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Everything posted by HeHateMe78

  1. "Jauron's record against teams with better than .500 record is 2-25." If this stat is true then how is this guy still our coach? This is just inexplicable
  2. "Give this team some time to come together." 10 plus years is not sufficent for an organzation to come together and make the playoffs? Perhaps, we should give them 20 years and maybe then they can put a playoff team "together"! I think we have been more than patient!
  3. Every player wants to be the hero in this situation and as soon as they touch the ball they are going to attempt to score or gain more yardage. YOU NEED NOT LOOK FURTHUR THAN DICK TO BLAME FOR THIS LOSS! It is up to the head coach to explictilty articulate to McKelvein to kneel down when he catches it because he knows BILL is on the other side telling his players to get a fumble. In such a crucial situation, a head coach needs to take command and make sure he does not put his players in a position to fumble by taking out of the endzone. Even Hines ward made a stupid move last thursday instead of catching the ball and kneeling it when he caught that last pass. We are paying these coaches to keep these players heads in check and to make sure they do not play recklessly to get more yards or points when the game is on the line. Dick had ample time to make sure a young stud CB realized what he needed to do and he failed us once again!
  4. If he was given explicit directions to kneel down and he disobeyed which subsequently cost us the game, then he should of been suspended today because his insubordinance is obviously detrimental to this team! I highly doubt that occured and if it did then shame on all the coaches fro not putting their foot down!
  5. It's irrelevant whether he is intelligent or a dunce! Dick is the coach and should of explicitly told him that if he recieves it in the endzone to down it! Dick is smart enough (presumbaly) to realize that the Pats were so desparate for a fumble that they were going to try to rape McKelvin if he took it out of the endzone. Dick needs to take control of the gameplan and make sure the players know what to do! Bottom line is we will never win with that man calling the final plays in a close game! He should be relieved of all his duties and shown the door!
  6. Dogs are just as intelligent, if not smarter, as some developmentally challenged people. What makes them different from those people are their physical attributes. However, according to your philosophy ("its a dog...not a human"), dogs still do not warrant any respect from us. Why, because of these distinct attributes?Please, indulge me! Having preference for members of our own species, simply because of they are members of our species is sort of like racisim or sexism. Is it okay for me to think whites are superior to blacks or jews to muslims because of their physical attributes? Or a man is better than a woman merely because of his gender?A dog is a self-conscious being aware of itself as an entity, disctinct from other entities in the world, as is a person. Once you comprehend this concept, then maybe you will understand everyone's disgust for Vicks crimes and their willingness to drop the Bills if they acquire him! It seems that you are also having trouble comprehending the disparity between a crime that results from a reckless accident and running a dog fighting operation which I need not describe the details of (by now, we are all quite familiar with). The difference (which many people have articulated already but yet it still eludes you) is intent. Most of us have all driven while intoxicated so its easier for us to forgive someone who has even when it results in someone's death. I am not trying to belittle this reckless crime but merly illuminate the difference in the 2 crimes. Vick intended to barbarically do what he did to those dogs. Leonard Little did not intend to kill anyone. Does this justify him, absolutley not but it does distinguish him from Vick. One intends to act pernicious, the other does not. No one has to forgive Little (especially the victims of his accident) for what he did but this could of happenend to everyone of us who has driven under the influence at some point of our lives (we just thank god it didn't and learned from our mistake). Furthermore, please stop presuming we are all somehow affliated w/ Peta because we love dogs. Being presumptious in life is not going to get you far nor is being ignorant! Next time you want to belittle the value of a dog, try articulating something better than " we're talking about a dog...not an actual human being, not a human...a dog, man...just a dog..." cause quite frankly, you sound as about as smart as a box of rocks my man!
  7. 1) Brian Orakpo 2) Eben Britton 3) Jared Cook
  8. Cutler is 13-1 when the broncos def held their opposition to 21 or less points! That one loss came in a game againist GB in which GB won the coin toss in overtime and instantly threw a 82yd td to win. If that does not constitute as playing at a "high level," then your standards are astronomical and clearly erroneous! If the oppurtunity arises, we should fu_king jump at it! At this point, character issues are immaterial considering how our team has fared this past decade; hence, the acquisition of our new wideout!
  9. Once again, until they conclude on D.C. v. Heller, there is no constitutional individual right. I argued for an individual right in my paper and I'm well aware where the current justices stand on that interpretation. Your presumption that I am againist guns is about as flawed as the notion that we do have an individual right as of today consistent w/ the constitution. If The 2nd gave an individual fundamental right then all those case you alluded to would have to pass the strict scrutiny test not the rational basis test, you dunce!
  10. Not sure I would pass anything if you were grading it w/ all your constitutional knowledge. The constitution does not give an individual right but each State has the oppurtunity to allow people to keep and bear arms or not; hence, "lots of people own guns and it's legal." By no stretch is the right to keep and bear arms a fundamental right. However, the Supreme court has agreed to hear a case on the 2nd amendment rights and perhaps might overturn their previous intrepratation. However, until that day,the previous ruling stands in U.S. v. Miller that their is no individual right merely a collective.
  11. Please enlighten me! I am in law school and just did a 20page paper on the 2nd amendment. In the only case regarding the 2nd (U.S. v. Miller) the Suprem court concluded that the 2nd does not provide an individual right to keep and bear arms, merely a collective right of each state to arm and maintain its own militia. So once again, do you care to elaborate?
  12. Care to elaborate why its horseshit?
  13. Acutally, The 2nd amendment has been construed to bestow upon citzens a right to bear arms to maintain a militia only (see U.S. v. Miller). Thus, it gives a collective right not an individual for all you people who assume you have a constitutional right to own a gun. Until the case of D.C. v. heller is concluded, there is no fundamental or absolute right to own a gun. It is entirely up to each states discretion to allow people to bear arms or not. Please learn the law before you try to recite it to strengthen your argument or make someone look stupid
  14. You can thank the Jets n Dolphins for that "super easy schedule"
  15. Suprised you like spiderman over the X-men movies. I thought all 3 X-men were better than all of the spiderman movies. Also the Blade movies were good too(people forget he is from marvel comics back in the day) I am siked to see Tony Starks though!
  16. With Pitt's intricate schedule, Im not sure they could be put in the 'solid bet' category (despite their good draft). With that said, Jac perhaps is more of a solid bet so presuming its Jac,SD, NE and Ind that leaves Den, Pitt, Clev, and Tenn. Tenn really hindered Vince's development by not pursuing a WR via draft or Free agency. However, their Def is still very solid and Vince still makes eye dropping plays. Be that as it may, with a medicore running game and Young's lack of WR's to win crucial games, I do not think their Def can carry them into this years post season. Denver keeps taking a couple steps back the last couple of seasons. Cutler still has not validated himself as the 'man' and w/ Walker's depature it is not going to get easier for him. Lynch and others are aging and by no stretch will they be a tough def to contend w/ in the AFC despite having the 'Champ.' I rule them out. Despite an intricate schedule, Pitt has only got better by bringing Sweed and Mendehall in. Their running game has a serious 1-2 threat now and Sweed will be huge with Ward and Holmes recieving most of the coverage. Presuming Ben stays healthy they will at least get a WC spot (not sure if they will beat Clev for Div). Clev is another team that has improved. However, their playoff hopes are entirely contingent upon Derek Anderson. Not sure if he is a one year wonder but if he is not and can duplicate the same #'s, then there in. Thus, if Derek Anderson cant lead his team like he did last season then I think we have a good chance of making the playoffs. If he can then I think we will have to beat Pitt for the last spot (either Jac or Ind will secure the other WC spot) in which are chances will signifcantly diminish.
  17. Shockey for this pk would be outstanding
  18. I bet Jets want Henne or Brohm w/ this trade up
  19. This has to be a record for most O-lineman selected in 1st and WR falling this far in the 1st
  20. D. Jackson and Lynch reunion????????
  21. I was thinking the same thing. You would of thought after henry's struggle last year that they would be apprehensive to reach again. Evidently not
  22. Wr's are going to start being picked now.
  23. Dorsey and Albert. KC is having a good draft thus far
  24. I could see Det picking Otah right now
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