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Everything posted by Peevo

  1. Eh, its a nice little blurb. But that's all it really is, a one-line scribble about potential suitors. Would a new stadium be great? Sure. It'll cost probly something to the tune of $1 Billion US nowadays. I don't know how/where Ralph is gonna find that kind of investment capital in this area. Even with taxpayer subsidies, we'd be paying that thing back well over a generation. Right now, there is a laundry list of programs and policy implementations that need precedence over a new billion dollar stadium that will be used 7 times a year. Perhaps something could be done to consolidate the stadium and coordinate with SUNY for UB's downtown campus? When the medical school is permanently moved downtown, NYS is investing like $75 million into the new facilities. If UB and the Bills would be interested in sharing a field, perhaps SUNY and Ralph's investors could help foot the bill. SUNY is a ridiculously over-budgeted institution. Which actually is a good thing, ya know, learning stuff. But even so, this is all just speculation. They should of built the Ralph downtown years ago, UB downtown, never shut down Main Street to traffic, blah blah blah.
  2. "Well, it certainly is an honor to be working under Mr. Wilson. He demands nothing but the best."
  3. I've been listening to a lot of Alice In Chains lately. Would? has quite possibly the best bass line in 90's rock. In fact, they might be one of the most underrated Seattle bands from that era. Favorite 90's bands would have to be for me: Soundgarden Foo Fighters Alice In Chains Failure Hum Smashing Pumpkins There's more I'm just not thinking of all of them at the immediate moment.
  4. I like Derek Schouman. The one play they ran without fail I think every time was the "Derek Schouman Roll-Out play," thats my unofficial name for it anyway. Edwards would take the snap, roll out to his right, find Derek in the flat, and it he'd take off or at least 15 yards every time. Whenever we'd be in a 3rd and 8, or so, I'd be like, "Derek Schouman roll out, do it!" and of course, they wouldn't. But that play really works well. Lets see if the coaching staff has Edwards throw on the run more often as the offseason progresses.
  5. I just dont think its that simple. Is murder ok in self-defense? When you enlist in the Marines and go kill people in Iraq and Afghanistan for money, is that ok? You can't just say "if murder was legal" because in certain situations, it seems it very much is. To your ultimate question, judging from previous long post, I'd have to say no. Its an answer nobody really on your side of the fence will agree or understand. I get that. Thats why this issue is so divisive in the first place. Perhaps I see things more cynically, but if you're considering getting an abortion in a non-medical emergency/rape/etc situation, you're obviously ill equipped to raise that child. So if you carry an unwanted child to term, you will seek out as much social services to help raise that child, which only puts a further strain on our societal infrastructure and tax base. If a true conservative is concerned about small government size and responsible spending, then I feel that person would want to prevent any chance of another person leeching the system for their own disregard for contraceptive use. This is my ultimate point. If abortion becomes illegal, then contraceptives should be even more available, if not entirely free to the public. How else do you prevent unwanted pregnancy and the spread of sexual infection?
  6. Whats sad is the fact he's a "kid" at 22, which is also my age, even though he has an Ivy League education. Sure, he's young, but his ideas are worthwhile. Tax breaks for for-profit art galleries and a general encouragement of Buffalo's independent arts and music community? I'm down with that. Too many bars, clubs, and venues have closed because of elderly people that can't handle loud amps. If its too loud, you're too old! (obvious joke) All in all, this guy has a lot of good ideas and a surprising drive. Its always the ones that have the freshest ideas, the most noble intentions, and the most truthful statements that never have a shot of election. "Like most of the City, the neighborhood had suffered from disinvestment, a massive population decline, and a horrible economy brought on by the confluence of industrial reorganization, free trade, the collapse of American manufacturing, and sprawl. The City began to represent heartbreak, lost opportunity, forgotten potential, and a sense of impossibility when trying to imagine the future." The above is quite possibly the best summation of the past 3 generations of western new york decline Ive read since Gimpel and Shucknect's "Patchwork Nation."
  7. Its a very sad story about the Tiller murder. Whats so unfortunate about this argument, is as soon someone considerably religious brings up their dogma into the conversation, it becomes an unwinable argument. "I accept Christ and am going to heaven, regardless of how I treat people or consider my actions in the world, everyone that doesn't, too bad." That, quite frankly, is why a lot of people have a very big issue with the modern Christian in the world. Bottom line, women are going to seek abortions if they are legal or not. Girls will continue to DIE because of dirty abortions, and those in support of life would then say, that an abortion should be legal, right? Isn't any life precious, regardless of its stages? Furthermore, how far does this go? Is it right for us to restrict stem cell research to save potentially THOUSANDS if not MILLIONS of real, actually born, living people suffering from untold terrible terminal diseases, even at the cost of embryos that don't get fertilized, and ultimately, destroyed anyway? This is also completely constructed by the religious right to prove a point, because studies are finding that umbilical cord stem cells are just as effective and that doesn't require an abortion to harvest the cells. What basically the religious right wants is a total Catch-22. ABSOLUTELY NO contraceptives of any kind, because of course, that would restrict "life." Forget the amount of disease that could spread, that potentially destroy life, we need to protect this baby from not being conceived. And then when an unwanted pregnancy occurs because birth control, condoms and other safe sex methods are all restricted, girls are forced to raise a child they are ill equipped to raise, and drain the societal welfare system even more. That goes back to the tax payer dollar, that, of course, conservatives raive that we can never raise, or spend, right? Those against responsible, reasonable birth control are just using sexual contact as nothing more than a means of procreation and ownership of a woman's body as that of a man's ultimate possession. Woman have fought for a generation to escape this stupidity. It's very sad that "Octomom" and the "Jon and Kate" are terrible examples of fertilization and medical science used to an extreme means. But seriously, these right to life people need to chill out. 7 billion people live on this planet, is there REALLY room for another billion more?
  8. Haha if only it were that simple. Mike Williams was a CAN'T MISS 10 Pro Bowl offensive line anchor. Obviously that worked out well. Its interesting that in hockey there quite literally is a whole new generation of game-breaking, super star talent coming out in the draft every year now. Crosby, Fleury, Ovechkin, Kane, Toews, just to name a few off the top of my head. But, as you said, teams can't just throw a whole season deliberately. It's just a tough spot I guess when the NHL draft is such a crap shoot. If there is one guy we can say we have in that generation, it would be Thomas Vanek. Is he superstar good? I can't say, but he is the only natural goal scorer we have right now.
  9. In response to the "state and federal" debt point, most people probly don't know this, but it is EXTREMELY rare in the United States criminal justice system to be tried for similar crimes at both state and federal levels. Because Vick was crossing over state borders to transport dogs and make business transactions, that fell into U.S. federal jurisdiction. One of the last U.S. citizens to be convicted for crimes committed in both state and federal courts? Domestic terrorist Timothy McVey. Yep, that guy that killed 168 people. Did Vick kill any people? No. But he is in some quite dispicable company. Does Vick deserve another chance to play professional football? Maybe. That answer will only be provided by Goodell. Its really amazing with all this published material on his potential return to a potential team if this scenario then that scenario play out. He's not even allowed back in the league yet. Until Goodell answers the above question, this is all hearsay and useless conjecture.
  10. Just another story of the decay and degradation of the sad "once-proud" Rust Belt. GM is declaring bankruptcy today, yet the Red Wings are waltzing through the Stanley Cup Finals. What's amazing is how they still do it. 11 Stanley Cups, a slew of NBA championships, and the Tigers have won it, but not very recently. The Lions are a mess, but seriously, 3 out of 4 ain't too bad. Pittsburgh is in decline, yet they win Superbowls and go to the Cup finals. How do these teams make it consistently work when Buffalo and Cleveland are in no better or worse shape and can never break out of their shells? The Cavaliers story is simply baffling. They have quite possibly the best individual athlete at that sport, if not any sport, since Jordan and they still can't get passed the 3rd round. The Sabres and Bills do not, and probly WILL not possess another player quite at the same superstar level as Lebron. It seems almost so cliche, a "once-in-a-generation" type of player. But its true. Pittsburgh already won the lottery 3 times in the past 6 years in the NHL Draft. This is also what is frustrating. Both the Bills and Sabres are so mediocre, so middle-of-the-pack, they're NOT terrible enough to earn the 1st overall selection and have a real shot at a Sidney Crosby or Lebron James. We're just good enough to miss out on real impact draft talent. The saga continues.
  11. Its good to know he's announced his decision to make a decision.
  12. Stay What You Are is fantastic, no doubt. Its probly my favorite record of theirs. I can't stand In Reverie, Chris Conley changed his voice wayyy too much for me. I actually will spin their 2006 release on Vagrant. I can't think of the name as it stands, but its got a kick to it. But even so, I don't really listen to too much Saves The Day. In terms of Vagrant bands, I was always more of a fan of TGUK, The Anniversary, Hot Rod Circuit, Hey Mercedes. Even so, its sad that Vagrant, Victory (once a REALLY relavent hardcore label) Drive-Thru, Epitaph are all so unimportant. Music is unimportant really. As a musician, this point really hits home. But quite literally, no one cares about honest, critical, intelligent songwriting anymore. Why think when you can vegetate? Not every song has to be some complex concept on a theme, but good lord, I can't stand the bumping, terrible Hip Hop nowadays. Sorry this is tangential, but seriously, even Hip Hop had something to say 15 years ago. Does no one want to learn anything from art anymore? Andy Jackson from Hot Rod Circuit will never write a song longer than 4 minutes, and they're all fantastic. Just because its pop music, though, doesn't make it any less intelligent. That's the difference. On the latest record, (2007), there's the simplest line about a truth about life Ive found in a long time. "We're all searching for something, that you're never gonna find if you live in America, we're all looking for nothing, eventually you're gonna die and you'll find out what you're worth" Right? I wish all songwriters were that truthful. Sadly, no one is buying music anymore so you have to just pound the "hook" for 2:30, no longer, no shorter, or the "kids" won't care. I hate this. I'm sorry for length.
  13. Four Minute Mile is really good. Too raw for me though. They did the whole thing in literally 2 days. It has some good songs on it, for sure. But I've been really feeling their older, more mature stuff. I didn't "get" On A Wire for a looong time. It seemed too wannabe Wilco or something to me. But lately I can't stop spinning it. Especially, since I turned 22, the "went on a limb for you, capsized when I turned 22." It makes more sense at an older age. Still though, their BEST work is 1999's Something To Write Home About. That, along with Saves They Day's-Through Being Cool and the eponymous Jimmy Eat World-Clarity DEFINED emo for a new generation. Too bad that now has such a negative connotation. Its so processed and constructed now. But quite literally, no bands out there were doing what these bands were doing at the time. It's pretty crazy those records are now all 10 years old. That's crazy. I was in middle school. Depressing.
  14. The Get Up Kids-On a Wire Recover-This May Be The Year I Disappear Foo Fighters-There Is Nothing Left To Lose (HUGE band, but I feel this record slipped through the cracks) Hum-Downward is Heavenward, You'd Prefer an Astronaut
  15. Damn you beating me to Kim Thayil! BEST band of the Grunge era was Soundgarden. Speaking of 90's, Billy Corgan is a tremendous guitar player. People will never be satisified with his voice, and thats fine. But if you really, really listen to his work, there is some amazing guitar playing. Hummer or Here is No Why have 2 of the best Corgan guitar solos, FYI. Also, to the power trio point: Someone posted Alex Lifeson from Rush. I totally agree. Andy Summers from The Police PIONEERED chorus on the guitar. But he gets overshadowed by the both equally amazing counterparts Sting/Copeland. That'd be my list-Thayil, Corgan, Summers
  16. Hey thanks!
  17. I really had a lot of fun with the UB season last year. Going to games with exciting outcomes, a play-making offense and free is something that is hard to beat. Perhaps the 2008 UB Football season is only a gonna end up a novelty, nostalgic, arbitrary season amongts years of indifference. I mean, part of the fun of it was the fact that it was new, different, not stressful like other Buffalo football teams. If the team starts to matter more, the pressure increases, therefore, the fun level decreases. Does that make sense? I think part of why it was so enjoyable was because quite honestly, the outcome isn't as important to my sports-life as compared to a Bills or Sabres win. All in all, I'd love to see the academic standards of the big schools, especially in the SEC increase. But of course, that'll never happen. I mean, sure, Roscoe Parrish can run really really fast, but can he compose a complete sentence? Is it so wrong to want professional athletes to be composed, thoughtful, dare I even say, insightful people? Probably. But I'd much rather draft players from Notre Dame that are talented and intelligent. Too bad the smart ones aren't good enough. All this said, I just gravitate towards the pro game more. The players in college get paid. If not in actual dollars, in perks, tuition moneys, and job/familial opportunities. Reggie Bush goes to USC for free and just like magic his mom gets a house and a car and a job. If you're gonna sit here and tell me the college game isn't all about money, you'd be lying. That's why my above point, going to college for free, to ya know, actually learn something, will never happen. You're not gonna see a Philosophy major that plays football. Engineering? Hah. Trent Edwards graduated Stanford with a Poly Sci degree. This is very hard to do. However, how good of a QB is Trent Edwards? The saga continues.
  18. I like all these ideas a lot. Instead of the "Urban Decay" Division, it could look more like this THE RUST BELT DIVISION: Buffalo Bills Pittsburgh Steelers Cincinnati Bengals Cleveland Browns Detroit Lions Every year, the teams compete for a literal "Rust Belt." The division title is literally a rusty, as crappy looking as possible, "once-proud" wrestling/boxing belt that will become a source of pride for all teams fighting to defend which "once-proud" city deserves the right to hoist up the Rust Belt. I'm far too lazy, and its 9 am, for me to do a whole NFL realignment. But I feel we have a lot more in common with Cleveland, Detroit, Pittsburgh and "the Nati" then we ever did with NYC, Boston, and Miami.
  19. Honestly, I rarely listen to the morning show. I get up so late that I'm flying out the door for work, so I get the 5 mins in the car every morning. I don't really have a problem with Jeremy. He was nice to me when I was on the air with him. I really hope this thread doesn't go 222222235355 pages long like the Mike Schopp thread did, but it probly will. I think radio needs a push/pull, its obvioulsy where WGR wants to go with their programming. If its not for you, don't listen. There are alternatives out there. WECK 1230 AM has Brad Riter/Allen Wilson/Bucky Gleason on in the afternoons. Satellite radio has a lot of sports talk stations. As it stands, we're in the terrible off-season duldrums. Tune on some music, maybe a little political talk, or find another voice. For those fans that want nothing but schemes/coach/x's and o's talk, you're gonna have to look elsewhere once the weather gets really nice. It is what it is. Our pro teams play in winter. The sabres rarely make it this deep into the playoffs. What are we left to talk about? Practice?
  20. This article definitely has an unprofessional tone to it. To completely disregard a tremendous individual performance for the Eagles in the Super Bowl 6 weeks removed from a broken leg is pretty unprofessional, and that's being nice. It's not hard to type "Terrell Owens" in wikipedia these days. It read like that rant the columnist from the Dunkirk whatever wrote. I understand that these papers have low circulation, but man, is it hard to fact-check some stuff? In fact, I think I completely disagree with just about every point this guy makes. This whole "blue collar" Buffalo perception really needs to die. I'm sorry. GM is floundering. Bethlehem Steel closed literally a generation ago. If there's any workmanship identity, its white collar in this town. The biggest rising employer in this area? Debt collection services. Health/car insurance (Geiko, Univera) are employing a lot of people. This "lunch pale, clock in at 6, leave at 4, attitude died in the 1960's. Sure, there are some "worked on the line for 30 years" old-timers left, but coming from a 22 year old trying to get a job in literally one of the worst job markets in a generation, this "blue collar" ideal really is almost patronizing. There simply isn't that kind of work here, or just about anywhere in the United States anymore. China has a pretty large manufacturing base, maybe I should apply there? I just saw on world news tonight last night that the graduating college class of 2009, aka, my class, is entering literally the worst job market since the 1980's, when my parents were graduating college. Does Buffalo live and die with its teams? Yes. But do we strap up our jumpsuits, drink our coffee while chain smoking cigarettes in work boots, driving our Chevy Trucks to the plant every morning? A sad construction of our once-proud manufacturing past. Keep in mind, fans of the 1960's Bills that actually WOULD get off their shifts to go see games, DRESSED UP TO THEM. You can see pictures of fans in suits and ties (literally) at old games at the Rockpile. This is all ass backwards now. Sorry this was long, I'm out.
  21. No, actually I was being serious. NFL's Spring Mobile app that I have links his posts right to their main page. Why would the League's own application link his website if he wasn't accurate? He cites EVERYTHING he gets from a source from a paper/blog/publication. I've seen Allen Wilson from the News (say what you want about the News) on his site MANY times. The Vick speculation is only that, speculation, but I trust Florio over just about any other Profootballcentral/365 whatever football bloggery trash out there. He ran Cappacio's story on T.O. 6 hours before any other site had it. I guess I'm posting here enough now to get "the business." Haha.
  22. I agree with this as well. He's a convicted felon in the U.S. Federal Court system AND the Commonwealth of Virginia. It is tremendously uncommon to be convicted in 2 separate court systems for the same crime. Last person to be in the same situation? Timothy McVey, for the Oklahoma City bombings. Nice company, Michael. Not only is he a convicted felon, but he's not even that good at football in my opinion. He's a good athlete, but not a good football player. What position would he play anyway? The administration drafted their guy 2 years ago, for better or worse. They like Trent, and where would we fit the former 1st overall pick into the equation offensively with 3 very capable running backs? I don't see the fit. To Florio's point though, Brandon could sell this city air. He could hawk a ketchup popsicle to a woman in white gloves. Seriously. And if he reports that we were aggressive in pursuing Taylor, I believe him. Florio will not report something that doesn't come from a legitimate source. So, I guess we'll see what happens. I have actual work to do now. I love posting on the stadium wall on the company dime!
  23. I read Simmons from time to time. His article is really long so I don't spend the time everytime he's published. He's a good writer though. I like Banks, Rome, Easterbrook is hilarious, and a former Kenmore West Alum, such as myself, King is a great writer. I think I pretty much agree with your list. I think Berman is ok, but in fairness has almost become a cartoon parody of himself. He doesn't really make any points about anything anymore. Its like "and now to Boomer for those whacky and weird sounds he makes. "Whooat! Whoop! Booom!" "thanks, Boomer."
  24. His trashing of the Rust Belt does get old from my perspective, a Rust Belt native. I purposefully rarely if ever have him on, why give him the ratings? I enjoy Rome, his show is hilarious and nothing like any other sports talk show. He has very regimented segments which add to his professionalism. If he ever goes off on a tangent it will be because of an email/call/text, not through his own stream of consciousness. Cowherd just stinks. I know I defended the WGR guys repetitively here, so I'm in a hard place criticisizing the Herd for some of the same reasons, but he has simply no respect or admiration for our hometown, and that doesn't and will never work for me. Hockey fans have some uncurable, yet livable disease, like Diabetes or bad allergies. Not, "oh my god, thats so sad, it must be hard to live that life," moreso "oh, how cute, what a trooper." It's totally pretentious. Jim Rome respects Buffalo, and will openly criticize us when necessary or valid. He'll talk just as much smack if we get "punked" on MNF or whatever. It's totally fair. But he takes out the TEAM, not the TOWN. Cowherd knows we as Buffalo fans take our town's reputation very personally, at least I do, and he purposefully denegrates it. At least some national guys know how to tow the line.
  25. You're totally right. The Bills knew the risk and ramifications that signing a character like T.O. is. It does say Terrell Owens on his contract, but the persona is what you get with it. Colin Cowherd is totally unlistenable in my opinion. I mean, there was a 22 page long thread on Mike Schopp, but good lord, this guy is just awful. Wanna talk about condescending? He never even mentioned Manny Ramirez's scumbagery when he tests positive. Just about how people wanna hate on the guy for hating him. What? The guy is a confirmed scumbag, and we're not supposed to care? And saying so without even acknowledging the confirmed failure of a drug test? Completely ridiculous. The guy just espouses this pretentious smarter than everybody attitude I can't stand. "I can't explain, how much smarter, I am, than you. You could have, a PHDeee, an M.D., and I'd still know more about the human body than youuuu."
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