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Lt. Dan's Revenge

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Everything posted by Lt. Dan's Revenge

  1. I love it. This is definetely something we can build on... The newbies are going to be hammered by the time Crayonz gets done with 'em.
  2. Very good premiere, IMO. Bauer quote of the night: "You better not be screwing with me!" Right after he takes and points Victor's own gun at his head. Classic. Tomorrow's episode should be interesting.
  3. Terrible to here...R.I.P Gaines.
  4. I think that's a good point for sure. Definitely calls for more strategy, particularly in the later innings. I just don't like there being an almost automatic out (many times in crucial situations) in the lineup for the first 6+ innings if the starting pitcher is pitching a decent game.
  5. Depending on how many cups of coffee I have in the morning, they come and go my friend! +1. Pitchers hitting is never a good idea. This needs to be recognized once and for all so guys like Brad Penny can stop masquerading as quality pitchers in that league.
  6. I agree. I think that it makes an interesting comparison with the Deeds campaign for Governer in Virginia. Something that a friend and I were comparing to Coakley's during a conversation this morning, as well. Although I am with the author, Byron York, in the sentiment that Coakley has run a brutal campaign and that may turn out to be her greatest downfall, I don't know that it is accurate to say that the Obama administration doesn't have much to do with the outcome if she in fact blows it. After all, the single biggest area that Brown and Coakley differ on is Obama's Health Care Bill, and this has been the biggest talking point for both candidates since day one. Brown wins, it probably gets defeated. Coakley wins it probably finally passes. Obviously this has to be at the forefront of voters' minds when they have been developing their preference between the two over the past couple months.
  7. Not at all what I meant when I referenced crawling out from under their rocks. I was conveying the fact that I would say everyone knows that NY won this past World Series and a reminder isn't necessary. However, to your point, as a Red Sox fan years before they broke "the curse" in '04, I agree that it is a shame to see so many fans jumping on the bandwagon since. Even in Western New York, it's happening. Kind of like the incredible influx of Yankees fans in the late 90's and very early 2000's. Championships, especially multiple rings in a span of 5-10 years, defenitely produce bandwagon fans in all areas of the country.
  8. For sure. I can't wait to see what the fans have to say/do and what Tiger's reaction will be to all of it. The ratings of the first tournament he plays in are going to be through the roof. Should make for great entertainment. If he really is a sex addict, he better be damn sure he gets it fixed before he goes on tour, where all there is to look at is Mickelson's boobs and Daly's huge ass. He'd go insane.
  9. +1. Many times it's probably their last-ditch effort to stop their spouses from filing for divorce and completely leaving them for good.
  10. Buy COD Modern Warfare 2. You will not be dissapointed, and I wouldn't classify myself as a gamer by any stretch of the imagination. You probably already know this, but I think one of the best qualities about PS3 is the free online gaming service. This is the best way to play games like COD, NHL '10, Madden '10, etc IMO, and PS3 offers it for free, unlike 360.
  11. What a joke. A telling one, though.
  12. Same to you, my friend! Funny, I'll also be rooting for the Saints, Colts, and Chargers as well. Although I really can't decide on the Vikes/Cowboys game... Don't like the Cowboys or Favre. Should be a great game regardless.
  13. Spewing Yankee hate? Guilty as charged, sorry it's tough to resist sometimes. Hijacking the thread? What, are you unable to post what your favorite team is due the competetive banter between Erynthered and I, Pete?
  14. Call it what you will, it was the only response to that mind-blowing scenario you gave me.
  15. In that example, a Jets win would mean my Bills getting into the playoffs, so obviously I would be forced to "root" for the Jets on that particular day. Doesn't mean I would ever call myself a Jets fan or root for them in any other scenario. Want more?
  16. Thanks for all that, but you predictably completely missed my point. I attend as many different sporting events that include a wide array of teams as often as I can. Not just Bills, Sabres, and Red Sox games, who are my favorite sports teams. I also root for other teams in certain instances that aren't rivals of those teams ( ) . My point was that you portrayed yourself as a huge Yankee fan, yet also a Rays fan which was puzzling to me. For example: I'm a lifelong Bills fan, so therefore I can't stand the Pats*, Jets, and Dolphins, all of whom are Buffalo's division rivals. Why do I hate the Bruins, Maple Leafs and Canadians so much? Due to the same logic for the Sabres. Just like the other AL East teams. That also doesn't mean that I don't root for other teams in certain situations like the NFL playoffs if my favorite teams are not in the hunt. For instance, I'm rooting for the Chargers in the playoffs this year, but I sure as hell wasn't rooting for the Jets or Pats* to win any games in the postseason because their two of the Bills division rivals. That was my point, way to dance around it.
  17. Couldn't agree more. It's made my list of Dib's Top 10. By the way: SEC! SEC!
  18. Well, obviously we feel a little differently about that subject. I don't care if the Yankees, Rays, Orioles, or Blue Jays played their home games around the block from my house, I wouldn't root for them for the simple fact that they play in the AL East. Something about those other teams battling for a playoff spot with my favorite team just doesn't do it for me.
  19. So, you're an avid enough NYY fan that you can spew off how many AL Pennants they've won, yet you're also a fan of a team that's a division rival? Interesting.
  20. Thank God you reminded everyone that the Yankees won the World Series this year. Some have just crawled out from under their rocks only weeks ago. Typical Yankees fan.
  21. Very delicious. I used to know someone who would drink it straight from the bottle. Half a bottle at a time. I was amazed because I usually only do that sort of thing with whiskey...
  22. This is too funny! "We suddenly heard a huge thud; we almost thought it was an earthquake and everything flew up in the air." ... No the natural disaster was actually in Haiti, yours would be classified as a genetic disaster.
  23. Very interesting, well thought out article by Schilling. He obviously is very interested in the race, and I think he is on point with his criticism of Coakley. That really is a pretty shocking comment for her to say just days before the election, IMO, and I thought he hit it spot on when he mentioned the elitist quality of the statement. Coming off like that to people, not democrats or republicans, but people in general, is not going to help her cause. The more you portray yourself as anything more than a normal human being, the less likely voters are to sympathize with you. That doesn't change in a "Special Election", and I don't know why Coakley seems to be under the impression that it does.
  24. Actually, I wasn't trying to advocate the two party system with that comment, I was trying to express that I think it's foolish to ignore or discount a good candidate simply because he is either a Democrat or Republican. Just because you think that there should be more than two parties with significant influence, which is perfectly fine, doesn't mean that the current two major parties are incapable of producing quality people to run for office. Good candidates are what catch my attention in any election, not the party that they're attached to. Thanks anyways, though. You're always so helpful!
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