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Lt. Dan's Revenge

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Everything posted by Lt. Dan's Revenge

  1. Wouldn't it make life easier to support who you deem to be the best qualified Democrat/Republican candidate, rather than crying about there not being a Green Party candidate on the ballot in every election?
  2. I would love to see it. Brown was down by as much as 31 points according to Rasmussen as recently as early November. This would truly be an incredible comeback, especially in a span of only a couple of months. Fascinating race, for both the people of Massachusetts and all Americans. It's damn near equally as important to both in some respects.
  3. Good for Perry! I'll be rooting for the Giants D to turn it around next year. Hopefully it will lead to another shot at head coaching for him in the future...
  4. Isn't this a good thing for Scott Brown, though? From what I've been reading, the Brown camp has enthused Republicans, many independents, and even some Dems to the point that they're going to turn out to vote no matter what the weather is like or what date it is. Meanwhile the Coakley campaign has seemingly only been losing momentum as the weeks pass, even among members of her own party. It is imperative for her camp to get as many Democrat voters as they possibly can on Tuesday. If Dem turnout isn't strong, Brown has a very good shot at the upset IMO, because voter turnouts for his party and independents that are supporting him looks like it is going to very strong no matter what at this point.
  5. This is going to get VERY interesting on Tuesday: New Rasmussen Poll Voter turnout is going to be the key here, folks....
  6. I scored a 72%. Happy to pass! Seemed pretty similar to the written test that I took for my permit years ago...
  7. WOW. Pretty graphic images. Really puts just how bad this situation is into perspective. Picture #32 is unreal...
  8. Levy not only had Kelly on those Bills teams, he also had: Thurman Thomas, Kenneth Davis, Andre Reed, James Lofton, Pete Metz, Kent Hull, Jim Richter, Bruce Smith, Darryl Talley, Cornelius Bennett, Shane Conlan, Henry Jones, Nate Odomes, and Steve Tasker. Give that core to Bill Parcells or Jimmy Johnson at that time, and that's at least 2 Super Bowl wins. Don't want to start a war with all die-hard Levy fans out there, but that's the truth, IMO. Levy did a great job managing all of these players egoes, which shouldn't be ignored, but failed to utilize the teams overwhelming edge in talent many times. Bottom line: Bill Polian deserves more credit for the success of the Buffalo teams of this era than Marv Levy. Polian put an incredible amount of talent together at that time, the rest of the organization simply never fully capitalized on that level of talent. Just my quick rant for the day.
  9. So, you're trying to say that we were 1st in the AFC in interceptions, and 2nd in the AFC in passer rating against due only to having a bad run defense? I think not. Our pass defense was very good this year, and would have been regardless of how our run defense performed. Ask Matt Schaub or Drew Brees.
  10. Back in '04, I would have to say it was about 90% full for the games that I attended that year if I am remembering right. Which is pretty good for 1st/2nd round action. I distinctly remember there being a HUGE contingent of Vermont fans to see their game against UConn. That was the year that they had a kid named Coppenrath I believe, was one of the best players in the nation. They actually jumped out to a big lead against the Huskies in the first half, and the crowd was absolutely electric. Needless to say, it didn't last.
  11. Is anyone planning on going to the 2010 NCAA tournament when it hits the HSBC Arena March 17th and 19th for 1st and 2nd round action? I was at the arena in '04 when Emeka Okafor, Ben Gordon and co. started their championship run in Buffalo against Vermont. Also saw an incredible double OT game between Dayton and Depaul that year. The NCAA tourny is one of my favorite sporting events and I can't wait to see Buffalo represent it well. Hopefully there are some great games! I plan on getting a couple seats very soon. Anyone else planning on getting some tickets?
  12. Hope that your friend's family made it through the quake unharmed. Probably one of the last places that can handle a natural disaster of this magnitude. Can only imagine the affect it will have on the nation long term. Really bad scenario.
  13. In regards to the title of the post, here are the many more than 4 NFL backs off the top of my head who are better than Lynch. Without breaking a sweat: First and foremost, Fred Jackson. Chris Johnson Adrian Peterson Ray Rice MJD Steven Jackson Frank Gore Ryan Grant Ronnie Brown Ricky Williams Rashard Mendenhall DeAngelo Williams Jonathon Stewart Joseph Addai Michael Turner Cedric Benson Felix Jones Pierre Thomas Ladainian Tomlinson Darren Sproles Knowshon Moreno Jamaal Charles Brandon Jacobs Admad Bradshaw Matt Forte Chris Wells Thomas Jones Shonn Greene Clinton Portis LeSean McCoy /Thread.
  14. Sounds very interesting, I'll be sure to check it out. Thanks!
  15. You're right about that. It's painfully obvious that he isn't cut out to host his own show of that type. Just awful, IMO.
  16. You're the Derek Jeter of message boards!
  17. Woudn't it have been nice if PK could have provided any resemblance of reasoning at all behind his comment that Harbaugh is "out"? Or is that too much to ask? More time on actually attempting to give his readers information that has substance and merit, less time describing his bad experiences on plane and train rides every Monday, perhaps.
  18. I've lived in a couple of different places in the area that are probably similar to what you're looking into. I would say that the average amount I spent on utilities - Cable, gas, and electric (Water was included in both for me) - was around $150 if you're dividing by two.
  19. Not only is he hammering all these cheaters, they're making him richer and richer by the month with every confession of guilt. The over/under on how many Canseco books will sell in the days after Mac finally admitted his roid use has gotta be in the thousands. People are much more inclined to want to read a book full of dirt like that if it is continually proven to hold a hell of a lot of truth.
  20. Hey, isn't that part of your job?
  21. Check out Raising Arizona sometime there, Woody. It was Cage in his early days, and I actually found it funny as hell.
  22. Actually, Jose Canseco probably deserves credit for breaking this story way before ESPN, the AP, or anyone else for that matter.
  23. He can come on as coordinator here only if there is a pay raise involved. Even if it's $1 over his current yearly salary with the Jets, that'll work just fine. If a pay raise isn't an option for the Bills, he can come on if another title is added to his current coordinator position, such as "assistant head coach".
  24. Paid $2.95 yesterday at the same station that I paid $2.81 at last week. Gotta get rid of this damn SUV.
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