Dark Knight Documentary - Bowling for Columbine Animated - Shrek Drama - The Departed/Crash Overall - The Departed Other Great Ones - There Will Be Blood, Gran Torino, Superbad, Step Brothers, Finding Forrester, Almost Famous, Catch Me If You Can, Traffic, Garden State, etc.
  11. I'd say you were about 23 years old when that happened, not 8. Judging from your posts around here lately, that may be a conservative guess.
  12. I betcha when you were 8 years old you'd probably have a tough time knowing the religious significances of holidays too. At that age the religious aspect of them means very little compared to the gifts. Assuming that the kid is even old enough to be attending any kind of religion class with any regularity.
  13. What a joke. A psychiatric evaluation recommended after an 8 YEAR OLD draws this picture when asked to draw something that reminds them of Christmas?
  14. As my comrade Gump says, "Stupid is as stupid does". You sure that list isn't something that Robert Gibbs' 6 year old son originally sribbled on a napkin during lunch hour?
  15. After a few hits, 10 cooked cookies and half a stick of the raw stuff isn't out of question.
  16. Thanks for the research, TD Jesus. I think this surely points to the fact that you have a much better chance of drafting a viable starting QB in this league in the 1st round than waiting until later on in the draft. It seems that you have better than a coin flip of a chance of getting a pretty good starter if you do so. And since the last time we drafted one in the 1st was some guy named Losman in 2004....we must be due!
  17. 1) Who's making them realize that "Hope" and "Change" aren't easy other than the Obama Administration themselves? 2) So, what you're saying is that just because a President comes into office with a high approval rating, there's no way they can actually do their job effectively while in office and keep it around the same average? That is totally out of the realm of possibility to you? Unfortunately, Obama is really helping your cause as far as that's concerned thus far. 3) My point there was that everytime something negative is being discussed about the current President, Bush's name is never far behind. That copout is getting quite tiresome. Your Gallup quote doesn't change the fact that, in the grand scheme of things, Bush's approval ratings mean squat when the current discussion is about Obama's, nitwit.
  18. 1) "Hope" and "Change" are what the people were promised by the Obama camp, not some grassroots campaign that they began themselves. 2) Completely irrelevant. Unless your point is that his numbers were that high because of the magnitude of expectations from many a year ago, which he has completely failed to live up to thus far. Then it makes a little more sense to point that out. 3) Many of the events that killed Bush's approval ratings happened due in large part to the 9/11 attacks happening (Afghanistan, Iraq, Patriot Act, etc), so that argument doesn't really hold much water. As if GWB's approval ratings are relevant in a discussion about Obama's in the first place. The year is 2009.
  19. +100000000000.
  20. San Diego because Philip Rivers is the man.
  21. Pretty sure his point was that this is forced to happen with homosexual couples 100% of the time.
  22. 3) This is by no means in defense of Donte Whitner as a player, because I am nowhere near a fan, but why the hell were they having him matched up one-on-one with Jerrico Cotchery so often last night? Particularly in the 2nd half when he kept getting burned. Cotchery is their #1 receiver, not Braylon Edwards or anyone else, and Whitner simply cannot handle that assignment as a cover guy at this point. We have about 4 cornerbacks and a safety (Byrd) who are more suited to be doing that type of job. Really frustrating that they still expect Whitner to be able to do that. 4) I'd love to hear this argument too, because there is no doubt that this is easily our biggest problem. It's pretty sad when you think to yourself that you could care less when a starting OL (Chambers) limps off the field yesterday because whoever they were going to put in his spot after couldn't be any worse. That's what I thought. The one major bright being Andy Levitre, IMO. He absolutely flattened his guy on the Lynch TD run. Scott had a couple nice blocks in a row out in space, too. 6) Count me as one of the people unenamored by the was Poz has been playing. The play you pointed out was a very good play on his part, but it would really be nice to see that type of aggresiveness out of him much more often. He seems to let the play come to him instead of making it 9 times out of 10. Is this more about the scheme than the player? Possibly, but I still think he has a lot to do with this as a player himself at this stage either way. As always thanks for the writeup. One of the main things I look forward to reading after games. Keep the faith!
  23. I really like the idea of doing this if we are indeed going to stick with the 4-3 next season, I'm just still kind of holding out hope that we will smarten up and make the transition to the 3-4.
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