I will state up front that I am a Charger fan.
Now, on to the reply. The above quote says the same thing that I have seen many fans from other teams, state about a possible Turner trade. Mainly that he isnt worth a 1st rd pick. Yet, in your post(and others), you go on to say that the draft appears weak to you in prospects that can help out immediately. Further along in your original post, you made reference about getting Lynch, or possibly using him as bait to get a trade fron GB. How is it that you feel Lynch is worthy of a 1st rd pick, yet Turner doesnt have enough value?
Without waiting for your reply, I will make this comment: Reguardless of what other teams feel is a worthy offer, its AJ who has to feel the value is enough. I can guarantee that he will not accept a single 2nd rd, or the 3rd rd with "possible" '08 compensation(your idea). There is no way that Turner gets to leave for that low of compensation. SD will be happy to keep him another year and everyone can watch and see the kind of value he would have had for them. Turner is easily better valued than any rb in the draft this year. If we have to keep him, you wont see much disapointment in the fans.
After all is said and done, if no team makes a decent enough offer, they can get in line to fight for his rights next year. Then see how much he will cost. Its possible to get him cheap(contract wise)(and pick wise actually) right now, at seasons end, his price will go up considerably. I think the FO people for each team is fully aware of this, but I dont think all the fans are quite up to par.