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Everything posted by HeHateMe78

  1. Rush is an entertainer. Anyone that takes what he spews seriously, needs to invigorate their minute intelligence
  2. she also is a nappy headed ho, who has a weight problem (she can't wait to eat)!
  3. I concur about you Rush assesment, but I fail to recognize the correlation of "extremely racist" remarks and what Imus said (particulary in the context of which he said it).His comments were wrong and imprudent to say but did not warrant the public lynching he recieved!
  4. I think the smarter democrats are subscribing to Barack Obama not Hillary, Jesse and AL! The barbarians that strike bombs at us were not located in the current country we are occupying You sound like an ignornat fool advocating for an adminstration that has essentailly polarized this nation!
  5. All I know is 12 yrs is an inordinate amount of time to wait for a damn Mon night game
  6. Yea but I presume you are advocating for POZ if AP and Willis are gone, correct? Otherwise, it would be imprudent of Marv!
  7. only if they trade R. Moss, otherwise it is going to be Russell. I called Al Davis last night to confirm!
  8. Chris Brown is the Grant Hill of NFL
  9. not 2nd but one of our 3rd's, that would be like trading McGahee for AP! Worth it!
  10. What intoxicating chemical are they putting in Iowa's water supply?
  11. Perhaps we should wait till after the draft before making implausible predictions
  12. I totally concur. Also why isn't Al sharpton, jesse Jackson, Owner of BET, and everyone whom wants Imus fired more concerned with the real problems in the black communities, i.e. poverty, lack of jobs in the black communities, crime rate, and the fact that AIDS is the leading cause of death for African American women ages 22-35!
  13. Anyone whom subscribes to the notion that a white man who facetiously says nappy head hoes on the radio, warrants this public lynching is unequivocally a hypocrite! There is a prodigous double standard in this society that you are invigorating!! If those sorry excuse for basketball players are profoundly hurt and traumitized by these petty comments, then they will never make it in the real world when they encounter real obstacles. Freedom of Speech may not be an absolute right but i am pretty sure it covers nappy head hoes! You should be more concerned about the soldiers dying to provide you with the freedom you are blessed with than an old white man getting fired for calling these nappy head hoes, nappy head hoes
  14. Just because a person had to endure prodigous adversity during their upbringing, does not mean they are more apt to become criminal offenders. To you to make that absurd correlation is not only imprudent but ignorant! I had very similiar unfortunate events in my life that one might constitute as growing up in an 'unstable home' and I am currently attending a very prestigous law school. The mere fact that an individual can overcome their strenuous past, speaks volumes about the perserverance n resilence they have; thus, the strong character title they obtain. Do you know how many kids give up ensuing their adversity? Their hardship actually plays an significant role in invigorating their character unlike an individual born with a silver spoon in their mouth.Evidently, you have never took any psychology courses related to this notion because you couldn't be further from the truth Your preposterous vaild assumption, makes you sound unequivocally ignorant!
  15. I heard the special olympic's inquired him to compete in their races thsi year
  16. Did you acquire this from star or the enquirer?
  17. ochenta y cinco
  18. I take madden pretty serious, so I must disagree with your assesment of a quality story!
  19. I hope they significantly improve J.P.'s rating ( he was screwed last season, still in the 70's, most back up's in the game had a higher rating )
  20. L.A. would love to jump on that purchase!
  21. Wade Phillips C+ ( screwed Doug, ended Flutie era!) Greg Williams C ( never made post season, and all you knuckleheads are praising him ) Mike Mularkey F ( Although I feel bad being cruel to the mentallly disabled) Dick C+ thus far
  22. Only worth a 3rd rounder Rather shoot for Adrian!
  23. Thank you. Turner would be a great acqusition, but not at the expense of a very coveted 12th pk. AJ smith is inquiring an inordinate amount for burner
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