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Posts posted by bananathumb

  1. Russ ain't the GM... all he is is the dude that rounds up the rest of the guys for meetings and then counts votes on decisions and declares that they've reached a consensus. Ralph is the only one in charge and he's content having placed the operation of the team in the hands of a few caretakers to maintain/sustain the status quo.


    Brandon wouldn't be a credible GM for a small fry footbal team. He can sure raise money though.


    If you've got a really bad product you've been trying to peddle... hire Russ. He will turn your trash into cash.




    Excellent. That should be Ralph's epitaph. I found a guy who could turn trash into cash!

  2. by bringing back jauron and this front office for another year, by not firing them after yesterday's embarrassment and by not coming out to face the boos to get his goddam HoF jewelery.


    How can a 90-year-old billionaire be so misery and ungrateful to the people who filled his moneybags?

  3. Esmonde makes the point that a lack of quality management is what is keeping the Bills from being successful. Everyone's favorite sports radio guy, Colin Cowhered, talked about the article this morning.


    Could not agree more on this assessment.





    Agreed. It's rotten from the top down. Nothing will change until... we all know the answer.

  4. I'm not a fan of Cowher. He had all the support from ownership and the front office a guy could want, his teams consistently choked or outclassed by Belichik...no thanks.


    He won't take us to the promised land. There are exactly zero coaches who have won the SB with 2 teams, hell the only coaches to appear on behalf of two franchises are Holmgren and Shula.


    I'd be in for a guy who has never won a SB, young or old, with a proven record of success. Guys like Marty Schottenheimer or Russ Grimm.



    Agree with you on Cowher. I can't stand that phoney grin he puts on in front of the CBS cameras. You can tell the guy is really content with himself being called Coach by the other suck-ups on the show. He's not worth the dough it would take, even if it is Ralph's and he's got plenty. What we really need is a great GM, who would know which young coaches to bring in.

  5. It has been talked about that John Fox is on a short leash in Carolina. I think he is a great coach that is missing alot of key ingredients in NC. He would probably come at a modest price that fits ralphs coach budget. Thoughts????



    Thought we should have signed him when we hired Greggo. Maybe second time around will work out.

  6. btw, not far fetched at all jauron could be gone soon. quote from an espn article:



    23. Houston

    22. Jacksonville

    21. Buffalo


    We just ran through 39 percent of the league … have I mentioned a team yet that you like even a little? I bet not. What sets this group apart: All three head coaches (Kubiak, Del Rio, Jauron) might get fired within the next three weeks, leaving the door slightly ajar for "momentum with the new guy" potential. Or in Buffalo's case, "momentum with a guy who seems like he might have a pulse."




    im telling you all, people around the league are noticing this guy's done




    Nice article by Mr. Simmons. Of course Jauron is done... at year's end.

  7. And what people don't consider is that Freddie has been running into defences that have often had two deep safeties when they've been double-teaming our WRs. If they do that, Marshawn will eat them alive. Fred Jackson is a good RB and a great receiver, but Marshawn is a better runner and we'll all see that shortly.




    I don't care which back gets the most carries; just want to see LOTS of carries by them both. Say, 20 for Fred and 15 for Marshawn, plus a little Oman. Hope AVP figures it out this week.

  8. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/writ...ords/index.html


    Mr. Lopez sees the silver lining many of us do too. We're, understandably, just to jaded to admit it.



    I hope he knows what he's talking about, because it is the most promising picture of the Bills' season i have read lately.


    His colleague, Don Banks, in the same two-piece article, says both the Pats and Jets make the playoffs, so that tempers the outlook considerably.


    If you combine the two outlooks, it predicts another 7-9-, 8-8 season! I think I'd prefer 5-11 and hope for a shake-up at the top.

  9. Thinking about the Saints and Brees, if I were Fewell I would be getting our talented corners on the field more than usual.


    I might run our base 4-3 on some first downs, but I would be going to a 4-1-6 defense a lot.


    Doubling Colston with Leodis and Donte, doubling the other wideout (Henderson likely) with McGee and Youboty, putting Corner on the slot (Meachum) and leaving Shockey in the hands of Scott. My one linebacker would be Mitchell (subbing in Ellison) whose job would be to shadow Bush. If they use a fourth receiver, it would no linebackers (not our strong suit anyway) and Ellis Langster time.


    C'mon Dick, you like DBs. This is the game to employ them.


    OK, attack.

  10. The Bills need a second receiver to complement Evans (who is annoyingly unable to get open as a real #1 WR should).


    Whether that is an aging TO or a james Hardy will depend on Hardy's showing this year. From what I've seen, he'll never be fast or smooth or smart enough to ever get the job done, which means you bring back TO or draft a top receiver. Too bad Lee needs such high maintenance.

  11. Guess we'll see when Lynch comes back.

    If Fred and X-man have two more good games, AVP and those above him are gonna have some big decisions to make.


    Personally, I'd give Marshawn the ball a lot to see how he looks and if he craps out, go back to Fred as starter.


    If Lynch looks good too, trade-talk is gonna come up, especially if the Bills' season looks dismal and other teams need a feature back for a playoff run. Lynch makes too much to be a back-up.

  12. The problem is Bell. I watched the replay of the game on NFL network today and this dummy was what cost us a last minute comeback, letting his man through for the final sack of Edwards. Not only that, he is so stupid he doesn't know how to line UP!


    How an organization can release Langston Walker and throw this dumbBell into our starting LT position is only something Ralph could answer.

  13. I voted for Special Teams for a few reasons.


    1. Our kickoff coverage played especially poor and allowed several good runbacks.

    2. Brian Moorman seemed off. Both distance and hang time were down.

    3. PR/KR were pedestrian.

    4. The final fumble by Leodis.



    agreed April's boys seem horrible this year, maybe due to the new rules he can't scheme around


    At the very least, he should have told Leodis not to run it back into traffic with the "hands" team out there blocking for him.


    Get it together, Bobby

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