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Everything posted by wifeofbillsfan

  1. As for the seafood restaurants, the only one that is halfway good is Phillips which isn't that great. I go to OC for the best seafood NOT Bmore. As for cleanliness, Bmore is awful and always smells like sewage! As for women around here, Willis should have no problem fathering several more children here......he is a millionaire! Crabs are everywhere!
  2. One good thing will come out of Willis' big mouth.....at least the Bills/Ravens game should sell out this year. My husband is talking about driving up for the game to see Willis get his ass kicked.
  3. I can't believe all of this BS that Willis is saying about Buffalo. I have lived in the Baltimore area my entire life and was born and raised a Skins fan. 5 years ago I married a Bills fan and we travel to Buffalo at least once a season for a game. I love the city of Buffalo and would much rather spend my nights out there. The city is MUCH cleaner than Baltimore and I am not sure what Willis is talking about Chain Restaurants?!??! Thats pretty much all Baltimore has too.....Cheesecake Factory, Hooters, etc.....the seafood restaurants aren't even that great there. And the women in Baltimore.....well need I remind you that Bmore is the gonnorhea capital of the world? I guess Willis just prefers the ghetto!! My husband and I went to the Ravens/Bills game on New Years Eve last year and my husband made the mistake of wearing a McGahee jersey. All of the fans around us were saying how Willis sucked. Of course we knew he did but you always want to root your team on, no matter what. Of course we had front row seats to the game and everyone around us were Ravens fans. I will say, I find myself cheering on the bills more these days than the skins because of how friendly Buffalonians are. We went to Buffalo a few years ago to see them play the skins and even though I wore my skins jersey, the fans were so nice to me. Wish I could say the same about people around here. If it wasn't so dang cold in Buffalo we would actually consider moving up there and away from the DC/Bmore area. GO bills in 07!
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