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Posts posted by bananathumb

  1. Sure you can, unless they lose. Then you join LSI and Steely Dan on the "official thread" banned list.




    Lots to watch, regardless of the outcome. How will the Oline kids play? (my bet is, porrly, but who knows?)

    Will they give Trent any time at all to pass and if so, will he get the job done? (my bet is no and my hope is he isn't injured)

    Will TO be a leader or wimp out? (my best is the latter).

    Will anyone of our DEs make a play against Brady? (my best is yes, one of the Aarons).

    Will our special teams be good like last few years or bad like in pre-season. (my guess is, good again)

    Will Whitner do anything constructive? (I'll have my eyes on this disappointment and my bet is no).


    C'mon Freddy, put on a show.

  2. Just looking at the numbers, I'd guess that one of Kelsay, Denney and Schobel is going to get some bad news today. They've got a total of six guys with a good chance of making the final roster, but will probably only keep five.



    My guess (and Hope) is Kelsay. He may have gone home to Chicago for more reasons than a child's minor surgery. They might be offering him some pay-out options.

  3. thanks man, I thought you were talking about a television broadcast. I don't think most people have rabbit ears to reach michigan.



    Just saying, for those who can get it. Dtroit playing first team offense through 2nd quarter. Nic Harris loks really small.


    Stil no score. Dick challenges a "catch" and wins! wow.

  4. I would cut Donte Whitner. He makes absolutely no plays. It is mind boggling how we could have taken such a mediocre player with the 8th pick who is also very marginal athletically as well. He plays WAY too far from the line of scrimmage and can not close on the ball quickly. The Steelers last week hit several 15-20 yard passes over the middle because Whitner was not closing fast on the receiver. I don't think he would start on most teams. But looking at our safeties, they really are not very stellar in the least. I hope that Byrd can really step up and play.


    I would also cut Schouman and play Stupar and Nelson as our top two TE's. Has anyone else noticed that Schouman and Fine have been consistently injured since entering the league? What is wrong with them? They are always HURT.


    We have some top end talent at skill positions, but our second tier guys are pretty marginal when you look across the board. We need so much more production from safety and tight end. Hopefully, Byrd is a much better Whitner.



    You see what I see, which might be scary.

  5. Has a Buffalo blitzer under Jauron/Fewell ever reached the QB? Seriously, I've never seen more blitzing LBs run into the middle of the OL and get nowhere than on this team.


    Schobel/Maybin/Copeland/Ellis really need to provide a rush this season. That's the bottom line.




    Schobel looks done, and Kelsay has always been done. Like to see a different front - as you imply. Maybin at RDE, Bryant at RDE. Harris in place of Ellison. Scott and Byrd as safeties (if Byrd is as good as they hope). I think if we send Scott and/or Harris on blitzes, they might be an answer.

  6. from an article today by Gary Burns



    I’m also wondering what’s going to happen on Sundays at the Ralph when the stadium is packed to the rafters with tens of thousands of fans who have been drinking since the previous Thursday morning and Our Bills are behind by a score of 42-3 in the third quarter. Alcohol-fueled football rage is an ugly thing to behold, as we have seen all too frequently over the years in and around the big gridiron at Orchard Park.



    While I would hate to be there if riots break out, I'm wondering what changes this kind of ugly scene would bring about in Ralph's World.

  7. I said "if" they had a valid replacement. But you are right, they would find a way to throw away another pick for safety.


    Oh, and this applies to everyone who says you can't compare Ngata to Whitner, get real. He would have been ours and used to blow up offensive lines. Instead we get a guy who lacks playing speed and can't play the ball in coverage. The guy is above average in tackling RBs, and below average in coverage unless you count playing off the ball by 5 yards and tackling a valid way of playing the secondary every time.



    Big Ngata apparently made an interception against the Jets last night and ran it back for a TD. (When is the last time lil Donte has done that for us?) Oh yeah, Haloti is also good against the run. Great pick, Marv.

  8. All depends on how ugly it gets at RWS. I don't think Ralph makes any move at this stage of the game unless he is truly embarrassed by fan behavior (see: TD, 2005)



    56,000 season tickets holders should be able to make it pretty ugly for Jauron, Russ and Ralph to show up for home games.


    might be interesting to watch who is the scapegoat

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