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Lt. Dan's Revenge

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Everything posted by Lt. Dan's Revenge

  1. Maybe because Kelsay actually had a pretty damn good year, and was one of the most consistent players on our defense this year? Could that be it? BTW, I was always very critical of Kelsay coming into '09. He played better than I expected.
  2. 100-1 Anyone have any will at all to throw maybe a 50 on it and try to turn it into 5k in case miracles do exist next year?
  3. Thanks for the link, Promo. That was a really interesting program. I hope the families of the victims can keep fighting these airlines and get more safety standards passed.
  4. Aside from slapping Kim Kardashian's body on her, nothing can justify saying yes to that face.
  5. Totally Agree. Waltz, playing Landa, spoke 4 different languages fluently in Basterds. English, German, French, and Italian. He did this, and still managed to put on an incredible acting performance throughout. Really impressive stuff. If he doesn't win best supporting actor award, it would be an absolute crime, IMO. The opening scene that you mentioned was superb.
  6. Good idea, Baumer. The kid IS a star!
  7. Agree with everything in your post besides this. Why the hell do you feel insulted when players thank God after a game? Why does that bother you? Most of the time, the thanking God stuff has to do with staying healthy through the game in the first place. Even if they are referring to their performance though, I don't get why this would be so bothersome to anyone. I could really care less one way or the other about much of this topic, but stuff like that certainly isn't insulting ... I think that's just being a bit overly sensitive.
  8. Still in my thoughts, Beerball. I hope the progress continues!
  9. Never thought I'd say this, but it would serve our President well to take some notes from Cherry in this instance.
  10. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Beerball. Get well soon!
  11. What a joke. This is almost something that I would normally think belonged on The Onion.
  12. I'm tossing around this idea myself actually... In the Naples/Fort Myers area. Any idea how the economic outlook is in that area right now?
  13. Being represented by Rosenhaus... Probably a good sign for Gronko. Hope all goes well for him.
  14. What tempts you? You're a portly fellow. A bit long in the waistband. So what's your pleasure? Is it the salty snacks you crave? No no no... Yours is a sweet tooth... #2: George: Do you realize in the entire history of western civilization no one has successfully accomplished the Roommate Switch? In the Middle Ages you could get locked up for even suggesting it.
  15. Not even if I was hammered. Unless I was roofied somehow and had absolutely no control of physical or mental functions.
  16. I'm still not completely convinced. I watched the video several more times, pausing at :09 multiple times, and I really don't think it's all that conclusive that he left his feet before making contact. He obviously leaves his feet after the hit, but I don't think it's conclusive that he did so before contact, and if he did, he surely wasn't two feet off the ground, IMO. Obviously the people who run the OHL didn't think it was conclusive enough either, or else I'm sure they would have said as much and probably gave him a longer suspension. JMO.
  17. I think you're exactly right about this. That has always been my criticism of Kaleta, too. Though he hasn't bothered me as much this season because he has actually been a productive player pretty often, not just some guy who crazily throws his body around and tries to draw penalties.
  18. The OHL actually determined that he did not leave his feet until after contact, so they're actually being more generous than I was when I said I thought he did leave his feet "a bit" early. OHL Commish's statement is near the end of this article under the video of the hit: Branch Comments
  19. Understandable, because he did leave his feet a bit, and you have to feel for the kid he hit. I feel like Miller hasn't been getting run quite as much this season as the last couple, particularly last season, but I watch a lot of hockey and I still see guys going in really hard on him much more than other goalies, even this year. I think it's went down a little bit this season mainly due to Myers being back there 24 minutes a game. He's done a good job sticking up for his goalie whenever it has happened, and I think it's rubbed off a bit on other guys, too. I still would be all for having a kid like Zack Kassain up with this team as soon as he is ready, though. We have a lot of smaller, skilled guys on this team (Roy, Pominville, Kennedy, Connolly, etc) that could use a guy like Kassain to keep them from taking cheap shots from other teams' enforcers throughout the season. I don't think teams would be nearly as keen on getting too close to Miller when he's holding a puck, either. Kassain also has the skill to score and make plays in the offensive end. It will be interesting to see how he develops, to say the least.
  20. Right on. She makes some of the scenes that she has more than a sentence in difficult to watch. Even her facial expressions annoy the hell out of me sometimes. I can't wait 'till her and Hastings brawl in the CTU headquarters. I've got 2-1 odds on Chloe. Hastings looks soft.
  21. Long overdue. I wonder if they'll sell PBR on the dollar menu?
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